(06-26-2016, 09:07 PM)Corile Wrote: So what you're saying is "we're gonna let people vote then we're gonna choose who we want anyway"?
I am just saying, members shouldn't be promoted to moderators just because they are surrounded by more friends than others. It was a recommendation provided by community and trust me, we compared Staff votes and Community votes. And again, I would rather pick someone who's responsible with one friend than someone with "lawl" behaviour and 1000 friends.
(06-27-2016, 11:56 AM)xiphos Wrote: but i don't want to see quotes from Stalin here at Discovery
Are we reaching that stage of political correctness? Should we start employing trigger warnings now?
Simply put. Just for you. Yes. We should reach that stage of your so called political correctness. And i give a damn about your sarcasm. We don't need Stalin, Hitler or any other dictator here.
(06-27-2016, 12:09 PM)Corile Wrote: So if that quote was attributed to someone else, like Martin Luther King, or, I dunno, Anita Sarkheesian, would that be okay with you? Also
I think it's the apparent double standard with banning someone and then posting content that would pass the threshold to ban someone.
If Phantom for instance posted that image, you'd see a whatever day ban the new rules provide for. Especially if Hannibal was moderating the thread.
Debating which politics is better between Stalin, King and Sarkheesian is a political discussion, and providing feedback on the issue does not mean we should be baited into violating the rules by your posts.
(06-27-2016, 12:09 PM)Corile Wrote: So if that quote was attributed to someone else, like Martin Luther King, or, I dunno, Anita Sarkheesian, would that be okay with you? Also
(06-27-2016, 12:04 PM)xiphos Wrote: We don't need Stalin, Hitler or any other dictator here.
Quite the contrary, I think the forums could do with a bit more of Pinochet.
That's almost funny. Really. You try to be a serious clown today. Not my sense of humor though. That's why i don't laugh right now. But yeah. You have your opinion. I have my own. The quote is gone. Problem solved. Have a nice day and see you in flood maybe...
Pic removed for greater good (although it's basically just an internet meme, but w/e)
I'd like to adress earlier posts in here, and what was told to me on skype privately by few persons.
First of all, there seems to be quite some anger directed towards admins, particular ones and the admin team as a whole. Sadly, the negativity and very often harsh words spoken on skype, when reaching us greens, demotivate my colleagues. The issue boils down to "what's the point of even trying, if we get blasted for whatever we do anyway?"
Proposing constructive solutions in a helpful manner works much, much better than "admin team sucks" "admin X is an idiot" "lol do these guys even play this game?"
Second, after I had a discussion with a rather angry at us community member on skype two days ago, it strucked me many complaints are baseless. That's right, baseless. The mentioned member accused certain admin of "doing nothing". Just, you see, that admin is one of our two most active admins at the moment. He takes care of server-side things, helps members unban blocked ships, unmount jump drives etc.
I think that perhaps many of you don't realize if an admin doesn't post sanctions or announcements, he's not lazy.
Good deal of this work is done silently, in the shadows. Giving input in violation report threads, doing things from the desk, taking part in admin discussions and votings, reaching out to players and factions on skype, etc etc.
An admin can hardly ever bother with posting sanctions, with green statements, he can be almost invisible admin-work-wise on forum for average members, but that doesn't mean he happens to be "doing nothing". And we do have such situations - e.g. the mentioned above "lazy" admin, whose work is of great help for us all. Please take that under consideration.