Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts are exclusively manufactured at the Ageira Technologies facility in the Colorado system and are delivered to individual construction sites as necessary. These components are sealed in scanner-proof, tamper-proof white boxes that can only be opened with complex biometric keys. The boxes are also designed to detonate if opened outside of an authorized facility. Additional security measures are confidential, but Ageira has never failed to recover a missing white box.
Pueblo Station is the main Ageira Trade Lane and Gate component manufacturing plant. It has been in operation for centuries, but much of it's interior is still a very closely guarded secret. Components only leave the secured sections in "Whiteboxes", secure containers with an elaborate locking mechanism set to destroy its contents if any form of tampering is detected. To date, no white box is known to ever have been compromised - but to keep up with innovations, Ageira continues to refine their design, and holds an annual "Crack the Whitebox" contest to see how the boxes stand up to Liberty's finest rogues. Security around Pueblo is tight. The Lane Hackers frequently attack the facility, but their attacks are more a disruption then a serious threat to Pueblo. Rogue fighters have also on occasion threatened the facility, but aside from a major incident in 800 A.S., their attacks seem mostly focused on seizing cargo they can use. Notice: All ships should be aware that Ageira Technologies facilities are protected by private security authorized to use deadly force against any deviation from standard flight procedures.
(03-30-2016, 01:24 PM)Snak3 Wrote: Where is the lore behind other Docking Rings? There's lore behind Yuma's, which states that DSE built it. Which actually confirms all established lore hinting it being Ageira's technology.
What about Planet Gran Canaria? Planet Akabat? Pecos? Malta? Crete? Minor ( gone )? Tangier?
Lane Hackers.
As far as I know, the lore behind docking rings originates from the Valhalla One which the Daam K'Vosh left behind (not sure, though!). Since it's likely that many certain crafts wouldn't be able to withstand the pressure of the atmospheres it'd overall be a cheaper solution to opt for something like docking rings, rather than make the production of ships more expensive by giving them heat shields of some sorts? At least that's what I could imagine. As for the technology to build it, it's not as complex as structures like trade lanes and jump gates. So, I don't see how factions like the Zoners or Corsairs, Order etc couldn't build them.
About the relation thingy, Sirius was a lot smaller back then. Factions were weaker and thus probably more open to negotiations and temporary truces, if that's a way to put it.
Docking Ring Parts are exclusively manufactured at the Ageira Technologies facility in the Colorado system and are delivered to individual construction sites as necessary. These components are sealed in scanner-proof, tamper-proof white boxes that can only be opened with complex biometric keys. The boxes are also designed to detonate if opened outside of an authorized facility. Additional security measures are confidential, but Ageira has never failed to recover a missing white box.
Basically J said everything in the first post that is to be said. I agree wholly.
If you cant live with someone RPing their own thing, regardless of what it is, just go out of their way. You are not -forced- to do something you dont want to do (trading being a tedious exclusion to this ofc). Nowhere is it written that if for example a furry or whatever tries to interact with you, you have to acknowledge its a legitimate thing, or that you have to reply to it. You can either think of it as a human with delusions or something, or just ignore it. If you start spitting hate against things just because they dont fit within your view of disco, it will only drive people away, or cause more flames.
This Galaxy is vast; its wonders and beauty are almost unfathomable. But the galaxy also hides dark secrets, some of which have lain dormant since the beginning of time itself. There is a danger in secrets, both in seeking and in knowing. Some things are meant to be hidden from view. Some mysteries defy understanding, and sometimes even the things we think we know are untrue. Some secrets should remain untouched.
It's all partially based on karma. What goes around sticks around. Like when you point with a laser pointer at a mirror, it's gonna get back at you. It's just that simple and yet so complicated for some.
+1 for Durandal's post. Not just about Docking Rings, Trade Lane and jumpgate parts (Which should also have a sell point in Gallia as well as one unlawful station - blackmarket parts for such?), but in general. We all want immersion, we all want our RP to carry weight and be part of canon/Disco lore. But that should never hinder the idea's people have. Yes we want to ENCOURAGE people remaining in the realm of legitimate Sci-Fi as well as the canon in Disco, but our own opinions should never dictate what someone can/cannot do. As long as rules and ID's aren't being broken, and your RP isn't dictating what someone else should do without their consent, then go for it! Let's see what someone can come up with! We should encourage new/fresh RP, not try to govern it and close it in because "Well, only MY group is allowed to do that, and yours doesn't so no you can't do that". C'mon guys. It's a game. It's meant for everyone to have fun. So instead of beating someone down for their idea, perhaps help them on finetuning it, or coming up with ideas on how it could work, versus how it can't.
(03-30-2016, 04:29 PM)Durandal Wrote: Y'know.. the point of this thread wasn't about docking rings, so kudos to the few people who are keeping their posts on topic.
It is still the same subject.
Are you preaching to allow roleplay that directly negates and goes against established lore? Because it looks to some of us like you do.