' Wrote:We cannot, nor would we, force anyone in the faction to log on; being an Angel is a volunteer gig. We could use more help, I agree, but there aren't many people willing to do the job. Nor should the Angel faction be the only ones helping new players. That is something all official factions should be doing.
Deadric i agree. As i have on many chars also rank 90 get i get many questions too. And just answer them if i know them. But i think its on the long run not only better for me. as i see a ship with a good id/ rep etc flying rather then see everytime violations going on. Ok im NO admin. Nor an angel. But if i see someone making such violations. I just talk to them and explain. If i see them again later on like a week. and still same violation i will sent a report about it. And then the admins may decide what to do. Think i did this 1 time for a violation report so not bad. and more fun for all of us. If the more experienced player just say to the less ones and explain why. It takes a little bit of your time and in the long run it benefits all of us.
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Pending Meoshi's answer, I don't think there is an issue with us directing people to the forums to take part in your lottery. I know I already stress to them that a forum account is a boon to them if they plan to play here much. Another incentive isn't a problem in my eyes.
Not that I really care much about it, but we don't exist in role play; we're an out of role play faction. No reason to refer to us regarding the issue in role play - the nod here works.
While I'd love to take some credit for the boost in activity I have to pass that on to the other members and thank them myself. I've been rather inactive myself, hope to change that soon.
@ Duvelske
I agree with you and it is great that others are helping us in our mission. Honestly, there is no need to be an Angel to help another person; the tag just makes you more of a symbol and seems to attract those needing help.
Pending Meoshi's answer, I don't think there is an issue with us directing people to the forums to take part in your lottery. I know I already stress to them that a forum account is a boon to them if they plan to play here much. Another incentive isn't a problem in my eyes.
Not that I really care much about it, but we don't exist in role play; we're an out of role play faction. No reason to refer to us regarding the issue in role play - the nod here works.
While I'd love to take some credit for the boost in activity I have to pass that on to the other members and thank them myself. I've been rather inactive myself, hope to change that soon.
Heh well I had a little word with Meoship and its really down to him to make the decision.
I will still be offering free tickets to everyone who is posting in the welcome forum (for the first time)
though either way.:)
Also, the tickets arnt for you guys!
They were for you to "give out" to new people heh.
(Although if you would like free tickets each I would be more than happy to pay for them)
SpaceTime took a ticket and waited in the queue. When his time came, he approached the feedback box and threw his letter inside. Then he quietly left the Angels' Headquarters.
SpaceTime Wrote:Hello Angels. I had an idea which I'd like to share with you. I believe there are players like myself who would like to help out in the forums (tutorials, guides) and in the wiki. But not ingame. Have you considered opening slots in your ranks for such players?
Unfortunately I have noticed that proper attention was never given in order to create a dedicated group of people to help with the wiki, a website which has a lot of potential and has significant advantages over forum posts.
You can make tutorials and guides without being an angel. As it is, I'm kinda at the point that you're speaking about. I mostly help out people via forum PMs and on skype, and do tutorial work sometimes.
To my understanding, we want people to do the ingame stuff as that's where most questions come from. Other than ingame, anyone can help out on the forums with the help section and making guides. I'll poke the other Angels on their thoughts about it, though.
Thing is that is how it has been done for the past 10 years. Indeed people have contributed but it wasn't an efficient work.
However if you are organized and have several people to assist you in specific fields each time then the task becomes much less enormous, you can receive help in fields which you are not proficient and of course the quality of the work also increases since there will be multiple people reviewing it.
And I think such groups can exist under the Angels' banner and guidance.
As it stands, we do maintain the main guides and tutorials and add them to the megathread. We've added other's tutorials and guides as well, or gone in and updated older ones to be relevant to the current mod version. Again, anyone can make a helpful thread. You don't need to have some label attached to yourself to be helpful.
As to the wiki. It's generally treated as an actual wiki, as in anyone can edit it as they please. If people want to join together and work on it, cool. It's not really moderated by any staff or the angels. It's free form.
edit: as for being efficient work, of course not. But then again no one is paid for doing any work for Disco nor are people required to do any work. People work on things they want to.
Thank you @Miaou for reply on our behalf. As Miaou said, we do try to maintain the tutorials and guides ourselves (As the Angels), but not a lot of people have had much time or the prefer to help in game as opposed to on the forum which is fine by me. Me and Miaou started updating the tutorials a a few months ago but then we were both side tracked by real life, preventing us from carrying on. As you might have noticed here, I am going to try and start doing them again and I will be looking for more help/ Hopefully Miaou will be helping me once again, but this isn't a two man job.
With regards to the Wiki page. This is something I haven't pushed for the Angels to do. As far as I know, there is already a team working on updating it, slowly but surely. My main focus for the Angels is the forum and ingame work where they'll hopefully be aiding people and possibly helping out with the tutorials. But as I said, people have preferences.
So, what I'm trying to say is that this isn't a 2 man job and any extra help would be appropriated. I've had a few people come to me with facts and info that will greatly help me and Miaou out. However, more help working physically on the tutorials would be great.
There's going to be a few changes in the Angels (hopefully), mostly internal, and hopefully this should sort many things out. If you're willing to help with updating tutorials, then contact me over skype. This goes to anyone else as well. I will offer out @"The Angels" forum account for easy editing once a final version has been made to those that want to help as well and possibly a temporary white name for you as well.
If you have any questions about the updating process, feel free to shoot.