Message from: Naomi Travers, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 128-bit Ageira WFF
To: Henry Pines
Hello, Mister Pines. I am Naomi Travers representing Detroit Munitions. I believe this is the first time our two companies have met each other, but there is a first time for everything.
With the recent peace between Liberty and Rheinland, Detroit Munitions believes that an expansion to our market is the best way to go. And when expanding markets, first impressions are key. And what a better first impression than the finest ship Liberty manufacturers have to offer?
To cut to the chase, we here at Detroit would like to purchase the newest and best model Enterprise your company has to offer. We know that Orbital updates their liners every few years to stay on the cutting edge of security and luxury, and there's a reason we come to you for the best rather than buying something used out of a DSE shipyard.
If you name your price, we're willing to pay it. Whether it be credits, guns, goods, or anything of that sort. We may also have some additional propositions, but that's for the future. We're eager to hear back from you.
Naomi Travers, Director of Rheinland Operations , Detroit Munitions
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* ID: James Blackwood, Director of New Business
* Location: Cortez
* Subject: Luxury Liners
* Priority : Normal
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
Director Travers
My name is James Blackwood, Director of New Business. Chairman Pines is currently away so I have been selected to respond. Unfortunately Orbital is unable to assist Detroit Munitions in building a L-584 "Enterprise" Luxury Liner. As of now we currently lack the necessary shipbuilding capacity within our own facilities. Currently Orbital subcontracts the building of our Liners to various shipwrights around the sector, Baltimore of course building the very Liner you have requested. However our subcontracting process does not deliver a complete Liner "off the rack". After the vessels are complected at Baltimore they are generally towed to one of our nearby facilities for final outfitting with all expected customer comforts. From there they are taken to our main sales floor for purchase by one of our Main Line Captains, or various independent Orbital operators.
If your business is looking for an empty hulk in which their own designs can be built into I would recommend contacting Baltimore; if you require a vessel ready for passenger service, we of course would be happy to assist you.
James Blackwood
Director of New Business
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Message from: Naomi Travers, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 128-bit Ageira WFF
To: James Blackwood
Hello Mister Blackwood, we appreciate the quick reply. We are looking for a ship ready for passenger service, whatever specialization that we need we can take care of ourselves when needed. We want our customers and employees to receive the same standard of luxury that they are used to getting from your company. Hopefully this clears things up.
Naomi Travers, Director of Rheinland Operations , Detroit Munitions
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* ID: James Blackwood, Director of New Business
* Location: Cortez
* Subject: Luxury Liners
* Priority : Normal
Signal coding complete
Message Beginning:
Director Travers
Fantastic, a L-584 Luxury Liner is available for purchase from our Facilities on Planet Curacao. The package price is 207,932,250 credits. With an additional 3,850,000 credits needed to weaponize the vessel.
The final options for the vessel, shields, countermeasures, etc. Are left up to the buyers discretion upon purchase.
James Blackwood
Director of New Business
Message Ended
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Message from: Naomi Travers, Detroit Munitions
Encryption: 128-bit Ageira WFF
To: James Blackwood
Excellent, myself and a crew will make our way to Curacao to finalize everything. Detroit thanks you for your business, and may this be the beginning of friendship between our two companies.
Naomi Travers, Director of Rheinland Operations , Detroit Munitions