Right so i got a message from CONSOLE while in game, i know this must be a admin or mod but i would like to know if you can reply in game to such a message, second i was told to check my ID as i was outside of my ZOI- however i was lead to believe that you can leave your area if for the purpose of NPC hunting, and not entering any form of PVP, no where that i have read does it say you must remain inside your ZOI at all times, only that you can not engage outside of your ZOI unless in self defense, someone please help with this
and by the way i was going after nomads in lota in a rheinland battleship, i know for a fact others take house ships nomad hunting, is this not allowed????????/
You're free to leave your ZoI. There's no rules against that. There are some IDs with exceptions to that, however I presume you were using the RM ID.
Although I personally think going after Nomads in Iota with a Rheinland Battleship is extremely stupid both inRP and ooRPly and you should feel bad for doing it.
By your role-play, you are personifying a Rheinland battleship captain. His orders are to guard Rheinland. Your ZOI = Rheinland's interest. If the ZOI doesn't cover the system you're hunting for Nomads in, then that is not part of your interest and you are acting contrary to orders. It is not against the rules, but if the Rheinland Military High Command find out you moved a battleship belonging to the Fatherland there, they are going to be angry.
It is different if you are a trader. A trader's ZOI isn't much different, but they actually have some business outside the House -- which they must leave in order to trade with other Houses. They just can't shoot stuff there except in self-defense, because that's the job of the local law enforcement.
Of course, you can say that you are fighting the Nomad threat outside of Rheinland. But it is not your role, unless you are ordered so by the RM HC. There are local factions (Order and Core) whose job it is. If you want to hunt for Nomads, make a character in one of those factions. If you want to sell them as well, make a Core character, because the Order's goal is to destroy the Nomads, and the Core's to use their technology and even sell it so they could fund their operations.
(06-13-2016, 04:54 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: You're free to leave your ZoI. There's no rules against that. There are some IDs with exceptions to that, however I presume you were using the RM ID.
Although I personally think going after Nomads in Iota with a Rheinland Battleship is extremely stupid both inRP and ooRPly and you should feel bad for doing it.
well i was intending to hunt nomad battleships, for the purpose of, because i want to, and because i can, i took my battleship there because i wanted to fight a NPC battleship in my battleship, where else can i do this???
2nd i also want the battleship remains and any other nomad remains i can get my hands on, now in RP i want them to make cloaks for our fleet, however it is not within my char to pay someone else to go hunting for these remains, hence why that char went there to hunt for him self, having the ability to cloak is in the best interest of rheinland security no matter witch way you look at it
(06-13-2016, 05:10 PM)Dark-Kningh Wrote: well i was intending to hunt nomad battleships, for the purpose of, because i want to, and because i can, i took my battleship there because i wanted to fight a NPC battleship in my battleship, where else can i do this???
Just take local missions against local unlawful battleships.
(06-13-2016, 05:10 PM)Dark-Kningh Wrote: 2nd i also want the battleship remains and any other nomad remains i can get my hands on, now in RP i want them to make cloaks for our fleet, however it is not in a char's to pay someone else to go hunting for these remains, hence why that char went there to hunt for him self, having the ability to cloak is in the best interest of rheinland security no matter witch way you look at it
'InRP' RM wouldn't dive straight towards Iota themselves to gather the materials. It'd be an over-extension of resources, too dangerous and furthermore they'd require their military to be on the homefront protecting their borders. Just do things logically and either do RP and contact Core for remains or just make a Core character yourself and self-supply, either of those two options are sensible and within the realms of your character. Otherwise you run the risk of not only being shot by Nomads, but by Core and Order as well. Plus, as said, it's very silly for a House military to go farming themselves.
Just take local missions against local unlawful battleships.[/quote]
there are no local missions against battleships only cruisers, and there far to easy, even the highest paying i have seen of 5.9M are far to easy for a battleship and 1 support ship, even alone there not that hard,
And FYI im not official RM faction nor do i see more then 1 on in a two day period so taking orders from them is not going to happen, unless they are there during a battle against hessians or corsairs, for no other reason at all will i take orders from a faction that is never on or there when they are needed, and also to reply to another part witch i didnt quote, if RHA or corsairs show up while MY battleship is not in rhienland i do have a battle cruiser there at all times as do our other un official clan members, plus fighters and bombers, so i think even without MY battleship there we have things in control as best we can for such a small clan with no official backing from the RM
(06-13-2016, 05:34 PM)Dark-Kningh Wrote: no other reason at all will i take orders from a faction that is never on or there when they are needed
People have lives. Also if I am not mistaken RM is currently having a lot of leadership switches and issues with its player base (Maybe I am generalizing?).
I think the point you are missing is that it is a bad idea to send your RM BS into Iota, or even the Omicrons at all.
(06-13-2016, 05:34 PM)Dark-Kningh Wrote: no other reason at all will i take orders from a faction that is never on or there when they are needed
People have lives. Also if I am not mistaken RM is currently having a lot of leadership switches and issues with its player base (Maybe I am generalizing?).
I think the point you are missing is that it is a bad idea to send your RM BS into Iota, or even the Omicrons at all.
yes people have lives, and yes official RM faction are having issues, witch is why none of us have tried to, or want to join the official RM faction, and also why taking orders from them will not be happening,
and no im not missing the point, everyone thinks its a bad idea to take my RM battleship into omicrons, however i want the nomad remains for my RM ships and my RM char's do not contract anyone for any reason unless its in direct defense of rheinland space, other then that if they want something they go and get it, in this case they want cloaks, and to make them you need nomad Battleship remains, to get them you kill nomad battleships, so thats what i was intending to do before i got that CONSOLE message,