Computer is down. Not really sure what's wrong atm as one moment it was all good and the next moment my internet stopped so I restarted and then I got a bluescreen and a bugcheck thing....
Safe mode works. Going to be backing up everything important and hoping to get it all fixed soon.
I'll be gone from the game and Skype and steam etc. Im using my phone to forum and write quick PMs to hold down the fort.
Hopefully this will pass over soon.... :/
In the mean time I'll be doing things to keep busy and trying to fix things.
Soo... BRB!
IF you need to contact me then PM me or for AFC stuff PM the AFC account.
Backup everything important, reinstall OS, if it keeps breaking after that it is the hardware, if not install programs, if it breaks after that find rekt program, bam your computer is fixed.
Signatures may not be bigger than 700x250, 1MB. ~Skorak
Ye I tried to look up the codes but couldn't really find a good answer...
If you find anything then much appreciated. Maybe there is something around.
Thank you thank you.
Not gonna use Skype tonight or other stuff.
Going to back up, scan my comp, and head to bed xD
Hoping that it wont take too long... Or I guess I'll leave it over night