(07-30-2015, 10:24 AM)Thyrzul Wrote: Call me elitist if you want, but without standards there is only chaos.
(07-30-2015, 10:02 AM)Laura C. Wrote: There is nothing like standard of roleplaying, only thing which may exist is YOUR standard of roleplaying. What is matter of your opinion and experience completely.
How should these "general standards" look like, what will be criterias and who would have authority to set them? Also, what if somebody would not have meet these standards? Should we punish him or what?
Perhaps it's part of the presentation that one gives that determines if one gets other peoples ears, or their gun barrels.
If you want or prefer talk or friendly roleplay with strangers or potential threatening people, the best you can do for a start is NOT showing up with a fully kitted combat fighter, cerberus laden transport basher, or the standard Order Recon Cruiser.
Wanna go do some spatial surveys without angering the locals? Get a freighter or a light fighter.
Mobility and a smaller threat rating will help your chances of handling encounters with words rather than guns. Choosing of the ship which you present yourself, combined with the posture you present to others, can help diffuse situations that invariably fall into combat.
@Laura C.
Dunno, maybe we should, maybe there could be other ways to get people at least not only try to RP and be happy with whatever they manage to puke out, but also try to improve. You said all that matters for you is that people try, no matter the previous experience (or lack of), but if they only try to do something without trying to get better at doing that, they'll never learn.
Peregrine, I have never roleplayed the survey effort with anything beyond the freighter. And situation in the yesterday's encounter were two Scimitar FL ID ships that posed no factual threat to any party.
Laura, I never stated I am complaining about noobs who learn to RP. Do not turn cat around by its tail. I am just worried that players do not follow their lore or roleplay, because all other do not do that. Look at me, I failed with my KTA for example because I wanted to meddle with inner Samura and Kishiro matters. But I have learnt my lesson, hence why I stick to the existing factions. I even managed to create noob-friendly (tutorial?) faction that gathered all the noobs which mined Helium in Penny and sold it in Okinawa, coming back with Plutonium.
But some people said, many players and factions are more concerned about getting blues rather than expanding the roleplay and their lore. The 343, for example, is keeping to the perma-death of everything above snub - as it is justified by lack of resources and highly outnumbered core fleet with one of two sole battleships severly damaged. We also follow action-reaction scheme, as you can see BAF-Exile alliance is no more due to incident in Leeds in which BAF shot down the high-ranking officer of the Imperial Fleet (you can find it in the CC section and 343 Standing Orders).
Well, if we keep the RP-ers and ban the lolwuts right away, then the server will be turned into a barren desert sooner than later, i'm afraid.
And, english is the most used language of the world. What is the difficulty of applying it to RP? It isn't that uber duper difficult if you're willing to learn it. I know that my english skill can't even be considered as adequate, but at least i tried. ^^ (Yes, i'm looking at you, lollies)
I'm sorry if it's out of context, Tori.
But i suggest you to take a break, dude. It's summer.
Also, if you consider yourself a hardcore RPer, you can turn any encounter into a RP session for yourself. Even silent engagement. It depends on how deep you are into your character.
(07-30-2015, 10:55 AM)Quetz Wrote: Well, if we keep the RP-ers and ban the lolwuts right away, then the server will be turned into a barren desert sooner than later, i'm afraid.
And, english is the most used language of the world. What is the difficulty of applying it to RP? It isn't that uber duper difficult if you're willing to learn it. I know that my english skill can't even be considered as adequate, but at least i tried. ^^
I'm sorry if it's out of context, Tori.
The thing you pointed out is also good thing. I always pointed out that a lot of people has ships that they do not deserve in the first place, because they lack the basic roleplay abilities or their English is limited to "me be LN, me kill pirate now".
But that's something out this topic, I believe, and it's quite controversial POV of mine that capital ships beyond the gunboats - or even destroyers, I'd give them that - should be reward for good roleplay, not being available right away in form of sell-points.
(07-30-2015, 10:55 AM)Quetz Wrote: But i suggest you to take a break, dude. It's summer.
The problem is I use every scrap of time to be actually in-game, because sometimes it is really hard to do so. Even Char can confirm that. The different thing are the forums, which can be accessed even from the most remote position.
I am a very new member to the community and to RP as a whole, but this tread make me to want to share my experience so far.
I have met some awesome people here doing awesome RP from various factions - The Sisterhood of Dreams, O'Rhu, Bloodrose syndicate, Order|, BD|, K'Hara, Canaan, <PRIME>, Liberty Rogues, Thallia Thorn, SCRA|,the Sirens.Bell ship, {343}, some people will hate me for this but also Core and bare in mind i RPied with Core as an O'Rhu (and did not got blued). I apologize if i miss someone, it is not intentional i have not interacted with you yet. Also many of those factions(or ships) have some awesome RP going on within them.
No matter my weak RP those guys patiently helped me to RP, did not blue me and i learned tons of stuff.
There are also some awesome PVPers out there. A true magicians of both cap and snub ships.
The so called lolwuts i have met 99% were indies and they are very few as a whole in my interaction the last month or so. And they actually really are a minority in the community.
I am always careful and i try to approach people the right way and to respect what gives them enjoyment in the game. With this strategy i have no problems in the game to this moment and i also enjoy the game a lot .
As i see it both PVP and RP ads to the diversity we have and diversity is a good thing. Perhaps a little bit more respect from both sides won't hurt , but at the end we have what we have and we should treasure it.
Please do not disregard what all of those people try to do and what they have achieved.