Message from: David Rose, CEO Detroit Munitions
Encryption: Civilian
Subject: Joint Licensing Procedures
Well met, Chief Rogers. You may have heard recently that Detroit Munitions is under new management. That new management - he pauses to chuckle a moment - is me. You and I haven't met before, but I'm eager to work together. To get to the point, Detroit has a plan to increase the scope of our Licensed Distributor registration, and offer financial incentives to the most successful resalers of our products.
Obviously, our company is, as always, very concerned about the possibility of our top-of-the-line products falling into the hands of unsavory sorts, and so we'd like to establish a line of contact with Liberty's Finest to make sure that we don't accidentally approve any criminals or potential suspects to distribute Detroit Munitions products - not only would it be terrible PR, but it would pain us all if we discovered our products had harmed innocents. You understand our situation. If you and your boys in blue have the resources to spare to clear any potential new Detroit contractors, it would take a huge burden off all of us here. Let me know what you think.
ID: Chief Jax Rogers Encryption: Standard Date of Receiving: 3/16/823 A.S.
Well, good day to you mister Rose. -the orange haired man smiles towards the video feed screen with a strange blunt stare, before turning for a moment to take a step back towards what seems to be a captains chair. Siting down slowly and clearing his throat Jax looks up at the feed again- I honestly don't know how the news of Detroits new administration didnt reach me. But either way, I'm not sure how I should comment, I hope that its now in capable hands. Actually with the first impression you made on me, I am certain it is. Now rather then just listening to me here senselessly ramble lets move on to the point quickly. An increase of licensed light arms trade would contribute to the Liberty Police greatly as you may not imagine. That would mean that more civilians will be able to obtain an item of self defense, making our jobs slightly easier which I always appreciate.
As we have access to a very large database on every citizen residing within Liberty, checking their records for you is well within our ability. I'v already notified my office slaves -he coughs awkwardly- workers about it, my paperwork drones! You know. The Liberty Police Incorporated looks forward to co-operating with you.
Message from: David Rose, CEO Detroit Munitions
Encryption: Civilian
Subject: Joint Licensing Procedures
Chief Rogers, we've got some contractors who we need to run by you. One Cody Faulkner with the callsign Pocket.Wolf, one Larry Macduff of the callsign Algoma.Equinox, and a small shipping outfit by the name of Triple Hazard Pay Inc, apparently run by one Wallace Binghamton - their callsigns all begin with THP|. Furthermore, the Junker Marauders - who assure us that, despite the ominous-sounding name, they've got a good relationship with the LPI. Just a brief background check is all we need - no terrorism, arson, murder, jaywalking convictions, you know. I'll forward more names to you as more contractors start to apply.
ID: Chief Jax Rogers Encryption: Standard Date of Receiving: 3/23/823 A.S.
A good day to you mister Rose. I'v had my secretary run through the Liberty Police Incorporated database on all of the above mentioned individuals as well as Triple Hazards Pay Incorporated as a whole. Search results are as followed:
Quote:Cody Faulkner has been charged once for breaking section 1.1 by carrying contraband known as black market munitions through Liberty space, once for breaking section 1.4 by escaping authority when told to stop, and lastly he was charged for insulting an officer on duty.
Larry Macduff is clean as far as I see, a pretty well kept record.
Junker Marauders hold a perfect record with Liberty as well and are good to go.
Triple Hazards Pay Incorporated along with its head is unknown to Liberty, or at least unknown to the LPI database so I guess you can call that clean?
I hope you find this information helpful. Have a good day.. I will be expecting the next "batch" of individuals to pull a check on.
Message from: David Rose, CEO Detroit Munitions
Encryption: Civilian
Subject: Joint Licensing Procedures, and A Favor
Hello again, my friend. This is David Rose here again, with some important business to discuss. I apologize in advance, Chief Rogers, for the unseemly mixture of pedestrian matters and more noteworthy requests, but the following matters are of some urgency. First off, Gatz tells me we have a new applicant for our Distributor program - Sombra Hookier, callsign Sombra.Hookier.
Second, and more importantly... Detroit has an important request of the LPI. As you know, we have been very aggressively in support of our Bretonian allies in the war against the forces of fascism and oppression. Indeed, if you check our distribution records, you'll see our Licensed Distributors have brought thirteen thousand, seven hundred forty units to the Bretonian battleships on the front lines in Newcastle within the past two weeks alone, to say nothing of what our regular contractors and directly-employed shippers have done. If our two hundred plus years of loyal service to and cooperation with the forces of Liberty, private security firms, civilians across Sirius, and assorted other entities wasn't enough to prove our unshakable dedication to the well-being of Liberty and her allies, hopefully recent events remove any shadow of a doubt.
With all that being said, Detroit Munitions would like to share one of our plans with Liberty's Finest, in the hopes of full cooperation, in the name of the Republic. While we, as with every other corporation, pay export tax on our fine products, if we were given permission to export to Bretonia onlywithout paying the normal export taxes on our product, we could supply the Bretonian Armed Forces in their fight against the Gallic Menace much more cheaply and efficiently, as we would be able to lower the final sale price without affecting our profit margins - and we already cut our Bretonian allies quite a deal, compared to sales made to civilian distributors. Obviously, this would benefit Liberty as well, and would hopefully help to turn the tide towards our favor.
While we recognize that Liberty's Finest cannot simply change the Laws of Liberty on a whim, we were hoping that you, Chief Rogers, would see the enormous potential for all related parties were this request acquiesced to by the Government, and therefore bring forth this matter to the relevant legislators with your sponsorship behind it. Furthermore, perhaps a... less formal arrangement might be reached regarding this situation, as a temporary stopgap of sorts. If you're interested in further discussion on such, I would extend a personal invitation to you to visit my office on Denver.
As always, Detroit Munitions, and I personally, greatly appreciate your time and consideration. I hope dearly we can come to an understanding regarding this.
ID: Chief Jax Rogers Encryption: Standard Date of Receiving: 4/7/823 A.S.
Well, hello there mister Rose. What an unnecessary amount of subtlety, even if this is one of the more interesting things you have asked me to do for you. It kind of sucks yeah.. I mean uhm.. sadly.. the Liberty police incorporated as pretty much a private security company that doesn't have a lot of power when it comes to these kind of decisions. And if I myself were to put in such a request to the government office, it would raise a lot of unwanted suspicion no? Especially given the reputation of our previous chiefs. Feel free to put in a request yourself though, I will vouch for you if needed on the basis of positive past experiences.
Now, while you wait, meanwhile the LPI would be glad to work something out temporarily, just until you get, or not get your license for hauling unregistered ammunition's. Even if the welfare of the Republics allies is in our interest, profit always comes first to a corporation right? Even though I cant influence the navy nor the security force in your favor, just a small, tiny share of Detroits profits per month goes to our treasury, and my officers will look away.
I am open for discussion and I hope you have a good night. Wait! Right.. right.. before I go, whoever Sombra.Hookier is has got no criminal record and is good to go. Now I can safely say "have a good night".