Gallia’s massive push into the Taus and later Bretonia as well as defeating Kusari has caused mass panic and open war. The people of Sirius had little to no clue what laid waiting just a few stellar systems away. With the break of the minefield, Gallia’s hand was shown but it was far too late. The Taus laid in waste, Kusari was brought down to its knees while the upper Bretonian systems became heated combat zones. Edinburgh fell first, and without stopping the Fall of Leeds crashed into the news. Gallia seems near impossible to stop, and the amounts of bodies rises in count second after second.
There is little one can do to the overwelming odds and numbers brought to the table by the Gauls. Only the Nomad War has caused more open war, and only by a margin.
» Perth:
The Gallic people know little of the Nomad War, or what the other species of Sirius might be. None of the tricks or manipulation can be spotted out as if all Gauls were putty waiting to be formed to fit some higher being’s will.
As it is with the nomads, it’s easier for humans to kill each other than for them to do so. Without even needing to build up to the point, Gallia launches and starts the dirty work of cleansing Bretonia. Finding this conflict a possible key for the future, the Infiltrators of the Nomads began their work building a new infected cell. The Incubus’ work was easy, and quickly a small group was formed. One of the old bretonian terraforming stations was taken over by the Gallics, who quickly repurposed as a near empty refuel and storage station. Named Perth Station, the location was perfect to act as the front for the new infected cell.
» Aoi Voilé:
Perth was only the beginning. The conflict now involved three houses, two of which were fighting a losing war. The cell decided to start an active operation by getting to Royal Navy officers and vessels in their control.
Surprisingly, few knew of the nomads and what they were, or at least what they might be capable of. A few higher ranking officers and government officials could see the war edging on the fence and were getting desperate. Within a few weeks time, some higher ranking officers were replaced while others seemed to keep their mouths shut on the changes going on. A new wing of supposed experimental design appeared. No name or purpose was given to this new squad, but the old french word “Voilé”, or warped, stuck to them.
» New Plans:
The infected group didn't remain at Perth for too long. They knew that staying on a base that has high traffic and is often used as a resupply depot would be compromising their operation sooner or later. The group gathered most of the forces and moved away to an abandoned Nomad base in a desolated system, Chester. They regrouped there and started planning their attacks and operations. The group was named "Voilé Blanc".
Not all of them went there. A small portion stayed at Perth to get further into the Royal Navy ranks, undetected. The number of forces that remained was small enough not to get the whole operation in jeopardy. They are still operating, but communication between them and the Chester forces is limited. The subgroup named themselves "Voilé Noir".
» Today:
Unlike their Kusari counterparts, the Voilé Blanc and Voilé Noir groups remain undetected up to this day. Their superior combat skills and great planning ensured that none of the people inside the Royal Navy ranks suspected something's wrong, and those who did, died or got infected themselves. The group is slowly but surely growing in strength and is waiting for the perfect time to strike. Multiple high ranking officers are infected already, and only time can tell when will the bloody Gallic invasion turn into an even bloodier one.
With the Aoi Voilé's cell operations basing out of the Chester object, the need to keep eyes away from the system or surrounding areas is vital. The path from the Dublin hole to the Newcastle hole is heavily patrolled, and anything caught entering this path is met with heavy conflict. Multiple patrols guard the Chester jumphole in Dublin and Newcastle, and some of them go on extended patrols inside the Newcastle system, especially towards the eastern part.
» Primary Zone: Dublin, Edinburgh, Orkney, Tau 23, Tau 31
The main zone of operations for both Voilé Noir and Voilé Blanc. The former operates mostly in Dublin and Edinburgh while the latter in Orkney, Tau 23 and Tau 31. These systems are where most of the targets die or get infected, as they are not as populated, and staging attacks as well as executing operations is much easier.
» Secondary Zone: Gallia, Gallic Borderworlds, Tau 29, Tau 37, Tau 44
Though not the main focus of the Gallic infected cell, Voilé ships occasionaly go there for certain, more secret operations. Most notably cutting off supplies of certain convoys inside Gallia itself, as well as finding new potential targets and gathering information about forces that move through the Primary Zone.
» Tertiary Zone: New London, Leeds, Dundee, Manchester
Voilé ships occasionally go fully undercover and join Royal Navy forces for an assault on Bretonia, to gain their trust and often backstab them later, when both sides are weak. Sometimes when the Bretonian forces gain the upper hand, the Voilé ships go alone and look for Bretonian ships acting on behalf of the Royal Navy, killing everything they find.
As their primary line, Voilé use the ships of the Gauls, more specifically the Gallic Royal Navy, to easily blend in while undercover. Although the variety of ships the Gauls use is quite big, in most cases they use the Royal Navy fighter, Lynx, and the Royal Navy bomber, Cougar. Other ships the cell sometimes uses include Serval, Caracal, Moonbeam, Sunbeam, Eclipse and Perilous.
Civilian and Borderworlds Ships
As many others, the cell uses Civilian and Borderwords ships because of their variety, most notably when not acting as Royal Navy officers. They often act as mercenaries working for Gallia when executing a target. The ships include the Eagle, Roc, Sabre, Switchblade and Cutlass.
» Equipment:
Gallic Equipment
Same as the ships, they use the Gallic equipment when undercover. That includes all Gallic civilian weapons, missiles and other equipment and the Royal Navy ones. It's by far the most used technology on Voilé ships, especially when paired with Gallic ships.
Sirian Civilian Equipment
Usually mounted on Sirius Civilian and Borderworlds ships, to not give away the cover. They're not as strong as the Gallic or Nomad ones, but do the job.
Nomad Equipment
Advanced Nomad equipment and technology is used when wanting to be more successful in operations, especially the ones where there will be no survivors. Those include all Nomad prototype guns, cloaks, missiles and other equipment. If confronted by the Royal Navy, their purpose is experimental and origin classified.
>> Goal of the operation: Acquiring valuable intel from the Gallic forces about their movements and plans in the Taus and Bretonia, more specifically our Primary Zone systems.
>> Execution: Waiting for a courier or a high ranking officer of the Royal Navy to land on Perth and capture or kill him. If that is not possible without being detected, deploy a patrol of 4 ships that will follow the source from distance and attack it when it's far enough from friendly units. If it has escorts, make sure to kill them all. Should there be no good chance to strike, 2 of the ships must return back to Perth while the other two will follow it from distance and keep track of its movement.
>> Status: Completed.
Operation Lumiére
>> Goal of the operation: Infecting 10 Royal Navy soldiers that enter Perth at some point.
>> Execution: Getting people on the station isolated, and infecting them as quickly as possible. Not getting the group in jeopardy is a mandatory here, so there is no defined time of the operation. Pick your targets carefully, as not all of them are capable of becoming our members..
>> Status: Pending.
» Voilé Blanc Operations
Operation Faucon
>> Goal of the operation: Scout Newcastle and Dublin to get an updated status on the situation in the systems.
>> Execution: As systems directly bordering Chester, we're dispatching a couple of escort wings to scout the area. You'll be divided into several groups, each with certain sectors to explore. If you encounter human ships, it is a mandatory that you act as Royal Navy officers, or mercenaries employed by them. Return to Chester once you're finished and report your success.
>> Status: Pending.
Operation Détruire
>> Goal of the operation: Destroy 50 Bretonian ships in Dublin and Newcastle.
>> Execution: Expanding our influence and crippling Bretonia's forces in systems directly bordering Chester is one of our more important goals. Destroy any Bretonian ships you find in those areas, can be done while performing the scouting mentioned in Faucon. Report your success at the Chester base and we'll conclude the operation once we count over 50 Bretonians killed.
>> Status: Pending.
Operation Perilous
>> Goal of the operation: To acquire a Perilous Royal Navy gunboat.
>> Execution: To be decided.
>> Status: N/A.
Operation Vaisseau Admiral
>> Goal of the operation: To acquire an Obstinate Royal Navy battlecruiser.
>> Execution: To infiltrate an Obstinate under false identity and infect the captain. Force the ship to get to the deep Omicrons.