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To the Commanding Officers of the SA and LSF, respectively,
I am Captain Joosua Elonen of the BHG gunboat Megiddo. I have been aproached by my Guild to negotiate for the purchase of (1) Liberty gunboat. A few weeks ago, I was granted permission by the SA to purchase a gunboat for trial runs. The runs proved a success and the gunboat was resold in Liberty space (Planet Houston) 36 hours later.
No doubt you are interested in the bounty hunter who wishes to pilot such a ship, as well as the intentions of the Guild. Myself and my crew are in good standing with the SA and LSF. At least that is our perception of the matter. My crew and I have extensive experience with the older gunship model, but recently we have been given orders to operate an Orca gunboat.
Our experiences with the Orca prompted me to file several after action reports with my superiors. The ship, for the most part, is more than adequate to deal with the threats of outer systems. However, the front gun has been a source of consternation. While the gun is a potent piece of hardware, the designer decided to place its hardpoint on the central truss - upside down. Now, the gunners on the Megiddoare battle-tested and a fairly accurate team. However, during a recent battle in Omicron Gamma, my front gun gunner had serious trouble hitting a Corsair Lunchbox - not exactly a Starflier, if you catch my drift.
After reviewing my reports on ship performance, my superiors have relented and decided to allow me to negotiate with you for purchase of the Liberty gunboat. Your gunboat is considered to be a natural choice, already on the basis of our common cultural roots. Our Guild's birthplace is in Liberty, as you all well know.
Our patrols take us through the Omegas, the Omicrons, the Taus and most of House Space. Lately we have been seeing a lot of action from the Corsairs and Nomads.
If either one of your organizations decides to approve this exceptional purchase, I believe you will not regret your decision. We will be asking for maintenance schematics, however. While the Guild has no intention of mass producing your gunboats, our technical crews will need schematics for routine repair and upkeep.
We await your decision. Keep safe and success in your endeavors.
Comm ID: Commander James Farley
To: Southern Alliance High Command
The LNS Oklahoma has been refitted as a Liberty Cruiser class vessel from her previous Gunboat outfitting. Soon, I will be improving her armament to the highest standards known in Liberty. May she serve us all well.
Comm ID: Commander James Farley
To: Southern Alliance High Command
I am writing again, to recommend that Joosua Elonen's (Megiddo) request to pilot a Liberty Gunboat be granted. Today, the said Bounty Hunter Gunship assisted Liberty forces in an overwhelming engagement against Xenos and the SCRA.
In my pervious encounter with RAB fighters i found that Buckshots do not do sufficient damage to Hull for my liking, i'm sure that there are others who feel the same, therefore i recommend immediate changing from Buckshots to Magma Hammers or Vengences.
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[From: Leo Goodman
To: Liberty Lawfuls]
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Subject: Scuffle with Outcast Destroyer
I received a distress call from a trader by Norfolk Shipyard, claiming there was an outcast destroyer there. I sped to Manhattan, climbed out of my ship, got in my bomber, and headed towards Norfolk. Sure enough, there he was. LSF pilot Mike Edwards as well as SA captain Matthew Anobi were with me. We engaged him, and destroyed him in the end - but Anobi was a little too close when Orden's ship exploded, and his ship was caught in the blast. We took his cargo pod in. Orden's cargo pod was nowhere to be found, but according to my LRS, he is still alive. We should assume that he is still at large and will strike back soon.
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Comm ID: Commodore John Talon
To: Liberty and other forces
Captain Joosua Elonen, you have permission to launch a liberty gunboat class vessel from the SA High Command, though wait for clearance from the LSF as well.
Captain Anobi, these matters will be looked into, for now magma hammers and vengeances are completely ineffective, stick to buckshots for now until we find a suitable replacement, our engineers are working on it.
Commander James Farley, good job on the launch of your cruiser, I hope you can do us proud with it.
Hull Damage/Second: 1832.00 Damage Per Second/Unit Energy: 14.99
Name: Magma Hammer Mk IV Hull Damage: 954.00 Power Usage: 197.00 Refire: 2.00 Speed: 500.00
Hull Damage/Second: 1908.00 Damage Per Second/Unit Energy: 9.69
Although the Buckshot does slightly less damage per second, it is far more energy efficient. Considering the above values, and that the Magma Hammer Mk IV only fires at 66.67% of the speed of the Buckshot, we're still better off using Buckshots as our staple hull weapon. Further, the speed of the Magma Hammer Mk IV is 500, to the 750 of the Imp. Debilitator, which will throw off the targeting reticule for those of you who use it.
The only alternative I could suggest would be codenames, but the power drain and the refire makes them horrific. However, if you're using Magma Hammer Mk IVs as it is, you might be better off with the codenames. But, those are on a last resort sort of order, if I understand correctly.
All that to say, we do need a better hull crushing weapon, as the Buckshot isn't quite up to par with that contraband nomad equipment that our enemies seem to use.
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[Comm ID: Fleet Admiral Richard Woolsey]
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Regarding the matter of the Buckshots;
In past we have relied on the use of these weapons, however in recent months it has been decided that we are to now rely on weapons of our own make. Despite the issues that will and already are arising we are making this shift.
We will no longer rely on weapons forged by the Bounty Hunters Guild, instead the above mentioned alternatives are to be used until further notice. Naval command is however aware of the state of disadvantage that this will place some pilots in and as such we are exploring alternative options to solve this matter.
To: Liberty Forces
Comm ID: Commander Greg LaCroix
Subject: Patrol Log
-Today flew with recruits Lecric Shocker, Dave Elliston, Jarl Thompson and LSF agent Mike Edwards.
-Destroyed during today's patrol wereas follows:
Teiwas, Lane Hacker in Rogue GB..........................................Kill by LNS-Corregidor
Wrrath, Merc in Spatial, tresspassing in Alaska........................Kill by Recruit Dave Elliston
Don Ronaldo, Rogue tagged pirate flying a Sabre.....................Kill by Recruit Dave Elliston
-Switched my fighter load-out to full Magma Hammers (slow but super solid damage, provided you can hit the target).
-Would recommend review of current recruits performance records for promotion to ensign.