(05-13-2016, 11:24 AM)Omicega Wrote: You guys already know my thoughts on Auxesia (broadly speaking), but I have one question in particular: why are you trying for officialdom, anyway? What can your faction accomplish with it that it can't as an unofficial? Is it just the ID?
With the planned route we intend to take the faction, it'd seem only right to take a chance for officialdom, especially with the upcoming chances to the current ID we use.
(05-13-2016, 11:24 AM)Omicega Wrote: Speaking of which, that ID is terrifyingly overtuned. Things aren't meant to be balanced based on morals - saying 'ooh, but we'll only have a few caps' isn't how ID balance works. Also, this would be a good time to add a ZoI (shock horror!) to perhaps mitigate Auxesia's mysterious and inexplicable ability to turn up anywhere and everywhere doing anything and everything. Maybe it's just my personal beef showing against all these no-ZoI IDs that get literally all the traction these days, but I know for a fact I've seen Auxesia in Virginia, Alaska, Iota, Taus, Omegas, Omicrons, Sigmas, and all four vanilla houses. I'm also about 90% certain I saw you traipsing through Gallia, too.
As I mentioned prior, we're still discussing the ID. As for ZoI, this has been a rather difficult topic to discuss when it comes to playing a faction that has no fixed zone of operations, since we end up going where we're needed. From our perspective, this generates a lot of activity (The nerve!). From outside of the faction, as you've so kindly stated, we tend to end up everywhere. Nomadic (Itinerant) fleet movements is shown promptly on that goal list there. Eventually, however, with the direction we're currently driving is, one internal goal is to locate such a home for ourselves.
(05-13-2016, 11:24 AM)Omicega Wrote: People rag on Lyth for having shoddy lore, but yours is inexcusably vague. Who funds you? Where does your eyebrow-raisingly robust fleet (now with a Lib dreadnought and a Bullhead in tow) get the money. fuel, and connections to go around and do stuff as freely as it does? I doubt the Hellfire Légion is capable of supporting Delta operations.
No, the HF is not funding us (As you'd think, bounty boards woo) but our two primary sources of income come from the logistics ships, a pathetically small handful of transports that run supplies for groups (like the Zoners right now, lookin' your way for those posts @wanderer95 ) and ( this'll teach 'em who to listen to ) Bounty claims. That is why the ID line is there, by the way. It's a key element to the group's functionality, but not our primary focus. When we need to, we've got our allies to help out when our vessels might need to take time in a shipyard (Fallen Angels, HF, on rare occasions, IMG). Fuel would be brought to the fleet by Logistics. Funny how that works, huh? Logistics moving supplies. What a shocker. Additionally, on the topic of funding, some comes from past endeavors such as prior to the merge, a certain diamond refinery cover operation to rack in operational funds as a stockpile.
(05-13-2016, 11:24 AM)Omicega Wrote: To sum up, - as I see it, Auxesia is a co-op faction in a multiplayer world. Further to some feedback on Skype, I've seen improvement (which is nice!), but I still cannot shake the feeling that you expect the rest of the server to play second fiddle to your group of 'protagonists'. That has been the overbearing and primary impression I have always gotten from Auxesia - a philosophy which, from talking to other (ex-) members of the faction, is even echoed internally. I haven't seen a faction based this much around one person/character (they are the same thing here, really ) since the Joker and his gang.
This has been a topic of discussion for some time and you're right, we've been doing our best to drift away from this particular perspective of things. I actually kind of chuckled when I read this part. The leader plays a very active and predominant role within the faction, which yeah, isn't a bad thing, and I can see where you'd be coming from here, but aren't we all somewhat drifting towards being the center of attention sometimes? Some of the characters have a lot of background, developing and ongoing character roleplay. I've been trying to encourage a few people inside to try and expand on their characters some more, to get more active in the roleplaying community individually. Some do.
But as it sits now, we might not ever shift away from that perspective, yet we're aware of it and trying our best.
(05-13-2016, 11:24 AM)Omicega Wrote: Anyway, take the feedback as you will. I'm sure some of my points are too nitpick and/or quibbling and invalid, but it's a pretty accurate summation of my thoughts. I am not in favour, though.
As I've told you and others on Skype, we're really open to feedback. I don't see why some people have said we're not approachable(?). Either way, you've made great points, and it's really early and I at first didn't want to respond, but hoho look I did. Proud of me mom? Anyways, I'm probably going to go pass back out now. (Naughty stress dreams)
(05-13-2016, 12:22 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: On the other hand, Core guys hired Auxesia during the FP11-event, while Core at the same time had a bounty on Auxesia. It's easy to pick on stuff you don't know the reasonings behind it but hear rants about it via Skype and co.
(05-13-2016, 12:22 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: On the other hand, Core guys hired Auxesia during the FP11-event, while Core at the same time had a bounty on Auxesia. It's easy to pick on stuff you don't know the reasonings behind it but hear rants about it via Skype and co.
The bounty is there for a while I believe.
What it shouldn't have happened would be Core players hiring enemy freelancers to allow them to fight on their side. But I believe Lyth has already been informed of this, and will do the necessary actions in their faction.
On the matter at hand on this side, I haven't had much contact with auxesia, and I'm not sure what contribution they can bring to the role play of the region they're in (they moved elsewhere? ), or to any major concept of Discovery yet.
(05-13-2016, 12:28 PM)Black Widow Wrote: Your capital ships die quite a lot, especially when they are seen bumming around Delta or Yaren. In fact if they were so precious why would they be used to mortar Yaren running the risk of being pummelled by a core fleet?
Or maybe its coz your actually bored and just want to trololol core and get some blues?
[quote='Black Widow' pid='1777767' dateline='1463138908']
As said your groups RP concept is flawed and will remain as such until you start actually doing what you need to do as a faction rather than what your leader wants just because that is what she feels like doing on that day.
If people would pay attention to what actually goes on, you'd notice that we aren't just blindly following someone around. We're doing our thing. Exploring, researching (Thalatte is my personal handy-work) and roleplaying. However, in what would be similar to an autocratic hegemony, like most factions, what the leader says, goes.
(05-13-2016, 12:28 PM)Black Widow Wrote: Everyone I know just see your group as a joke and just some free blues, all I ever see in group chat whenever we see A/) logged on is shall we just kill them. I never hear anything positive?
Why is that?
This is due to the monumental amount of personal dislike/overall stigma towards a rather vague and difficult to understand from the exterior group and some of the people inside of it, especially from certain players (not naming names). This type of stuff is everywhere, and can't be avoided, as there will always be personal opinion over reason. As much as I'd wish people wouldn't sit around doing/saying stuff like this, I know it won't change. There will always be personal opinions about us and our group. Everyone is entitled to it.
(05-13-2016, 12:17 PM)Black Widow Wrote: I agree with Omi on this, I find A/) to be a flawed RP concept based around serving one megalomaniac master that was once a Core Guildmaster but has now gone rogue and holds grudges with everyone.
Battlegroup Auxesia do as their master pleases and it is never clear what they might do next, this compounded by their inability to pick a single side and stick to it.
You've made some interesting points, yet know that the roleplay behind the development of diplomacy isn't strictly based around one character's actions. The Delta event in such case, we'll never be able or would want to side with Core ever again. (Bar a personal IRP friendship and mutual dislike for the Corsairs)
(05-13-2016, 12:17 PM)Black Widow Wrote: In Delta, I have seen A/) in one minute helping core and the next mortaring Yaren?
Its all very confusing and hard to follow, also given the self-centered* abrupt attitude of the leader does not make for a group I care about or want to interact with to be honest.
You don't bring much to the discovery table and as such you don't need to be official.
The shift away from the Core has been happening. A lot, actually. It's been a steady buildup, but it's there and visible.
While I value the feedback you've given, flying a Mako to Lost to try and buttcloak a Corvo, and essentially shooting on sight, Black Widow, isn't really interacting with the faction above a PvP level. As for bringing much, please review the links provided in the OP.
(05-13-2016, 12:45 PM)WPeregrine Wrote: On the matter at hand on this side, I haven't had much contact with auxesia, and I'm not sure what contribution they can bring to the role play of the region they're in (they moved elsewhere? ), or to any major concept of Discovery yet.
As I stated prior, we're not fixated in one location and move frequently. INRP, we retreated to our current position from Delta to recuperate and repair our primary assets. We've been moving/growing/scheming, and have plenty more in the line-up to offer. Stay tuned.
Otherwise, thank you for the feedback, and we may hopefully be seen around Kusari space more, hunting for those glorious interactions we thrive on.
(05-13-2016, 11:35 AM)Lennox Wrote: The write-up is interesting and so is the additional information below it. Policies seem on point, although, I think the relations between Order and Auxesia might be better described as something inbetween hostile and unfriendly. About other factions, I can't tell too much, but it seems justified enough.
The diplomacy is a bit of a gray area for that particular case.
(05-13-2016, 11:35 AM)Lennox Wrote: Regarding encounters, while it's true that some things seemed a bit out of the blue at times, the actions of the faction itself seem heavily focused on a singular person and her decisions, which is a welcome change and also explains the randomness of some events ( e.g. the time when the O'Rhu vessel in Delta was shot at by the Eidolon Wraith). I like that unpredictable part of the leading character and how it affects the faction as a whole. All in all, very dynamic, something many other factions lack, imo.
Thank you for the feedback, but again this isn't entirely the case. Our leader just happens to be one of the most active members, and is often the main one encountered.
(05-13-2016, 11:35 AM)Lennox Wrote: That being said, I've had a good view on everything happening ingame for quite a while, and there was never an encounter I felt was boring or stale. It always seemed to offer something new, be it related to Nomads, internal/external 'problems', personal relationships, intrigues, house rumors and so on, so forth. That, in addition to the goals of the faction make it quite interesting to approach Auxesia as a whole.
This. This right here is the type of things we're trying to bring to the community. It's tough to do, but we do it. Things that make it difficult? People look at us with an already negative opinion in mind, yet we still go out of our way to find some wonderful and pleasant interactions, and I'm glad to see you've enjoyed the ones you've had and the dynamic we've brought to the table.
(05-13-2016, 11:35 AM)Lennox Wrote: With my feedback on personal encounters done, I wanna point out the potential a faction like this has. As it is with all groups that were created from scratch without prior existence like some vanilla factions, the impact it can have on developments between other parties, people, individuals and what not is quite impressive. For that reason alone, you've got my support and wish you luck in succeeding with officialdom.
You've got my +1. Keep it up!
Lastly, this holds a lot of truth. Factions not based around vanilla factions (Considering both the 1iC and 2iC characters come from non-vanilla factions, Core and the Hellfire Legion) are always viewed with a heavy amount of scrutiny and uncertainty. We're hoping to improve the way people see us, and have been trying to for quite some time. It's been nice to see the activity we've been generating around us, and I hope it doesn't cease.
When are you gonna join us and give us your soul? (^:
My personal experiences with A/)- have always been rather positive. I for one like Raven as a character. She's quirky, whimsical, probably bipolar or at least severely manic and all in all something different from the standard "great leader" stereotype. I realize that this can be laid out both ways and that some would argue that it is just blatant trolling when she suggests to "annoy the local populance" to visit Rho, Mu and Iota, but at the end of the day, it just leads to people logging and defending their turf, which, imo, isn't a bad thing.
That is not to say that there aren't other noticable characters in Auxesia; The Curator/Joshy and Miri Keating come to mind, which is why I personally believe that people are being a bit unfair when they say that Raven supersedes all other personalities, but she certainly has a big enough cult of personality to be the faction's countenance, so to speak, and it is therefore hard to see beyond that for those who are uninvolved/looking at it from a distance.
I'd also had my doubts regarding Auxesia's means to sustain a fleet, but I contented myself with saying that I just didn't know enough about your RP regarding that. At the end of the day, we're all playing to have fun, and I've had my fair share thereof interacting with your bunch, which, to me, is what I want to get from this game.
(05-13-2016, 01:10 PM)Foxglove Wrote: My personal experiences with A/)- have always been rather positive. I for one like Raven as a character. She's quirky, whimsical, probably bipolar or at least severely manic and all in all something different from the standard "great leader" stereotype. I realize that this can be laid out both ways and that some would argue that it is just blatant trolling when she suggests to "annoy the local populance" to visit Rho, Mu and Iota, but at the end of the day, it just leads to people logging and defending their turf, which, imo, isn't a bad thing.
Each character has it's own specific dynamic, be it Raven's bipolar behavior, or even Stacker's self-loathing. These specific elements to each character are something we've been wanting to make a major point when people look at us. Each character has it's own developing story. Keating, AKA Inge Wexler, is one such example. Even Malcolm Simmons, an Ex-Neo Terran Front pilot, has his own character traits and opinions. These defining lines are what, in my personal opinion, make the faction and corresponding roleplay unique and enjoyable.
(05-13-2016, 01:10 PM)Foxglove Wrote: That is not to say that there aren't other noticable characters in Auxesia; The Curator/Joshy and Miri Keating come to mind, which is why I personally believe that people are being a bit unfair when they say that Raven supersedes all other personalities, but she certainly has a big enough cult of personality to be the faction's countenance, so to speak, and it is therefore hard to see beyond that for those who are uninvolved/looking at it from a distance.
This. Thank you for saying this.
(05-13-2016, 01:10 PM)Foxglove Wrote: I'd also had my doubts regarding Auxesia's means to sustain a fleet, but I contented myself with saying that I just didn't know enough about your RP regarding that. At the end of the day, we're all playing to have fun, and I've had my fair share thereof interacting with your bunch, which, to me, is what I want to get from this game.
As mentioned previously in the thread in my responses, as well as some of the linked comm threads, the explanations are there. It is, however, stupidly early for me to be awake (woo stress dreams), so my responses may not be as adequate as they should be.
Overall, thank you for the wonderful feedback and interactions, and we're all looking forward to future encounters.
(05-13-2016, 12:17 PM)Black Widow Wrote: I agree with Omi on this, I find A/) to be a flawed RP concept based around serving one megalomaniac master that was once a Core Guildmaster but has now gone rogue and holds grudges with everyone.
Battlegroup Auxesia do as their master pleases and it is never clear what they might do next, this compounded by their inability to pick a single side and stick to it.
You've made some interesting points, yet know that the roleplay behind the development of diplomacy isn't strictly based around one character's actions. The Delta event in such case, we'll never be able or would want to side with Core ever again. (Bar a personal IRP friendship and mutual dislike for the Corsairs)
(05-13-2016, 12:17 PM)Black Widow Wrote: In Delta, I have seen A/) in one minute helping core and the next mortaring Yaren?
Its all very confusing and hard to follow, also given the self-centered* abrupt attitude of the leader does not make for a group I care about or want to interact with to be honest.
You don't bring much to the discovery table and as such you don't need to be official.
The shift away from the Core has been happening. A lot, actually. It's been a steady buildup, but it's there and visible.
While I value the feedback you've given, flying a Mako to Lost to try and buttcloak a Corvo, and essentially shooting on sight, Black Widow, isn't really interacting with the faction above a PvP level. As for bringing much, please review the links provided in the OP.
Some good replies there!!
In relation to buttcloaking a corvo, that was merely RP retaliation for your ships camping Yaren while cloaked and enticing Zoners to engage / distract us while the Eidolon Wraith and Cincinnati took up position to buttcloak our ships.
Which failed but still you reap what you sow ey?
In Lost, I was eager to just blow the corvo out of the sky its true. But when I arrived I saw Apahanta just sitting there happily talking to the Corvo. So I RP'd a bit and then turned nasty, because it would not make sense to follow Apahanta's lead to just sit there talking.
To me things are black and white if we are at war then I kill it, returning in kind the actions that are shown to me by said group engaging in hostilities i.e. A/).
Anyway, things are clearer than what they were before, I know where I stand. So I know what to do when I see Auxesian ships.
Just watch your leaders actions, they leave much to be desired especially with such self-centred attitudes.