(04-18-2016, 11:08 AM)Joel Wrote: This is not kind of behaviour I would expect from any Administration Team member.
i think its exactly what everyone was thinking when they read those two comments and the player request by him("I don't want to step on peoples toes, break rules for a sick personal enjoyment or be a special snowflake"...right??)
Nonetheless it was an enjoyable reading before work,thank you for writing it,it sure made the whole drama look much sweeter than it was ( @Garrett Jax )
People want to believe that God has a plan for them.
They don't wanna believe that anyone else does..
SMI-Great.Fox Wrote:I would change my artwork. Except I paid, for legal reasons of copyright etc, actual money to use some of the artwork. A bit of close to $200 USD.
Am I 'Too Proud' to change a word or such? Off the bat no. Cause I worked hard, actually worked hard, towards where things are today.
Garret Jax Wrote:Ignoring the brony, the furry continued. "Please, Mr. Admin, I have spent hundreds of dollars on my look. I have spent countless hours of dedication practicing my Woof Woofs to share with the Community." It placed its paw on Garrett's chest, its rich deep voice laced with sensuality. "I'm sure we could work out some 'arrangement' in exchange for my freedom.
This is not kind of behaviour I would expect from any Administration Team member.
Or ridiculing and associating players with horribly false attributes is the new standards we are going to set in here?
you have much to learn, youngling. the tales of the admins are a hallowed story of legend, describing tales of the almighty beings in their daily godhood. to believe that these legends are set out to bewoe the mortal is astounding ignorance.
oh mighty beings, be not worry for the mortal realm shall educate the youngling.
On a serious note, the Tales of the Admins are just tongue-in-cheek humour that makes balance against overly dramatic issues. dont take it seriously.
@Garrett Jax kudos on another wonderful installment of the tales.
(04-16-2016, 11:29 PM)nOmnomnOm Wrote: I also understand the point that it was not the faction creator that posted it but rather a faction member.... apparently?
This is correct. Three people had access to the main faction account that I created, with one of them being a long-term best friend of over 15 years. The faction-killing post was drafted by the 3rd guy while I was unavailable (sleeping-working), and was posted without a unanimous vote in favor, which was kind of our rule. I basically came home to my faction gone. I didn't even know what the post was that got us banned for a few more hours, until the rest of the bunch logged onto Skype and told me.
At this point, all I want is my ships and credits back, since I foolishly tied everything I had into ships with the SU tag. I'll let the whole thing go if I just don't end up destitute. I'd rather build something new anyway.
If someone outside Discovery noticed that post, they would not care which specific individual drew it up. They would not care whether the members involved in that group were aware of its contents or not. Any organization that connects itself with child sex slavery would rightfully bring the ire of those who could shut us down completely. They would immediately look to those in charge (Admins) and ask us what we did about it. They would not care if we just took down the one person who might have been solely responsibly. They probably would demand that Disco Freelancer be shut down completely. The Admins voted that, fair or not, complicit or not, the safest course of action for our server was the complete removal of all ships connected with [SU] and the shutdown of the entire faction.
I understand your judgement and respect that. I don't want to do anything with the Slaver's Union but request to see why we can't get our main ship of our main characters back since Mantrid Brizon and I want to take there story and turn them in a new directions.
Agreed. If we simply renamed them as soon as we were granted access, they would no longer be affiliated with [SU] anymore. They would just be indie characters again. I don't see why we have to lose our characters, credits, expensive equipment, etc. when we can simply rename the ships immediately upon logging in. We already intend to stop affiliating with [SU] entirely and work on a new project.
(04-19-2016, 05:15 PM)Garrett Jax Wrote: If someone outside Discovery noticed that post, they would not care which specific individual drew it up. They would not care whether the members involved in that group were aware of its contents or not. Any organization that connects itself with child sex slavery would rightfully bring the ire of those who could shut us down completely. They would immediately look to those in charge (Admins) and ask us what we did about it. They would not care if we just took down the one person who might have been solely responsibly. They probably would demand that Disco Freelancer be shut down completely. The Admins voted that, fair or not, complicit or not, the safest course of action for our server was the complete removal of all ships connected with [SU] and the shutdown of the entire faction.
Having not actually read the post in question but I kinda find this a bit unlikely. Unless the post had some sort of graphic depiction it is just a story. Tons of movies, books, etc contain child slaves/sex slaves(not to say they actually show or describe the details but they have them as part of the story.) it is a common enough trope in post-apocalyptic, dystopia, and fantasy that is used to make the viewer or reader hate the villains(look at Game of Thrones as an example). You don't want that sort of content even referenced in Disco, I can understand. Acting like writing a work of fiction where child sex slaves are referenced is going to to lead to legal troubles seems a bit silly to me. (I retract this statement if the post was more graphic than I was lead to believe.
EDIT:Typed this on phone, so excuse any grammar mistakes
(04-17-2016, 12:53 PM)Jayce Wrote: It's not because he disrupted gameplay, he did it to the wrong people.
I would say the problem is more people like you still going after the Congress, based on years old matters in some cases. If you think one screwup/big drama allows community members to be freely harassed then the problem is more likely you than them.
A lot of people here seem to have serious problems keeping a barrier between RP and OORP, usually with the thing ending in blind hate toward individuals/factions. Snak3's efforts were just that, even if he pretend it was all "RP". You don't go to the extent of faking ingame screenshots and posting a bounty just so you can exploit it yourself with an alt character without having serious grudges driving you.
Please stop with the Congress hate train, it's getting old now.
I'm kind of having a feeling of déjà vu here, as this post remembers me of the fun times I had watching ZA struggle to get me banned, then again we had different staff and different mentality on the matter.
But anyway the old staff is long gone and with them the good old days when the game was fun to play because there wasn't any kind of bias that I know of.
I will be straight on this, Alley. You, me, the current staff (or 70% of it) and everyone else involved in this little "hate train" as you call it know exactly the reasoning behind all this past and present happenings on the JC matter. Acting like you don't know would be kind of hypocritical. Should I get more into detail about it and suffer Snakthree's treatment? Nope, but if you would like a mind refresh, find me on Skype where you can't ban me for whatever reason you can find on here, as it usually happens when this certain so loved faction is being talked about.
Other than that, I've nothing else to tell the admins. Just slow down on the unnecessary bans using dumb excuses.
Calling an event commodity "Synth Dank Weed" after culling on meme characters seems like a step backwards. Just saying.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502