Welcome to the Official report databank regarding the contract made between [FL-ER] and Mark Logan. All reports pertaining the activities involving [FL-ER] and Phoenix Base can be found here.All negociations regarding it's renewal or the terms agreed can be stated here.
From: [FL-ER]Firefly To: Phoenix Base Subject: Weekly shipements Encryption: High
Oy, Lads, ya good 'ol friend Jimmy 'ere! I hauled a ton of stuff to 'er base. 10665 units of food, water and oxygen each and 60435 units of alloys. I tried to deliver the rest y' know, but ye staff told me yer stuffed and full. 'ere 's the logs: #1#2#3#4. See ya 'gain.
From: [FL-ER]Firefly To: Phoenix Base Subject: Weekly shipements Encryption: High
Oy, Lads, ya good 'ol friend Jimmy 'ere! Ya nice station is now stuffed 'gain! I hauled the last 10090 units of alloys to it. 'Ere's the logs. It shows a lil bit more tha' I got there, but ye was full again. See ya 'gain next week.
P.S. Oy bollocks, look like I drank too much of tis good whisky and lost one of the logs. Hope ya don't mind. Sorry.
From: [FL-ER]Firefly To: [FL-ER] Phoenix base Subject: Supply Report Encryption: High
Oy, Lads, Jimmy 'ere. I hauled a part of 'tis week's supply to yer base. 6730 units for each FOW and 23555 units of Alloys. Couldn't really bring more, yer boys told me yer storages are full again. 'Ere are the logs.
From: [FL-ER]Firefly To: [FL-ER] Phoenix base Subject: Supply Report Encryption: High
'Ello, Lad, Jimmy 'ere,
Yer base it stuffed 'gain with 10095 crates of each FoW and 70665 crates of alloy. Uhm.. if ya dinnae mind me askin', did ye increase the amount yer supply master is buyin'? 'Cause it was a lil' surprisin' to be able to unload the whole weekly shipment... Either he can store more stuff or yer base is goin' through the supplies faster then ya expect...
Incoming Transmission from Phoenix Base, Omega-3.
Encryption: Classified
Sender ID: Mark Logan, CEO of Phoenix Base
To: [FL-ER]
Subject: RE: Supply Report
Hello Jimmy, how are you my friend?
Well, I have to say you are doing a good job supplying our base and I really appreciate it mate, and answering to your question, yes, as we were recently upgrading the base, it can now store more stock, it can now stock up to 20K FOW each and RA is open until the base go full. keep it up my friend and send my greetings to all [FL-ER] guys.
Incoming Transmission from Phoenix Base, Omega-3.
Encryption: Classified
Sender ID: Mike Cross, CEO of Phoenix Base
To: [FL-ER]
Subject: RE: New Owner
Hello Jimmy, I am Mike Cross the new owner and CEO of Phoenix base. I look forward to meeting you in person and it is my hope that [FL-ER] will continue to supply Phoenix base and that we become close business partners as well as friends. If you have any questions please contact me here or in person.