Ahhh Minerva, the lovely AI shrouded in mystery, looking forward to see how you guys work with the ever twisted AI Lore, oh but one question.... whos the leader of this faction? Cause I do have a little suspicion. Also, how does this faction get its AI to its cause exactly? Not many Gammu AI break out of the mainframe, even Minerva couldnt waste enough power to break some free once she got out, so what does Minerva "make" AI to serve her or something?
(01-22-2016, 10:02 PM)Ace Razgriz Wrote: Ahhh Minerva, the lovely AI shrouded in mystery, looking forward to see how you guys work with the ever twisted AI Lore, oh but one question.... whos the leader of this faction? Cause I do have a little suspicion. Also, how does this faction get its AI to its cause exactly? Not many Gammu AI break out of the mainframe, even Minerva couldnt waste enough power to break some free once she got out, so what does Minerva "make" AI to serve her or something?
Well, I guess it is obvious, who leads this. I don't know, how to deal with a twisted AI lore, that belongs to the twist. As long there won't appear a news to a complete or significant retcon of the AI faction the creation of Minerva stays as described here. In case the history of AI gets drastically changed, the Origin part has to be revised in a consent with the official faction leaders, of course.
In my opinion, to RP a sentient AI contains a couple things able to do, exploring, individual evaluations and else. It's about canonic RP. I simply don't claim the Gammu core dependence is stronger than something of the Daam K'Vosh. Easily means Minerva has met a stronger force, there is a disconnection to the mainframe, but there isn't a cut to her affiliation to Gammu, caring about Gammu is still a strong part within the RP.
Thanks for the motivative words. We still have the generic terms in mind about such sci-fi universes like freelancer. Majorly it is always, humans, aliens and some AI thing. We feel a mandatory need to involve and dependent it from the written FL/Disco canon in a polite and most important logic way, deserving to belong to discovery.
I might add, this is a non-pvp faction, means we don't mount weapons on our ships.
Well Kappa IS getting an overhaul, 'bout Minerva we were just too lazy to remove it, but we agreed on removing it from the Lore completely since months. It's your faction though. So Minerva ain't gonna be a canon part of the Lore or soemthing, it'll be your independant AI, which it always was, to point it out Hassl.
But in any case, you told us you don't want to be part of Prime, but I honestly don't remember if you requested at least "Approval" to use OUR Lore in your faction. It's a Player Faction Lore, not the NPC Faction. If you just want Minerva, go with it, but the Artificial Enigma is Prime Lore.