Right. I think at some point you're going to have to realize you can't change what happened just so it fits your needs, Lyth.
If you want to roleplay Core saying Zoners shot first, that's entirely acceptable. What isn't is claiming OORPly the events happened otherwise because it's better this way for your faction. You don't ask your teacher to change your grades because it'd be cooler if you had a higher grade, hm?
All in all, this is going in circles now. Let's give this topic some rest for a few hours.
Zoners and Order cooperated to attack Yaren and Battleship Bellona. This is an undeniable fact. It happened. Perhaps not on the universe-ending scale of the reapers invading Earth, but it happened. It was why on the day of the first major confrontation Core ships did not undock on Yaren and were told to stay docked until the enemy fleet had left, because outside the station there were several caps waiting to blast anything as soon as it undocked and were taking pot-shots at our base at the same time.
Once the coast was clear, we undocked and began to RV. Once we had amassed good numbers, we darted towards the Freeport and killed anything that stood in our way. Once that was done, we began shooting the Freeport. This is an exact recollection of the events that took place. The attack on Yaren was the trigger as to why Core responded in the way they did. Core are not anarchists, nor mindless warmongers. The entire point of 'Lawful Evil' is that you strive to achieve darker ends with legal means within certain boundaries. If you find such a concept hard to deal with, too overwhelming for your brain and are suggesting our modus operandi should be tweaked so that we act more like Nomads in nature, then I have big news for you: no.
OoRPly the above is exactly how things unfolded from our perspective. Sure, there's lots of people on this thread saying otherwise but I could just as much get my own members to repeat my points and vouch for our PoV. But I am both the leader and the PR man, and as with any leader I handle the feedback thread myself. I'm not insecure enough that I need to use a mob to repeat my own points. And fyi a multitude of wrong opinions doesn't make them correct. They're still wrong.
And InRPly, this recollection of events is what every Core pilot has been telling those they interact with. It is what they are working with. From that side of things, as I said, it provides them with the 'lawful' justification they require to further their inRP agenda of potentially trying to flush out or absorb the Zoners into their dream utopia. If not that then using it as an excuse to balance the diplomatic scales with foreign contacts when the topic arises.
And yet people want me to take an approach where we smear the exact elements with ink and are left with a hollow recollection without substance. An approach where a certain sub-group of players made hostile actions against Core assets and, lol, you want us to wear both a blindfold and earmuffs and act like that never happened? And for what purpose? Moral, albeit untrue, superiority? The satisfaction that Core doesn't have any sort of roleplay ground to stand on? The dumbing down and simplification of mod history? Being able to look back at this thread and go "Haha yes! I beat Lythrilux in an argument! Boo yah!"? Whatever it may be, the notion of acting like someone didn't shoot me because they didn't have a tag is extremely dumb and really takes my faith out of the competence of the community.
And say we are eventually bullied to the point where we have to lie about our own lore and tweak things to the liking of the mob. What difference does that outcome or staying with what I've written even make to the way things proceeded? It's background noise, not the focus. The events that unfurled at the beginning of May are not changing, nor are we twisting the story to suit ourselves. I mean that would be utterly pointless because - as I said - the events themselves and all/any consequences that followed have already occurred. We're at the stage of post-crisis. You've seen the comms, roleplay and so forth. The updated lore does not alter that.
"Lyth stop trying to tweak it just so that it benefits Core!" - hold on there pointdexter, how does it provide any benefits at all? I certainly don't see any other than providing the greater community with a summary of the events. If there's some hidden benefit that we're somehow MASSIVELY profiting from can you please point it out to me? Is it - god forbid - that it actually allows me to create some interesting internal/external roleplay for my members (and potential recruits too) to partake in? What a sin that Core| could actually get involved in roleplay that isn't furthering people's own agendas or interests. Oh excuse me, I forget that we have a pvp-whoring, anti/no-rp duty to fulfil. In fact looking at the time I'm booked to go raid a few home systems right now and ruin someone's picnic RP session.
Or perhaps the ulterior motive is "this lore doesn't benefit Zoners!" Although I don't see why it should, on the other hand I don't see why it doesn't. Someone either in this thread or another one commented about how there was little acknowledgement of the Zoners by The Core throughout the crisis. The lore update certainly gives them that significance, and future RP will also encourage that.
People are getting very upset about nothing. How I pity those that do. Try and play the game once in a while, it'll do you some good.
Have you ever thought that presenting your "neutral unbiased view" in Core Lore (which is supposed to be pretty much that for an ooRPly informative text about inRP events) by describing the events as "Core thought they are retaliating for an unwarranted Zoner attack, Zoners on the other hand claim they did nothing and in the end nobody really knows who started the conflict" would have not at all hurt even a tiny little bit the lawful evil agenda of Core who act with proper lawful justification and at the same time would not have brought this whole mess upon you in this thread for it would have shown you unbiased at least on an ooRP level, accepting that your members may be wrong too?
(05-29-2016, 04:29 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: OoRPly the above is exactly how things unfolded from our perspective. Sure, there's lots of people on this thread saying otherwise but I could just as much get my own members to repeat my points and vouch for our PoV. But I am both the leader and the PR man, and as with any leader I handle the feedback thread myself.
Can they do it with actual screenshots though? If not, you're just making an unsubstantiated claim.
PS: Saw Lythrilux violating server rules heaps. No evidence but ban yeah?
Why do not understand , lyth, that posting untruth and claiming it true as fact is wrong.
You then squeal and 'pitty' others for acting the way they do towards your attitude to RP and events that come to pass.
All it takes is to say 'no this is not how it in fact went but is propaganda but you wont admit to that.
You rob people of their experiences and selfishly post a version and say it is better sounding to you.
So yes. I do pitty you back. It is a disgraceful attitude you have towards rp and events that took place that not only core was involved in.
when you get into a corner you just shame those that accuse you: care-bears, pittiful, 'go play the game
It's pretty bad attitude all together
[02.05.2016 18:23:00] Core|WV-name: Hawken: It's time to cease this idiocy.
[02.05.2016 18:23:02] \Z\-C.Cong: Glue it!
[02.05.2016 18:23:03] Eliza.Valdez: Sad.
[02.05.2016 18:23:07] Core|WV-name: HAwken: Core, the Freeport is ours! Attack the Zoners!
[02.05.2016 18:37:05] Rosa:Veraz: Burn Yaren! Burn!
[02.05.2016 18:37:06] SCRA|Red.Witch: Well seem the 'sairs are going to explode Yaren right off the map.
[02.05.2016 18:37:09] [FP11]-Sidon: Marisa: This is PAYBACK!
[02.05.2016 18:37:20] Peaceful.Explorer: Yaren shall fall!
[02.05.2016 18:37:20] Hotel.World's.End: Erica: We could not have done it without you, Corsairs. Your help is most appreciated.
(05-29-2016, 01:41 PM)Impyness Wrote: [02.05.2016 18:23:00] Core|WV-name: Hawken: It's time to cease this idiocy.
[02.05.2016 18:23:02] \Z\-C.Cong: Glue it!
[02.05.2016 18:23:03] Eliza.Valdez: Sad.
[02.05.2016 18:23:07] Core|WV-name: HAwken: Core, the Freeport is ours! Attack the Zoners!
[02.05.2016 18:37:05] Rosa:Veraz: Burn Yaren! Burn!
[02.05.2016 18:37:06] SCRA|Red.Witch: Well seem the 'sairs are going to explode Yaren right off the map.
[02.05.2016 18:37:09] [FP11]-Sidon: Marisa: This is PAYBACK!
[02.05.2016 18:37:20] Peaceful.Explorer: Yaren shall fall!
[02.05.2016 18:37:20] Hotel.World's.End: Erica: We could not have done it without you, Corsairs. Your help is most appreciated.
[02.05.2016 15:33:17] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: Sarah: Ermm.... Thank you...
[02.05.2016 15:33:39] Jane.Shepard: "Hey Tartarus!"
[02.05.2016 15:33:47] Tartarus: Greetings
[02.05.2016 15:33:53] Jane.Shepard: "Keep an eye out for Core vessels. Do not allow them within the NFZ."
[02.05.2016 15:34:04] Tartarus: sure [02.05.2016 15:34:06] Jane.Shepard: "They sieged the freeport."
[02.05.2016 15:34:13] Jane.Shepard: "They are not allowed to be here right now."
[02.05.2016 15:34:23] Tartarus: ok
If that was to any kind of evidence for Nemo to suggest that zoners attacked first, you are wrong.
nvm i see what it is xD
I still prove even hours ago what happened.
I count 2 attacks so far. here is a 3rd:
[03.05.2016 15:39:51] Death: ZonerGuard|Griffin was put out of action by Core|WV-Olympius (Gun).
[03.05.2016 15:39:56] Lambda: Alright, I'll switch com channels.
[03.05.2016 15:39:59] Lambda: Oh no!
[03.05.2016 15:40:03] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: I.... I linked myself to you again.
[03.05.2016 15:40:10] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: What is it?
[03.05.2016 15:40:31] Lambda: The Zoner Battleship... at the Freeport... Its... Its destroyed!
[03.05.2016 15:40:38] Death: rally101 was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[03.05.2016 15:40:39] Lambda: The Core is attacking.
[03.05.2016 15:40:45] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: Oh my gosh!!
[03.05.2016 15:40:49] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: You... You saved me!!
[03.05.2016 15:40:58] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: Wait... where are you going???
[03.05.2016 15:41:07] Lambda: We need to take a safe route
[03.05.2016 15:41:24] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: Oh... for a second I thought you were going back there.
[03.05.2016 15:41:53] Lambda: Well, see the green cloud?
[03.05.2016 15:41:57] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: Th... thank you Alex.... You saved us both... I dont think i could handle another Freeport assult.
[03.05.2016 15:42:08] Death: 72nd|MNS-Santa.Maria was put out of action by Core|WV-Hera (Gun).
[03.05.2016 15:42:12] Lambda: Like I said, Im always happy to he-
[03.05.2016 15:42:16] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: Oh no!
[03.05.2016 15:42:16] Lambda: Another ship down.
[03.05.2016 15:42:30] {AFC}-Kraken[P]: Oh my gosh!
[03.05.2016 15:42:47] Lambda: Alright... lets just dont get to close to the Freeport.
(05-28-2016, 02:55 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: There were two assaults on FP11.
(05-29-2016, 01:32 PM)Captain_Nemo Wrote: I will give you 500 million credits lyth if you provide me with screen shots of the Zoner/Order attack on Yaren before the Core attack on Freeport 11
Alright. I guess I can work it out instead of Lyth.