Pretty sure if that was the case, people would be raging.
The games you mentioned run perfectly fine on my system.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
There are some fixes now but the product still isn't how it should be and Bioware and AMD couldn't care less because it's an old game. And people have been raging, me included.
There are some fixes now but the product still isn't how it should be and Bioware and AMD couldn't care less because it's an old game. And people have been raging, me included.
I recently played through ME1 and played a bit of Ex as well and did not have any problems with this.
Running a FX-8350 and a GTX 960.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Maybe they fixed the newer series. I'm running FX 6100. When I played ME1 and found the bug, I've done research. First, people said it was the motherboard, then they said it was the video card but in the end, the cause was attributed to the Bulldozer CPUs from AMD.
I play a few old games but i mean..i'm not entirely sure regardless how a CPU would affect the game. Since to me, all graphical aspects are dealt with by the card. I think somewhere in those mystical forums on the internet the problem has boiled down to using something like Integrated graphics.
Just because the GPU processes the graphics does not mean that the CPU has no part in running your games. Graphical glitches can be caused by a variety of things. I remember struggling with getting Borderlands to work back when I had a 6300, because of how my mobo handled clockspeed at the time, for example.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Aha i see. But eh, most of the issues i have these days are because of (usually) software. But that all stopped interestingly enough when i rolled it back to 7 Ultimate. I recall something glitchy going on with Freelancer with an old old old old Advent Laptop. This thing..ran XP and was terrible. Intel Centrino or something like that, for some reason the hardware combo didn't really allow it to do anything but overheat and burn my knee.
As a side note, i seem to have learned a fair bit posting threads in this forum about my technology shenanigans lol.
Okay so i have managed to find an i5 3550 which was an absolute steal on Ebay. Didn't think i'd actually win the auction. Cost me around £70 including delivery or something. Anyway i've taken the initiative and decided to not risk running it on the cooler i'm using on my i3, since that cooler came off a Pentium G2030 originally so it's an old stock thing. Tiny heatsink and fan, surprised the bearings in the fan itself haven't gone pop yet. Seeing as how the wattage difference between the i3 and Pentium are marginal i didn't see the point in changing it then. Anyway i was looking at a silent/low profile cooler, any recommendations? i've used Artic cooling systems for years. (Currently my front, rear and side case fans, just because they have 12 blade designs which run virtually silent). I was looking at this Even though it might be a tad over the top for an i5. But id rather the cooler was too good and kept the temperature as low as possible than get one that scrapes the margin and lets the thing hit 65C or something....
160w is more than enough for an Intel processor, but I do not think there is such a thing as overkill when it comes to cooling. It only means you can get away with lower RPM fans and , by extension, less noise.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: