Hoodlum Wrote:I'm beginning to get a little saddened by all of this ... Roleplay used to be characterization, and not the
writing of stories to justify a choice of ship and loadout for PvP. So what happened ?
There are few compromises now, a lot less common sense, and attacks on those who's RP is a part of
Discovery's history.
We used to pride ourselves on sticking to the sometimes unwritten rules of conduct on the use of weapons
available where they shouldn't be, not using those we could almost justify with a little tinkering of reps and
affiliations. Now we seem have a race to grab the best out there, and then we have post after post trying to vindicate their mounting and use.
Post -your- excuses please ...
Going back to the original post (and the rest of the thread has been good too)
Maybe it's just me, but I think I'm possibly sensing some overload and "lashing out" recently
from admins. This is not a flame this is a questioning ... question-statement.
We have an influx of newbies who aren't RPing.
We have unfinished and unresolved "discussions" about weps and loadouts and ships.
We have rule lawyering.
We have people who should know better squabbling over things instead of playing the game in fun.
As a result we have some decently (IMHO) heavy handed sanctions, people getting
flamed left right and centre and other people getting sick off it all and leaving.
So, let me ask this. How can we move forward as a community? How can we resolve these
issues and get back to having fun together in the game?
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
Yep. It's a good idea to have a pre-post telling everyone that you're going to post, a post telling everyone about the post and then a post-post telling everyone that you've posted.
... And quit shooting me, it hurts and ye run the risk 'o puncturin me rum barrels.
I know that was said in fun (lol), but it's not going to be that easy. Lets not "agree to disagree."
Let's find some place where we CAN agree. Lets sort out what actually
needs to happen to make this forum AND server fun again for everyone.
This might be a huge job.
I wonder if it would be worth making a thread on the already agreed stuff that people are happy with.
Lets find out where our disagreements actually are, huh? Let's find out what people are not happy with
and what people ARE happy with. There's been a lot of focus on the unhappy things, lets take a look at
the positives and the good stuff eh?
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
It'll blow over. All that has happened will have quite minimal effect on the everyday life in the server. Hence I concur with JihadJoe that the root of the problem is deeper. My advice for the more established people around here is not to make it too personal. Things will get back to normal unless egos come into play. And after a couple of postings you find that you really can't back away anymore. We're dangerously close to that now.
For the defence of the admins I don't mind about making a sudden stomp on the matter. Things were slowly spiralling towards this. People (and I speak server as whole here) take more and more "liberties" slowly eroding the fundamentals (and the generally accepted unwritten rules) that Disco is a RP server first and foremost. As a father I see the similar thing with my kids. Unless I uphold the rules I have set vigilantly and have given the small infractions slide then all I'm heading for is a rough bust-up where I have to lay down the law pretty roughly. And it's classically a small incident or infraction that breaks the camel's back like here. Slowly small amounts of infractions amount to a thing where you have to take the stance or let go completely.
That said I wouldn't change places with any of the admins since they are exactly like our parents in RL. Very nice and lovable when things go smoothly, but when they have to discipline us... :nono:
Those things (like OORP weaponry for the sake of balance and game play) were taken too casually as granted since the general consensus was that... What general consensus? The server is not run by a committee of forumites. They contribute within the rules that have been laid down.
Personally I tip my hat to majkp for making a bold statement for the sake of RP (in the sanctions thread) for letting go of the thing that cause strife. I personally predict that if there's going to be implemented strict loadout rules then we'll see more clearly who's in a faction for the ships/guns and who's in it for the RP it provides.
I have imp. debs on my Hessian char and have absolutely no idea if I have to get rid of those. If so, then so be it. I'm putting myself in disadvatage every time I confront a trader in train anyway with my VHF. Or if I'm flying an inferior setup then I better make sure I won't be getting in situations alone.
One thing I have to say to keep in check the bigger ships. But a supernova is a real problem that can not be reasonably countered within the game mechanics. The rock is too big and the paper to small in this case.
Some of the relationships are tested but that's life too. I've had had fights with my best friends. No biggie. Unless you let it destroy a perfectly good friendship.