From: Gaian Guard Subject: Secure Channel Source: Torshavn Spaceport, Cambridge Encryption:Very High Priority:Very High
Konnichiwa, honourable men and women of the Association.
Long time has passed since the last visit of our Warden in Tottori and his conversation with the Fisherman.
We have not forgotten about it and would like to proceed with executing one of the discussed subjects. Therefore, this channel shall serve as the main hub of communication between the Guard and the Association. We hope that it will improve the cooperation between our groups and make exchanging more and less valuable information easier. This channel is heavily encrypted and we would like to inquire on keeping any and all outsiders away from it.
From: Lily Collins Subject: A couple of matters Source: Torshavn Spaceport, Cambridge Encryption:High Priority:High
Good day.
My name is Lily Collins and I'm honoured to contact you today as an official representative of the Gaian Guard. There's been a significant lack of contact between our organisations, even despite the creation of this channel, and the Guard decided that this separation can stand no longer. There are a handful of matters the Guard wishes to discuss with the Association, and we hope that these talks will contribute to igniting a more active relationship between our groups.
That being said, allow me to bring up the matters at hand.
First, and probably most important, is the stabilisation of jumpholes in the Sigma region that opened up a few star systems for safe travel. The Guard always keeps tabs on such developments and it was impossible for a certain location within Sigma-21 to miss our attention. Planet Saigon, even though it may not look like much to most people, is of great interest to us. The planet is a rare example of a habitable world that is completly untained by industry or other artificial development. Planets like these are of immense scientific value, and it's scientific value is exactly why the Guard is interested in it.
We'd like to perform an expedition to Saigon and it's surrounding region. It goes without saying, however, that we have little knowledge of the region due to the lack of our operations there. This is where the Guard would like to inquire the Association to lend us your knowledge of the area and possibly serve as the guides and security for a science vessel of ours. It is of course just an initial plan and, should you agree on the expedition but not in this form, can be modified according to your will.
Second matter at hand is of a different nature. The Guard has always consirdered some form of expansion into gallic core systems. The Sentinels have decided that it's high time we made our first steps towards that goal. With this in mind, the Guard would like to inquire the Association to share your knowledge about a gallic organisation known as the "Unione Corse". Although we have heard a lot about them, most of it were just rumours or whispers on Freeport 6 or scarce sightings of Corse ships near Kabukicho. We do hope the Association will look favorably upon our request and provide us with necessary details.
Thirdly, the Guard is interested in acquiring a "Bumblebee" transport for logistical purposes. The Guard is able and willing to either pay for it with credits or exchange materials or other services for the vessel.
Encryption: 5882ffFA
To: Lily Collins, The Gaian Guard
Greetings Collins-san, of the Gaian Guard. My name is Tokiomi Katagawa, and I'm a representative of the Association.
It is indeed unfortunate that the début of this channel of communication between our organizations, our communities, comes so late after its establishment. There is indeed much to talk about between our parties, either through the leaderships and their representatives, or through individuals affiliated with each side.
Allow me to provide some solutions to the matters you have brought to us today.
Regarding Saigon and the Sigmas, there is indeed a great deal of mystery and interest revolving around their findings, as well a great deal of apprehension as to the fate of these new (or in the words of others, suddenly accessible) territories. They they lay "close" to Kusari is no guarantee of a good outcome, as the Gas Farters Guild has shown their perennial delusions and probably gas induced disconnect with the ways of civilization. On the other hand, it seems the Corsairs have also shown some awareness of the Saigon case, and have already done some contacts with samura and out top circles regarding joint ventures on the region. A strong and committed effort on the region is needed sooner than later, before our competitors and outright enemies develop similar ideas.
We are in the midst of conducting reconnaissance and exploration of the region ourselves, and had word that our trusted partners have been setting up outposts here and there in all new systems of the Sigma cluster.
Whenever you have a team ready to take some field sorties on the system and maybe even the planet, send word to us, and have it relocated to Kamisu base of the Farmers in Honshu, or to any nearby installation that you deem preferable.
Regarding the Gallic scenario, the Association has kept little contacts in the Gallic society, mostly restricted with direct trade actions, and occasional meetings. Their social practices are something we have been suffering difficulties, and our name and status has remained small among the Gallic organizations.
We had contact with a Unione Corse in the past, but unfortunately it has not been kept close. Our last envoys to Gallia have met a Commandant Picard, acting representative of the Unione Corse in Lyonnais. This information is not up to date, but should provide you a lead to start with.
I'm sure there are some things we would like to discuss with the Unione Corse ourselves, and with the Gaians too. I will have to leave such exposition for another message, another day.
With our cordial regards.
Tokiomi Katagawa, representative of the Hogosha Association.
Encryption: POF893532
To: Lily Collins, The Gaian Guard
Konnichiwa dear Gaian, this is The Fisherman speaking. I noticed that your kind is lookin for some transports once again. The Takarabune is a veritable box of providence, and we are more that willing to arrange for a Bumblebee to be sent to you. Or four, or more even.
Money is the standard payment form, but we believe the Gaians should spend their money on other essential items of their need. There are some other things that we want to request in exchange however.
A few months ago, our company sent some engineers to Toshvarn and Islay, to give a bit of a boost to the maintenance teams of the Gaians, and to learn on the field about Gaian engineering methods and ship construction techniques. Some of them reported good findings. We would like to ask that the gaians give them a ride back home. About a hundred (100) have gathered among the passengers seeking a ride in Freeport 1, in the Omega-3 system.
If you could let us know when they are picked up, and then when they arrive at Tokai Shipping Platform in Tottori system, it would be the best course.
On a related request, we could make use of some Robotic units. Since it's quite a small number, you could bring us some from that Gallic spaceport in the nearby Rishiri, to Tokai as well. 8000 units should do it.
Have these things done for us, and you will have the Bumblebee in your hands faster than you can say "By the Fortunes!".
Anywho' , let me know if this is acceptable to thy.
The Fisherman
I'm happy to inform you that the requested services have been provided. The engineering teams are now at Tokai and our trusted Peafowl managed to deliver the requested Robotics with a slight surplus.
I am able to arrive to whichever location you would like me to to finish the exchange. The time is in abundance here as my team bound for Sigma-21 isn't in a hurry.
Lily Collins of the Guard speaking. Despite certain difficulties I've finally managed to gather a small team. Our ship is prepared and ready to depart from Sandur in a moment's notice. We'll move out to Kamisu the moment you confirm that a team of yours will await us at the destination.
Encryption: POF893532
To: Lily Collins, The Gaian Guard
Dear Lily-san, this old man apologizes for his tardiness. I said that our response would be swift, but I am as surprised as everyone else that I forgot to check on your requests. The Bumblebee has been fitted and prepared for your services, and it can be found on Planet Kyushu northern spaceport. If you desire to pick it up somewhere else, let us know. Same for any other vessels you might find use.
On the matter of the exploration team, I'll assemble some of my men to aid you, and extend an invitation to other syndicates to provide their own personnel to this operation. My team will be on Kamisu by this weekend, and I hope others will be there to as well.
My name is Matthew Grim of the Gaian Guard, and I come to you, our respected mikatae, most humbled and grateful to the Hogosha Association for the honor shown recently to my Fellow Guardsmen "Popeye" and Joaquin Araya of the "GreenthInc." by Messrs Yakumo, Kobayashi and Spear.
As we of the Gaian Guard are beginning to establish a specific commerce wing to help strengthen the overall infrastructure of the Gaian Movement, I would like to express our gratitude and reaffirm the longstanding mutual friendship between our organizations by presenting to you a gift of your choosing.
Tell us what the Hogosha Association requires, and we will deliver it directly into your hands.
I again thank the most honorable Hogosha Association and wish you all long lives and clean skies.
To: Matthew Grim of the Gaian Guard,
From: The Hogosha Association
Sender ID: Tokiomi Katagawa
Subject: Your message
Hajimemashite, Grim-san. I am Tokiomi Katagawa, of the Association.
We are glad that the members of the Association have given your folk a joyful experience and we rejoice in your gestures of friendship.
At the moment the Oyabun Council has not issued a statement regarding your offer, so I ask for your patience a little longer. Surely an answer suitable for what you seek will come
In profit and cooperation, over a thousand lightyears
Tokiomi Katagawa, the Hogosha Association.
To: Matthew Grim of the Gaian Guard,
From: The Hogosha Association
Sender ID: Tokiomi Katagawa
Subject: Your message
Greeting to all the representatives of the Gaian movement, I hope this message finds you well.
It seems our flow of communication has dwindled in the past months, as we took them in particular cases in other channels, or direct trips between out territories have become more infrequent.
On one hand, I bring an update on an ongoing matter, that is the use of Gaian hardware by the Association. Currently the Association fielded two Claymore class vessels, under an agreement for four vessels of such class.
Recently, the Association invested in the acquisition of third Claymore, christened the Aosen. Preparation was slow, but the vessel has reached Kusari and is ready to operate under the Association banner.
There is word that another Associate syndicate is hoping to acquire and put in operation the last Claymore under our agreement, and I hope to inform you of developments once they reach us.
On a second matter, there has been an interest in acquiring compatible hardware from the Gaians for several security concerns, mainly about the Gunboats of the Gaian origin, and others. The Association is interested in purchasing about 30 "Gaia's Champion" Gunboat weapon systems for use in the Association. Either you wish to negotiate for them, or deliver them under another agreement, is up to you. Let me know your thoughts on the matter.
In profit and cooperation, over a thousand light years
Tokiomi Katagawa, the Hogosha Association.