I might take a few commissions to make models and possibly other content like particle effects.
Here's the deal and here's the catch.
Since I don't play disco there isn't any payment, instead your concept simply has to be interesting for me to make. While I can guarantee technical cleanness of the model and supplemental resources (materials, textures, particle effects, etc) it rests up to you to negotiate any proposal with devs as I take no part in those at all. If devs agree with what you got in mind and I find the concept interesting then that's the deal.
In general I'd prefer to make something that isn't yet-another ship, though not outright denying a possibility of making one, just that chances aren't great. Instead consider that the choice is wider than that - it can be a custom starscape (system background), environment assets like custom bases components, animated gates, etc. Exceptions are: no systems and no remakes of existing stuff. Despite my focus on nomad-related stuff in the past I currently don't have any theme preference at all.
Happens so I have some extra time available and don't mind a short creative distraction.
We could use more turret models for just about everything. Some examples which come to mind would be Outcast, Corsair, GMG, IMG, SCRA, CR, HF, and Core turret models ranging from gunboat to battleship.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
(08-04-2016, 06:17 AM)sindroms Wrote: Do you take paypal?
If you're that adamant - sure, why not.
(08-04-2016, 05:22 AM)Auzari Wrote: codename engines or maybe even hybrid engines
Are codename engines planned anyway? Would be a shame for effects to linger and collect dust like some other content I've made before. But if there indeed a motion to add them to the mod then sure it's doable. Could conjure up something fancy there.
(08-04-2016, 05:16 AM)Durandal Wrote: We could use more turret models for just about everything. Some examples which come to mind would be Outcast, Corsair, GMG, IMG, SCRA, CR, HF, and Core turret models ranging from gunboat to battleship.
Hmm, the two culprits I can see. Firstly there are many ships of the same class yet of different size. Turrets would rather be made for standard sizes. And secondly if you prepare shared material library files for target shiplines that still use .mat file per ship then it could be done.
(08-04-2016, 05:22 AM)Auzari Wrote: codename engines or maybe even hybrid engines
Are codename engines planned anyway? Would be a shame for effects to linger and collect dust like some other content I've made before. But if there indeed a motion to add them to the mod then sure it's doable. Could conjure up something fancy there.
Oh this would be so awesome.
I'd love to see more engine effects - but it's up for the devs to actually implement them. I guess first they should respond and answer whether they would or not.
I've skyped you about it. I'm interested in a custom engine for a SHF, contact if it's doable. Performance unchanged for balance reasons, of course, but with purple - white particle spray on cruise charge with distinctly nomad-esque nozzle effects.
Think a magnetoplasma engine - VASMIR style, InRp using a magnetic bottle to channel exit gasses in the Kilo Kelvin temperature range.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
(08-02-2016, 10:59 PM)Treewyrm Wrote: it can be a custom starscape (system background)
I always thought Connecticut could do well with a starsphere that looks like a virtual reality background, like with lines such in classic "holodeck" environments.
Since renaming systems is a thing with the devs right now, Connecticut could be renamed to "Simulation" or "Virtual Reality" so it can serve as an IRP training or dueling ground in addition to its current purpose.
A VR within the VR, or game within the game, if you will.
Could also be a separate system from Connecticut, like a duplicate of Connecticut, just with the new starsphere, and a IRP VR.
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