Like can I into RP_RP without having to bother arranging stuff in skype for 2 hours before jumping ingame and having some folks to talk to beyond the generic "Hello." or "Hold for cargo scan"? I am so bored that I'm actually considering reinstalling to check how things are. I know, I feel guilty as well...
Yes it does! But the essential part of this is your personal initiative and some impromptu.
I always hesitated to start it and was awaiting for an opportunity which was rather a mistake of mine. Log in - see someone near, go there and start RPing whatever comes to your mind.
(07-22-2015, 04:23 PM)Punisher5431 Wrote: What is RP
Pretending to be someone else who is actually a non-existant video game entity and going through said persona's life as if it was real. It comes mostly in text form, because it's hard to make your voice sound like a 12 year old catgirl admiral and the Freelancer game has no actual pilot animations.