Captain ZooM here head of the intelligence core,
I'm calling on behalf of the Transport division in regards to supplying your bases with needed commodities for the many items you have under production, i do however realize that you may have these items under contract already but i ask you to consider our transport division for anything else you may need,
We offer 24hr serves for any commodities you want on any contract upto 50,000 units
We are also very interested in long term contracts such as so many units per days for a number of weeks months ect
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Supply To:Captain ZooM Greetings Captain ZooM,
thank you for your interest in supplying our space station with materials, its highly appreciated.
At the moment as a start we urgently need 50,000 Argentium Silver to our space station Isle Of Skye and the current buy price is 1,668 SC. Is that something you would be interested in ? Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
Greeting Zak
First off i'd like to thank you for you reply and interest in our transport serves,
and to confirm that we will be more then happy to complete you transportation needs of 50,000 units of Argentium Silver,
You can expect completion within 24hours of this transmission
Full documentation of shipments will be provided with completion transmission
Again i wish to thank you for this chance to prove our worth as not only a international intelligence core but as a fast and reliable transportation option.
Captain ZooM here again our transport Director is currently away seeking another contract and is outside of comm range,
I'm very pleased to inform you that the contract for 50,000 units of Argentium Silver is now complete thanks to a few of our pilots,
If you have any other supplies you need please be sure to drop us a line.
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Supply To:Captain ZooM Greetings again Captain ZooM,
I would like to inform you that we are very pleased with your efficient and fast service thank you very much.
We all the time need supplies Captain becouse our factories is working with full capacity to cover the market needs and if you wish and have time we currently need 37,271 unit of Robotic Hardware to the same station at a price of 1366 SC per unit. Does it sound good for you ? Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
Greetings again Zak,
Sadly our transport division is currently undertaking another contract so we are only able to offer 1 ship for this haul, but never fear the captain of Speedy is here and has assured me that he will be able to complete the requested haul within 24hours *fingers crossed*
The head of the transport division Amanda Shepherd should be back at work in a few days, her current location has been located by some un friendly pilots so as you can guess she is rather busy right now along with a few other [intel] officers attempting to '' teach '' those pilots the error of there ways.
I will contact you again upon completion of the contract .
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence core-
Transport division
Well after many delays and a few hassles the pilot of Speedy has managed to complete your contract of 37,271 Robotic hardwares,
Again on behalf of Amanda shepherd head of out transport division i thank you and BMF for using our serves and hope that you will have other contracts for us in the future.
Encryption: High
Location: Omicron Delta
Target: CEO. Zak Conner
ID:Amanda Shepherd
Subject:Transportation of supplies
Greetings again Mr.Conner,
I'd like to inform you that the transport agreement made by yourself and the Captain of >SEI<[intel]Harmony[T] a few hours ago for 25,000 units of industrial Hardware has been completed,
Again we thank you for you contracts and await your next.
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Supply To:Transport Division | Amanda Shepherd Good day Amanda,
Thank you again for your efficient and fast service. materials received and i would like to request more materials ASAP.
We need 38492 units of Robotic Hardware to the same station at the same price 1366 SC per unit. Is that something you can help us with ? Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer