This is, no joke, the fourth thread about this topic that I make.
Lane bug. What does it mean?
Your information regarding which lanes are down and which lanes are up are updated only within the same system. In other words, if someone shoots out a lane in the next system, your game does not know about it.
Back in 2013. someone thought it was a brilliant idea to move all the gates closer to the first ring of each lane. This was, apparently, because traders complained that they must *gasp* charge cruise after they enter the system. Oh bloody no.
Okay, but you know what happens?
If you are pirating at a gate, it tends to spawn friendly as well as hostile NPCs around it. The hostile npcs are not so much a problem anymore as they do not have missiles or mines, but the gate still shoots pirate NPCs. And it almost always hits the first lane with either its regular guns or pulses.
So as you sit there and your presence spawns NPCs, the gate is busy shooting the lane out. And then a trader jumps in from the other system - and since for them the information regarding lanes is not reloaded, their lane is up.
And you know what sucks about it? For you - the pirate - the lane is down. You cannot even SHOOT IT OUT. to stop the trader. You cannot even attack the person, because of how close the lane is - it is not giving them enough time to respond.
And you know what? Traders know this. They fly in pairs so one jumps in - encounters the pirate and sits near the ring. He then shoots out the lane himself, tells his friend to jump in - for them the lane is up, and then the first trader just forms up on his friend as he takes out the lane that the pirate now cannot shoot out - as it is already shot out - and both get away.
About this.
Okay, so maybe this was done to discourage players from pirating near gates. Okay, then do this properly, instead of using what is essentially an exploit. And it is not even a global change. "MOST" gates were moved. So why the preference?
A good example of a lane would be Omega 3- Omega 7. The gate is ''exactly'' at the range where its pulses do not reach the lane ring.
Fix maybe? This is only being brought up by various people maybe three times a year now.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
(06-02-2016, 11:14 AM)sindroms Wrote: Back in 2013. someone thought it was a brilliant idea to move all the gates closer to the first ring of each lane. This was, apparently, because traders complained that they must *gasp* charge cruise after they enter the system. Oh bloody no.
Proposed moving the gates away in my balance thread, Xoria replied it's not gonna happen because trade route balance ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Edit: Proposed also removing thruster from big transports and make them charge cruise engines longer, also was noped.
Moving the gates closer in the first place was work and required a rebalance. Why was it done in the first place and why wasn't it a problem then?
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Another ridiculous Aeternus Doleo decision, just like making base/solar guns indestructible, adding NPC gunboat patrols everywhere, and a myriad of other changes to make the game more PvE centric.
The easiest solution would be to take the pulses off of gates, but I'm guessing there's some group which can effectively lobby for that not to happen either. Yawn.
Can we just reduce the range of those guns instead? That would be a fix that would not require the individual re positioning of 100+ Gates
EDIT: Actually, cutting the lane downtime could also reduce this. Or upping the lane HP so that at least the regular gate guns cannot down them.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: