Turns out there's a simpler one, Kudos to @Xalrok for what, which is what Haste was mentioning. Basically, lanes are just giant dockable 3d shields floating in space. Just need to make their shield type resistant to base guns, done deal.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
I wonder though, what would happen if you halved the lane downtime as well. That by itself should reduce the possibility, if only to make traders not move away from the ring even more annoying.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
I'd go full yes for moving JGs further from lanes will all its consequences. Hostile cruisers are already sitting on JGs withno literally taking care about their existance. All they do is just going to gate's point blank and waiting for victims there
Mephistoles Wrote:Trade routes are carefully balanced for specific numbers. Whether you care or not, to maintain these numbers, they would have to be rebalanced.
Thanks for protecting the balance of the game.
nOmnonnOm Wrote:I dont see how moving a gate backwards by 1k or 2k would mean rebalancing economy.
Who cares! It is just a little difference.
I'm a trader for the most part, and it really does matter. One small change will cause an imbalance that makes pirating of traders incredibly easy. I remember before the current balance that things were very difficult for traders (however, RP was much more fun in a trade ship).
I didn't know about the trade lane bug, but it explains how I got by some pirates once in a while with the sudden "What happened?!" I am not one to exploit things. I prefer to play the old fashioned way, fun for all, seeking quality Role Play encounters.
I believe that if someone is using an exploit in the game intentionally to decrease the advantage another player has in the game that did not use an exploit should be at the minimum warned, and then whatever the admins and such folks decide.
To me the accidental use of the trade lane bug is not punishable, because if you aren't aware of the pirate then you don't even think about it. Pirating in the middle of a trade lane seems to be the best and most surprise version of it. Even with a strong Scanner you still can't stop from being within 8K in most instances when you're headed down the lane at 2,000K (+/-) per second.
I miss the days when I got pirated often.
THE IMBALANCE OF POWERis a construct ofTHE MINDsystemic to the reactions between the subjects of the system.POWERis given by those who acknowledge such power.REFUSALto acknowledge power removes that power forTHE REBEL; however, it produces anomalies in interactions throughout the system. TheseANOMOLIEScause theUNPREDICTABLEnature of the system that all usersCRAVE.
Quote:And you know what? Traders know this. They fly in pairs so one jumps in - encounters the pirate and sits near the ring. He then shoots out the lane himself, tells his friend to jump in - for them the lane is up, and then the first trader just forms up on his friend as he takes out the lane that the pirate now cannot shoot out - as it is already shot out - and both get away.
Newer hear about this , cool trick , thanks for teaching me . I will start spreading it among fellow traders !
Quote:And you know what? Traders know this. They fly in pairs so one jumps in - encounters the pirate and sits near the ring. He then shoots out the lane himself, tells his friend to jump in - for them the lane is up, and then the first trader just forms up on his friend as he takes out the lane that the pirate now cannot shoot out - as it is already shot out - and both get away.
Newer hear about this , cool trick , thanks for teaching me . I will start spreading it among fellow traders !
Its funny how people think its beneficial for them. If i had more time when pirating id do more roleplay, demand less and give them more time to respond. When a trader now moves to the lane he gets a countdown from me and is gone after that for there just is no time to wait for people to halt.
(06-02-2016, 06:34 PM)sasapinjic Wrote: Newer hear about this , cool trick , thanks for teaching me . I will start spreading it among fellow traders !
Thanks for openly admitting on forum you're going to exploit game bugs. I will spread it among fellow admins !
Time to post something in the admin forum in regards to the lane bug.
Everything i do i do openly , i fear nothing ( except Torpedoes ) !
There is admition there my friend , spreading stories of exploits/bugs is not exploiting game bugs !