As the screen switches on, soldiers identifying by their striking armours as Ghosts are seen moving containers suitable for massive export off screen, marked with transshipment codes as well as various hazard signs reaching from chemical over plasmic to anti-material.
Bay nine. The ex-devices last, they're going to the Dies. Chems for second drop and exchange-ready, don't want the religious lapdancers given time to interfere. And someone call the Four-Seven-Niner to report. We actually need the goddamn best pilot we can get for that.
With the voice a sporty young woman steps into the view and when done issuing commands turning over to knock a few times at the screen. Her villainous look indicates this is to amuse herself knowing the noises will intensify ever so on the other end.
The hell I'd actually know who you're but obviously we got your frequencies by now and I was tasked contacting you to figure out what the frakk you people are and what your damn problem is. A witch for the ... you get what I'm on about. My sister believes we'll make a lovely couple. Don't even think about it.
Looks like you got some bitter hatred towards anything Nacion for whatever reason. Might want to share so we're even more entertained when wrecking your pilots down. Fill me in, what type of perverted miscarriages is your band and why you insist on being such an annoyance that I've to deal with your wretched existence now? That alone makes you a major annoyance but looks like you're not done by just being born, you even stay alive to openly fly against Nacions forces. By the goddess what's wrong with your head? Been beaten as child, unloved and thrown on the streets, charmed by violators and told you despite all your screaming couldn't get them off?
Maybe come visiting me. I'll punch you for a while just for the laughs before trying to crack the wall with your noggin until I get bored. Which might take a while, I really enjoy hurting people. Heard you like that too. Heh, eventually we should team up for a bit hard fun. The daft fanatics of the Cross will suffice for a start, it's said they're turned on by humiliating themselves in any way possible, so if you got a lucky day they might try to get in bed with you actually posing as the illiterate disabled they're in belief shows them off as Maltese. Hilarious, if not for the disgrace to Nacion that ruins that joke they truly insist to be.
She looks to her left and an expression of pure lechery suggests that she is veritably keen on what is to see. As she turns back to the screen, viciousness in her countenance, a missile the size of a gunship is relocated in the background, carried on low-floor hovering cantilevers.
It's a sweetheart, innit? Love the impact of those, gets me wet. Military-grade Mark Five plasma-fired antimatter warhead, used to vaporize stations. Rather cities in its case.
Looks like I just changed my mind about your very existance not accounting as a sole waste. Just for a bit, don't have it vanquish the last negligible amount of sanity within you. Here's the deal, you and your deficient degenerates stop wasting my squadrons time and we'll not have one of those talents root you brutally. How does that sound? And before you now hopefully die of cardiac insufficiency in a few moments over realizing your inability to ran your fist deep enough between your legs to overcome the desire that heatens you up right now, this's just between the Ghosts and your insolent pack.
Anything left to say? Guess not.
Get lost. Don't forget to call me back.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.
I'd be more inclined to inform you of us if not for listening to whatever the hell you were rambling on about. Aaanyway, getting to the point...
I'm more interested as to what and why your sister is fascinated by us. Anyway, I'll indulge you with some information about us, despite your rather captious attitude.
Battlegroup Auxesia is more interested in stopping the deliquent elements of the Maltese Nation, namely the more... devout organisations, helping cause issues with their 'Spirits' and the ones that desire to cause trouble - So by far means, no we do not wish to harm /all/ Maltese Civilians, as we know there are elements who wish for the... hm, the better.
So, amuse me, what is it that you truly want? And don't push it by adding even more querulous statements to the messages. Please get to the point next time.
So you had the questionable pleasure to speak to my sister. Call me not impressed, she's spending her time on the types of people I'd rather deal with by shooting. Like I'd you but she's the one writing the orders so your dishy back is safe for now. Before we continue, cry again to her and I'll have Kelly ravish you to pieces and throw what's left of your foxy self out an airlock.
Now that we've settled your undeniable love for me, might aswell get to business.
Not that it amuses me that I've to repeat myself, it's like you've lost or never had any ability to listen the first time. Your life will turn miserable beyond imagination if I've to write it up and send you a letter. So you're into stopping the how you called it deliquent elements of Nacion Maltese and those that cause trouble. Sounds like you're about to shoot yourself, do me that favour when you got a spare minute. Yet this doesn't answer the question where the hell you came about and what else your nondescript squadron has on its vapid list of orders. So expand on that. No need to stop cutting down the lines of the fanatic squirrels called Cross whilst you're on it.
And Jared. I was required to mention that one separately. Knock him out.
To add to that, should you ever act against a maltese civilian then you and your band can already now start training how long you're able to keep your breathe as you'll be drowned in your own blood. Whatever your desire is, it's an issue between you and the combatting forces of Ishmael or the lunatics from the Cross.
Other than that, I take my sister and you already agreed upon not to blast each other out the skies, much to my disappointment. We're here to get this sealed by the looks of it.
As a sidenote, I'm requested to offer you treatment and specialists care on medical and technological fields along with whatever you have in mind based on the rate you actually made yourself somewhat valuable. You're also asked to assist the individuals that, as you had put it, wish for the better. That's us, for the record so your nonexistent capacity in understanding isn't challenged too much. There's a vast amount of industrial material we've an interest in, I'll get you the list later once you got yourself together enough to sign the armistice between our forces.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.
Either way, your ability to communicate doesn't concern me. Moving on.
It's been some time since we last took input on this - due to the confusion within the nature of this proposal - discussions were lengthy and as you expect, the suspicions that were risen within.
We will dis-engage with the 101st Forces under the conditions:
Conditions Wrote:
-Vessels are to not to associate with the Slomon K'Hara, those that are found will be engaged.
-Vessels obtaining items of K'Haran origin outside of Maltese core space, artifact & other cargo, weapon or otherwise, will be questioned and/or demanded to release it
-Cardamine is used for personal and for relative use. Limited to 5 units on combat vessels. Trading vessels are prohibited from selling Cardamine at non-Outcast affiliated drop points. Limits do not apply in Maltese core space.
-Vessels initiating hostile acts upon a non-combatant or a civilian vessel will be engaged. Unless a good reason is in place for the initation of the scenario. Note this doesn't apply if the situation started in Maltese core space.
-Individuals actively seen assisting the Cross, Commune or Oracles, combat or otherwise, will be questioned/and/or terminated.
-Usage of Cardamine-based weaponry is highly prohibited.
-Slavers and the like are also prohibited.
-Warships seen outside of their operational zone will also be questioned, but not condemned upon sight.
It's within our interests to ensure that everyone is safe, and that the Nomad kind does not gain an advantage over our species, nor do we especially need fools such as the Cross converting more people to become slaves of them.
Thought already you'd not get around to make up your mind and actually answer. Not many endure this procedure and yet you've managed to rally your act and get done with this. A misery rather given it took away the chance to press my boot in your face but eventually this'll happen anyways under different circumstances. It's good to see you came to realize we're not your enemy. We'll see if you can keep that state of mind up for a sufficient interval.
From reading your stated conditions the impression still strikes me that you've no idea who we're, less how we operate and least how to properly adress us. I'll give you that previous transmissions gave you a hard time figuring most of that out on your own but here I thought you'd actually get your facts from other sources besides us. Don't tell me I've underestimated your ability to function?
'HundredFirst is Nacions primary military, most effective reconnaissance and special operational squadron just as we sport as its supreme R/D-division.
With you having that in mind I'll adress the list.
Commented Conditions Wrote:
- Ghost squadron retains any and all rights to sympathize with whatever entitiy deemed appropriate that very moment. This includes but is not limited to those referred to as K'Hara. Ghost squadron won't openly engage in combat aside before mentioned alien subjects in actions aimed against civilian craft but active combatants within maltese core and contested territory. Ghost squadron will not deny K'Haran assistance against targets of tactical value.
- Retrieval of objects declared crucial to research won't be hindered regardless of their origin or nature.
- Ghost soldiers may possess any amount of Cardamine or its derivates at any given time. These are not for distribution on open markets.
- 'HundredFirst will open combat actions against targets hazardous to Nacion or otherwise declared as hostile units regardless of affiliation.
- Ghost squadron will join forces with mentioned parties to act as the shield to Nacion if necessary.
- There's no Cardamine-based weaponry in existance.
- Granted.
- Granted.
There's an additional criteria by our side.
Addition Wrote:
- Maltese laws are definite to the Auxesian squadron within maltese core territory as defined by the Corsican Set of Maltese Laws.
- Any stated individuals next to 'HundredFirst squadron is not to be engaged for the time it's accompanied by a Ghost soldier.
Once you agreed upon and signed it we may move onward to actually get to know each other better. Kind of a tough start we had I'd say, so we eventually want to set that straight before impressions manifest to incorrect beliefs that'll cause fallacious thoughts turning into imagined truth.
For power. For Ishmael. For the Ghosts.
'Stefania Casta.