I gotta ask, is there any reason almost all channels seem to have their lists invisibled? Even ones such as the Wold of Tanks lobby, which has a maxclient of 2 for some reason. It is kinda sad, because you hop on during the morning, see the empty list and hop off again.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(07-18-2016, 08:49 AM)sindroms Wrote: I gotta ask, is there any reason almost all channels seem to have their lists invisibled? Even ones such as the Wold of Tanks lobby, which has a maxclient of 2 for some reason. It is kinda sad, because you hop on during the morning, see the empty list and hop off again.
The only channel that was that way was that one. An oversight really, since we have made all of them visible after bringing up the new TS.
Please let me take 5 minutes of your time.
I joined the "Extreme Teamspeak" aka the Discovery Teamspeak and requested a channel, then i used this channel for some weeks fine.
Lately, the channel password been given to some unwanted players and they managed to join there and cause some noise.
I changed the password and then noticed that whatever password i type to enter, do works! ... even if i leave the password on blank and click "ok" then it let me in.
I had a talk to some of the nice admins of the teamspeak server. Petitioner helped by deleting the channel and re creating it again then it started working fine for some hours.
The next day, i found that the new password also been given to some unwanted players by some untrustworthy player so i decided to change the password
I did a test to see if other passwords will work, then i noticed that the same bug is back and whatever password i type do let me in successfully.
I asked QuinnZai to help and then he asked Karst to help too, and they both managed to fix that, and the channel password is back to normal and bug free.
That was few hours ago, now i just logged in, and found that i can use any password to join the channel again..... !!!
I am confused and upset in the same time. Specially when some old player on teamspeak start changing his nickname to "Racist" ones against me. anyway, that's not the subject.
I feel insecure and not welcomed to this teamspeak so i want to thank you for providing me with a channel so i can meet with friends in it and i would like to ask you to delete it, since i no longer will use this teamspeak server. Thank you for reading and thanks for all the honest attempts to help from @Petitioner , @evanz , @"QuinnZai" and @Karst and have a good day.
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You know you can ignore people right? Yes - people are dumb, but giving them attention is how you feed their idiocy. Use the complaint system too.
Also passwords can be changed - but since /you/ made the password - and are channel admin - you don't have to reput the password in. If you're really bothered, you can request your channel to be hidden - like I did with the Auxesia one - which hides who's currently in the channel.
(07-23-2016, 01:56 AM)Auzari Wrote: You know you can ignore people right? Yes - people are dumb, but giving them attention is how you feed their idiocy. Use the complaint system too.
Also passwords can be changed - but since /you/ made the password - and are channel admin - you don't have to reput the password in. If you're really bothered, you can request your channel to be hidden - like I did with the Auxesia one - which hides who's currently in the channel.
You are probably right there since we tested it normally and the passwords worked just fine. But as for the hiding users, this new teamspeak has been set up not to do this anymore. Instead of hiding users from other problem users, we encourage everyone to report it to us when these people are becoming a problem.
Which brings up another issue we are having with the current users. You are abusing the complaint system by sending us false complaints because you think it's funny at the time. This makes it a lot harder for use to know when there are legitimate complaints being sent to us. So I ask of you to stop doing it or we are going to have to revoke this ability for certain users.
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(07-23-2016, 01:52 AM)Mark Hamann Wrote: words
Hi Xenon. I'm sorry that people were harassing you like that. If the issue hasn't already been handled, please report the people who were doing it. If you want to continue using our teamspeak server, we can also set it up such that the people you don't want in your channel can't enter, even with the password. Furthermore, as Nyx said, you can block people from messaging you. Once again, I'm sincerely sorry that people were giving you grief like that. We don't tolerate that sort of behavior, so if you'd like to help keep troublemakers from potentially causing issues for others in the future, we're happy to work with you on that, but if you've made your decision, I understand. Either way, thank you for letting us know.
(08-17-2016, 11:08 AM)Petitioner Wrote: Hi Xenon. I'm sorry that people were harassing you like that. If the issue hasn't already been handled, please report the people who were doing it. If you want to continue using our teamspeak server, we can also set it up such that the people you don't want in your channel can't enter, even with the password. Furthermore, as Nyx said, you can block people from messaging you. Once again, I'm sincerely sorry that people were giving you grief like that. We don't tolerate that sort of behavior, so if you'd like to help keep troublemakers from potentially causing issues for others in the future, we're happy to work with you on that, but if you've made your decision, I understand. Either way, thank you for letting us know.
I don't seriously know what reminded you about this, since i already left that teamspeak server for a while and just visit from time to time
I am currently using another teamspeak server and i am not facing any problems from people there. The administration there don't keep racists inside, so are you gonna do that?
Maybe after watching this and that? and it's just a small token from what can be proven by a screenshot, but there are tons of racism said by voice which cannot be proven easily. I am not sure, but good luck with your teamspeak server. I am in no need to be there while there are bunch of racist, ignorant and immature people who are not being removed from there and that is enough reason for me and my friends not to use your server again. Have a good day.
Thread cleaned up. If you want to continue on this discussion, please keep it off the forum. ~Sind
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502