Communication link received...
Sender: Lloyd Black, Zoner
Location: Freeport 6
To: Whoever's in charge of this "navy"
Subject: NLF_Highlands
Opening link...
So I've received word from my brother Evan that this "NLF_Highlands" has declared war on Liberty, and has been stealing from traders, accusing them of committing war crimes. Not only that, but he's been taking hostages.
Here's my question: why haven't you killed this fool and his crew? If he's declared war on you, that makes him an enemy combatant - his death would be entirely justified, and I've noticed you SA boys and girls are rather trigger-happy. Let's be reasonable here, it's a single gunship, and I've seen all those cruisers and battleships you keep near Manhattan. Show him why a single person declaring war on a house is a bad idea, before you get a few vigilantes doing so and giving the Liberty Navy and LSF worse names than you already have.
Black out.
Link unexpectedly terminated. Closing...
[Incoming Transmission]
[From: Leo Goodman
To: Liberty Lawfuls, Lloyd Black]
[Begin Message]
Subject: Hu-wha?
Zoner, how did you get into our comm systems? I do not expect you to be reading our messages, or sending new ones in general. If you have a problem, please, contact one of our officers, but not here.
Incoming transmission.
...Decoding... failed
...Tracking Transmission information...
...Tracking Source...LSF bureau, Manhattan, New York, Liberty
...Estimating Priority...HIGH
...Sender...Deputy director David Copperfield of the LSF
...Receiver...Liberty Forces
...Starting message...
The Leader of the Harvesters has contacted me earlier. We have spoke and he clearly explained that the harvesters have been Hacked by Mon'star and Psi-Borg. And that, software are now beeing installed on Harvester' ships to prevent any further infiltration in their systems. They should not attack us anymore, If they do warn me.
Also, The Leader has agreed to Recycle the Assault Battle cruiser that they have.
They are also not allowed to go in the zone anymore, If they do, tell me.
For the moment Harvester are UNBANNED and can now fly in Liberty.
[color=#FF0000]Any ship, from any faction; zoner, order, BHG, etc, going in the zone will be eliminated on sight And thus relation with them will get more unstable
From the Liberty Security Force office,
-David Copperfield
[font=Arial Black]...End of message...
...Transmission lost...
the hologram showed the face of the young general, obviously tired
Tonight... tonight we've downed a total of 3 gunboats... all of them from the outcast coalition of pirates. The only one we didn't managed to take out was Basilik. A great victory, for the repair costs of the final engagement were evaluated to a little less than 100 thousand Sirius Credits or so. The young woman sighed, and looked down, as if reading from a datapad
Sorry... it's getting late... yes. The pirates engaged by keeping comm silence. I was taken by surprise, as I was about to go off shift and let my captain take the relay. The bridge was hence left to itself for a few minutes, on which our opponents engaged us.
We were also struck by an unfortunate ion storm, which made the whole combat extremely confused as our electronic equipment went disrupted. Still, we've stood alone against the opponents, and managed to force the last standing gunboat in a retreat.
We've taken many of the pirate escape pods, and all prisonners are now awaiting interrogation, in the cells of our vessel. I'm sure they'll have a lot to say...
Or at least to answer for.
Pirates driven away of Liberty space / Eliminated:
- Deviant.Vortex: Escorted out of Liberty space (To magellan) after beeing found pirating traders in West Point -> California trade lane, in New York. Records 1 and 2 show the weapons systems present in that ship.
- Jayde.Wolf: Eliminated when found pirating in Manhattan -> West Point trade lane, in New York, with the aid of Guard_00, harvester guard unit, which volunteered itself for the task, and released two naval pilots on its own will.
- Jack_Thompson: Found in the limit of my scanners range, was engaged and destroyed in Colorado.
- XA-Viper: Pilot of a bomber, was found little after the last one, flying from what i suspect is a jumphole to New York system, and engaged. With several damage to its ship, it docked at an asteroid. Might be an undercover Xeno base, so it will need to be investigated. Sorry about the lack of visual info, my ship's recorder was damaged in the fight.
- Two corsairs (Tiberius, Hadrian) were found trying to get into restricted space. Luckily, we had there stationed a Liberty Assault Battlecruiser, with Gafwmn in charge of it. At least one of the corsairs, and an order pilot who was already in the restricted area and opened fire on this agent, were killed. The second corsair most likely tried to save his life by escaping. The visual records arent provided due classified nature of the space the battle took place in.
- XA-Diamondback, whose vessel was destroyed when he and several other xenos attacked civilians near Pueblo base, Colorado. Lawful forces engaged them and the threat was eventually dispatched.
As a personal note, i think the harvesters are proving to wish to be accepted again in Liberty. The fact that a guard harvester vessel attacked a criminal, assisting a LSF officer, is an evidence of it. So i, honestly knowing my rank, would recommend to treat them with respect for now, seeing that they can provide a very useful assistance.
No smugglers were caught today in my shift.
And, at last, there was a situation in which a QCR vessel entered NY airspace without previous warning. After intercepting the vessel in New York -> California Jumpgate, the QCR officer stated that he wanted to buy weapons from [Wellington]Gun-Dealer, stationed in Texas. I recommended him to, next time, warn the local security forces about his presence, as finding a foreign nation bomber in the very core of Liberty could be seen as a threat to our safety.
Agent Mike Edwards clossing communication channel.
This is Agent Mike Edwards, reporting action today.
Smugglers caught: None.
Pirates eliminated:
- Hillary_Nixon: Found in New York, was engaged and destroyed by me and two independant vessels, Jimmy (applicant for LSF) and [oem]Maverick.74. This happened early today.
- 4 vessels, identified by my IFF as hostile, were spotted. After getting closer, two had Junker IFF and two had xeno. After getting ID on one of the xeno's, i proceeded to engage and destroy it. Later, one of the "junkers", called Hillbilly began to try to expulse me from the area. Scanned him for ID, and found generic pirate ID. Proceeded to engage, and that vessel was destroyed too. The other xeno escaped.
- A hacker called Demonica.l was spotted in New York, and followed to Rochester base, where she docked. After a while, while leaving the area, i saw her undocking, turned around, and proceeded to engage. Then, another Lane Hacker by the callsign of kevin, in a slipstream, came to her aid. Managed to destroy both ships, kevin's and Demonica.l's without any loses.
And, a few minutes ago, we had an impressive attack on Manhattan. Vessels though to be destroyed Like Hillary_Nixon (yes, once again), XA-Viper, XA-Blacktail, XA-Copperhead, and Ol'Jack'Tar were spotted. They engaged the trader gafwmn_Transport_Inc, destroying it. I managed to somewhat easily take out XA-Blacktail, but as some more pirates showed in (Like Massikari, and Giovanni.Cordoba), i could not continue the battle. After long minutes, in which i struggled against everything, damaging several ships equipment but destroying no one's else ship, out of missiles, mines, batteries and nanobots, and even cruise disruptors, my ship catched on fire, and began to drift towards the planet Manhattan, leaving me no other option but to use the escape pod provided with the now lost vessel. I really hope the remaining civilian vessels, and the LNS vessel which came to our aid, could do better under that situation. At least, the XA-Viper pirate was eliminated, not sure if in the same blast that gave the final blow to my already damaged ship.
Agent Mike Edwards clossing communication channel.
Good day, sir. Isabelle nodded slightly, followed by a salute
Tonight, great victories, first we forced into retreat a gunboat captain that was trying to slaughter LSF agent Mike Edward.
After what, an outcast dreadnaught and his bomber escort came into range as we orbitted our home base of California Minor. The dreadnaught was destroyed with ease, while the bomber was hunted down by my gunboat, the LSF and the LPI: it stood absolutely no chance.
Followed by this, we severly damaged a foolish hacker gunship that was passing nearby.
Then, after a while, an order battleship came in system claiming his intention to capture a libertonian scientist apparently studying on the nomads. Unfortunately for the "admiral" (so he claimed) in charge of this vessel, his ship was quickly destroyed with the help of my gunboat escort, and we made up many order prisonners from the escape pods.
Reporting an attack by Xenos today. A wing of them consisting of Spear, Conway, Blacktail, and Dodgers entered NY. At that time, only myself and LSF agent FortunateSon were on duty. The Xenos discovered my location as I guarded Zone-21 and homed in on me. Being outnumbered there, I proceeded to the Missouri and met up with FortunateSon. The Xenos caught up and engaged us some distance from Norfolk. Liberty cruiser patrols and a bounty hunter, Jesse Canas, came to our aid.
The battle, sadly, was one we lost. FortunateSon was the first casualty, followed by Blacktail, and then Canas. I was the last one remaining against three Xenos. Right before my craft was destroyed, I successfully took out Dodgers. A cruiser tractored me in after I ejected.
Long range scanners showed that the remaining Xenos remained in NY for a while before returning to Colorado.
Incoming transmission.
...Tracking Transmission information...
...Tracking Source...LSF bureau, Manhattan, New York, Liberty
...Estimating Priority...MEDIUM
...Sender...Deputy director David Copperfield of the LSF
...Receiver...Liberty Navy HC
...Starting message...
The current situation in Zone-21 is begining to get more and more urgent; We have witnessed recently a massive inflow of Pirate and Order ships, as well as some notable smugglers.
Because of these issues, LSF is asking the Navy to move one of his Heavy capital ship into the zone to enforce protection and stop intruders.
The secret may never be told, Do NOT forget this.
From The Liberty security force bureau of internal affairs.
-David Copperfield
[font=Arial Black]...End of message...
...Transmission lost...
// After I saw Hoodlum's sanction post,,, I realized that most of the violators are coming from outer worlds, Corsairs are the main problem, That is why we need a BS in Alaska at the JH (or in the minefield) (problematic intruders are coming from the omircrons) so we can stop the influx. For the Outcast going OORP in NY,,, I can speak to them, I know some of them.