Ok, my friend pointed me in the direction of this fun little fighting game. Uses ragdoll physics, and you are in near complete control of your little fighter. To get him to do stuff, you relax, hold, extend, or contract specific muscles, and you can grab and let go with the hands. Quite cool. At first, you just flail around ineffectually in a heap, but after a bit of practice you can do some pretty cool things. Free to download and play, too. Just thought I'd share it with you, as it is quite fun, and can be really hilarious, given some of the moves you can do.
Oh, I should also note that body parts can be dismembered (there's some blood spray, but the little fighter men just have white cylinders and blocks for body parts with coloured spheres for joints), and the dismembered body parts are still under the control of the owner. This means that some rather unorthodox archery techniques can be used.
Yeah, it's pretty good. Part of the fun comes from watching yourself flail around in unexpected ways. :P
Personally, one of my favourite attacks was when I once managed to launch myself at an opponent headfirst, broke him in half with my face, and then spent the rest of the match doing backflips around the stage. :DOnly on singleplayer, but, still, pretty funny.