Compare that to Wisp. Wisp put in 1000% more effort than those two factions did, yet they've been denied. This is incredibly unfair.
Especially when the entire NPC faction got slapped with an activity breaking ID nerf. At least with a sucky ID, it looked like we'd still get a Cryer official faction. But now, with this denied and the ID changes still standing, it looks like the only chance to get a Cryer official faction ever has now permantly been shut down.
I understand that there may be behind-the-scenes reasons for this, but I am very suspicious of whatever those circumstances may be.
I think it'd be easier for you guys if I just put it in here. It'll make responding to everything easier.
Quote:- Wisp officialdom failed - PM staff for details
- Ageira faction perk request failed - PM staff for details
Like... i get the whole 'transparency' a bit... but this may be moving towards calling admins out or exposing things?
It would be nice to know the reasons I suppose in public but then again it was asked by the admin team to PM for details and I do think it is more efficient to do this.
I would definitely make public whatever I get on pm, however I haven't received a single thing yet. Meanwhile from what I know, @"Snak3" received his clarification almost immediately after the announcement if not even before.
(04-12-2016, 06:53 PM)Jeremy Hunter Wrote: I'm still waiting for the rest of the Admin Team to post their views on the furry debacle, honestly.
Only about four or five did, and I know what one of them did say so I know a good chunk of the discussion. I, and many others, would like the rest.
More transparency, Admin Team.
I'm with Snak3 on this.
How an Admin Votes on a particular Subject is up to them. If they want to post what they voted and/or what they said, in the discussion, is up to them. Just because it was done, on a particular emotive subject , doesn't mean that it will be done for every Subject.
(04-12-2016, 09:08 PM)Protégé Wrote: I would definitely make public whatever I get on pm, however I haven't received a single thing yet. Meanwhile from what I know, @"Snak3" received his clarification almost immediately after the announcement if not even before.
Double standards much?
I have just got in, from a long day at work, and I have already responded to your pm. I haven't arrived at the Posts, on the Forums, dealing with these Announcements.
(04-12-2016, 09:15 PM)Protégé Wrote: All right, that's not even details.
Not much to say, other than it was voted on and the majority vote was for NO.
For the record, I sent this PM to four admins - I believe those were Drrobe, Shinju, aerelm and St.Denis.
As I said, in a Post above, I haven't even had time, yet, to get to that part of the Forums.
You asked me a question, I replied to that question. I don't have to give you any particular details other than what I have already sent you. If the Admin that dealt with that particular Post wants to pm you more details, then it is up to him.
You will not/should not get any details on how any particular Admin voted or their comments unless they want to personally tell you themselves.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person
(04-12-2016, 09:15 PM)Protégé Wrote: For the record, I sent this PM to four admins - I believe those were Drrobe, Shinju, aerelm and St.Denis.
I was going to reply to you in PM, but since you said you'll quote it here figured I might as well just post it here. So, for the sake of transparency here's as transparent as the reason for not getting any answer to the PM you sent me 6 hours ago gets:
There's this thing called a pillow, which I obviously prefer to you.
Now on a more serious note, to the reason why Wisp did not get greenstamped:
You yourself admitted to me during a discussion last Friday that the now-removed line from Cryer ID was the sole reason you had for picking that ID for Wisp. During the same discussion, I pointed out that the whole point of playing a NPC group is to at least remotely resemble the established structure of that faction (sure, you can make a faction and freely do absolutely whatever you want. That's what generic IDs are there for). Reasonably and logically, Cryer can and might try to do things like actively and aggressively going after Cardamine convoys and whatnot, but through a third party such as BHG or a PMC (as the ingame infocards and rumors support), and as I've already pointed out to you, the concept of Wisp perfectly fits such a PMC but it would in no way imply Wisp represents Cryer as a faction in any form, and hence why it would not be a suitable official group representing Cryer NPC faction.
Each NPC faction, based on their individual background and lore has a particular roleplay element as their focus and generally a few other elements on the side, and any official group should do their best reflecting that in their playstyle. Whereas certain factions like house military, BHG, etc are by nature PvP-centric factions, or average corps which are focused on trading/mining, factions like Cryer, Planetform, Orbital, etc each have their own unique RP element to work with and try to portray ingame. Wisp was not a "bad faction" per se, but the choice of ID was in no way a good one, because Cryer is one of the few NPC factions which has an extensive and unique lore of it's own, and the official faction representing it which should be an example of how creatively the faction can be played is not meant to be played as "BHG who also trade when bored".
Here's a two and two for you to put together:
- A particular line was removed from Cryer ID, because it was proven to be abusable in a way Cryer faction was never intended as.
- According to yourself, that particular line was the sole allowance Wisp depended on and to quote your exact words, with that line removed Wisp has "no reason to log".
tl;dr - The team did not approve Wisp to officially represent Cryer faction, because Wisp hardly portrays any of the qualities of a Cryer faction.
So, despite the impressive quantity of work put into Wisp since it applied for official status, it's failed to make up for the quality it should've had to begin with, and this reasoning is something you already knew (and you can't say you didn't know, since I practically just c/p'ed this post from that same skype log), so PMing not one, but four admins the moment you see your official request was not approved, and coming in here to complain about "not getting any answers" less than two hours after sending those PMs only implies you're not interested in knowing the actual reason, and are only interested in being told something, anything, that you can use to argue with for hours until you yourself get bored of arguing.