The Story of Dexter Flynt begins on Alcatraz Depot in California.
From his first day on his career was pretty much predestined. He was born in a small flat as son of two Rogues, Emely and Terry Flint. The bigger part of his childhood he lived with his parents and brother on the Transports they flew to smuggle goods between the bases hidden in the remote asteroid fields of Liberty, sometimes even to rob unconscious trade ship captains, although he was left on Alcatraz when his parents planned a more dangerous run.
In his teenage years he made friends with some of the pirates that visited Alcatraz, took part in many pub brawls and earned his money mainly by cheating in card games. He was not exactly talented in what he did but mostly more sober than his opponents.
He drank but till then it was rather a way to kill time than an addiction.
That changed when he got older and needed to earn himself a living. He began to steal everything he could lay his hands on to get money for a spaceship, what made him visit the bars much more often. Most likely not of help was the disappearing of his brother at that time. From one day to the other he just vanished, never to be heard of again. This was another reason for him to hear around and try to get any information he could find, mostly in the pubs. Finding no sign of his brother, but eventually getting the money he needed, he began to drink more and more, making the alcohol his new best friend.
When he got his first ship, He began to rob smaller freighters with a friend. He became known for being good at improvising when facing technical problems, repairing his ship on his own with whatever parts he could get.
When a new captain called Tony Rackham searched for a crew, he was told to get this talented guy as a mechanic.
That way Dexter saw the Rusty Nail for the first time.
He worked hard on the ship, rising throught the ranks and eventually became the second most respected man on the ship.
One day, when a Navy patrol got them and they had heavy backup nearby, Rackham was drunk and ordered the ship to attack.
The crew, knowing this wouldn't end well, began to dismiss his orders.
Flynt, seizing the moment, shot Rackham when he was screaming at his crew and took over the ship, moving it into an asteroid field.
When he brought the ship back to Alcatraz, he "cleaned" the crew from those that didn't trust him and recruited some friends for it, eventually making him the undisputed captain.
From there on Flynt and his crew plundered many ships, having some firefights with the Navy and basically live the dream of every pirate, having lots of money, alcohol and what else one could want!
Chosen Vessel:
Ship Name:Rusty Nail Ship Model:RA-9 "Scylla" Rogue/Molly Destroyer
Hull strength:318.000 Power Plant Optimization:100% Guns/Turrets:13 Power Output:120.000/2.250.000 Max. impulse speed:70m/s Max. thrust speed:130 m/s Max. cruise speed:350 m/s
After he seized command of the Rusty Nail there were little problems in Dexters life for quite some time. He went on living the life of a Rogue, got a wound here and there when the Navy was a bit faster then expected, but overall his life was good.
But slowly the times got harder for the Rogues in Liberty. They lost every bit of organization they once had, leading to the authorities catching the odd Rogues with ease.
There still were and are other Rogue groups, but none of them was able to build a strong enought force for, or even interest in piracy, but fighting for ideals the average Rogue can not really identify with. The part of the Liberty underground that just was out for a fast buck had nothing uniting them, no banner to follow or organize them.
In this miserable time destiny, or coincedence, whatever you want to believe in happened to give him an opportunity that could not be missed.
In the Alcatraz Inn a new group was founded, firstly consisting of some people that worked together for some time already, dedicated to the Rogue way to live, gathering what they needed from those that were miserable enought to be catched by them.
Rooting as a way to supply their people the group began to grow, pulling those Rogues that were not satisfied by flying alone and one day get shot to pieces by a patrol.
As one of the founders of the group, bearing a lot of authorty as well as commanding their heaviest asset he was the one building relations with other groups, especially with the Commune, who became allies they could rely on if in need. First contacts with the National Council of Malta were made in that time as well.
Then the Corbins, founders and leaders of the Alcatraz Rogues just like him, began to pull out of the group for reasons unknown but he did not miss the opportunity to take control of the rising group, hoping to lead them into a bright future.
With the help of "Sir"Uncle Willy, as he was called, as newly appointed coleader he consolidated the group and with it his position.
Now leading the Alcatraz Rogues Dexter sees himself very close to his target, giving himself and with that other Rogues a flag to group under, to strike fear in the hearts of merchants again and fill his and his mens pockets till they burst.