Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO & Deputy Manager Subject:Supply Contract To:Xalo Nunes Greetings Mr. Xalo Nunes,
Thank you very much for the delivery, your support is highly appreciated, The weekly payment shall be sent to your bank account as soon as i get to my office and i will update you in details of the amounts of daily supply each base need in a daily bases to continue our valuable contract.
Also we shall be discussing a potential of another escorting service for BMF ships outside Bretonia space. Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
SHIP ID: [FL-ER]Engr.Joshua.Z. LOCATION: Battleship Hood, Dublin FROM: Joshua Zachary SUBJECT: Delivery to the Fortis and the Isle
Greetings Gents. I did a delivery to your bases. Totally I delivered totally 41773 units of Reinforced Alloys. The proof is under this section, Safe Skies!
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Materials Delivery Contract To:[FL-ER] Greetings everyone.
I am surprized from how fast and hardworking you guys are and let me take the chance to thank you very much for your help and support, you guys are amazing.
I can see from the Proof that you are using a pirate train, off-course you know that this ship is illegal in Bretonia and the last thing i need is to have troubles with our Government, so if you guys wish to use this ship you gonna have to use at at your own responsibility, you always can ask for permission from BPA and if you give them a good reasons i belive they might be understanding.
In regards to the contract payment, its due since 05-29-2016, 08:35 PM and i do apologize for the delay, i have sent it now and i promise starting from the next week it will be on time.
Regarding the MK2 Cloaking device you would like to purchase, it might take some days due to a delayed production in our factories that required a lot of Industrial Hardware, but i promise you once we finish your module will be next.
You can always help and bring Industrial hardware to Isle of skye to speed up the process as we need total of 90000 Unit of Industrial hardware. Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
SHIP ID: [FL-ER]Engr.Joshua.Z: LOCATION: Battleship Hood, Dublin FROM: Joshua Zachary SUBJECT: Delivery to Fortitudine and acceptance of the Industrial Hardware Task
Greetings Sir Conner. I've made a delivery to Fortitudine of 17200 units of Reinforced Alloys. We're gladly to accept the Industrial Hardware delivery helping. We'll do it as soon as possible. Safe Skies!
I would like to request a Cloaking Device Mk I from the Isle of Skye, for one of the Warship Faro's supporting fighters.
To help with the process of its creation i have delivered several supplies to the Isle of Skye's storage.
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:delivery & Purchase Inquiry To:[FL-ER] Greetings [FL-ER]
I would like to thank you for your last delivery and regarding to the Cloaking Device Mk I you are more than welcome to visit out station at any time and purchase your device and send your purchase receipt to Isle Of Skye official channel and our accountant team will pay back a proper discount for you.Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
User ID:Thomas Mycroft Location:Planet New Berlin Encryption:Active
Hey there my friends!
Well, i must say, i guess today was....REVERSE DAY
let me explain...
Earlier today i arrived to New London after i collected some Helium-3 in Sigma with the help of a very nice miner named Garanchou-maru. So, after i delivered the Helium-3 i decided to pick up some Reinforced Alloys and deliver them to Fortitudine and FortiSec but to my surprised when i arrived there, the bases were already full... "Oh well, that's fine then, i'll just pick up some Gold Ore and be on my way" - i though, but i was surprised again - the base was out of Gold Ore! - "GOD DAMMIT" - i shouted.
At this point I decided to head into Dublin and search for a miner there, and i found one! - The captain of the KidneyStones.
Since Fortitudine was out of Gold Ore, i decided to make a little operation with KidneyStones, i proposed to him that he mine all the Gold Ore he could, and I would keep delivering it to Fortitudine - He accepted.
And that's how we got to my report today:
Today i have delivered 39.600 units of Gold Ore to Fortitudine and here is the Proof!
Before I go, i must praise the Captain of the KidneyStones, he has done a most excelent job with a perfect performance. It's rare to find miners as fast and efficient as this one - I would make my suggestion to the BMF|: HIRE HIM BEFORE SOMEONE ELSE FIND HIM!
Captain of the KidneyStones mining Gold Ore in Dublin
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:delivery To:[FL-ER] Greetings Mr. Thomas Mycroft and all [FL-ER]
I am very glad to hear from you guys again and i appreciate your delivery of Gold Ore, yes the bases are full of RAs and yes we have not been mining recently due to delayed production but we will resume the mining operation again ASAP. And regarding the new miner, i would love if he join us in BMF and i promise for him a healthy work environment and lots of money and i would gladly accept him since he is your recommendation once he apply .
And our contract payment will be resumed today once i reach my office i will transfer the 10 000 000 to your bank account.