isnt it easier to just edit the info cards, to state that the new imp debbies are lawful based, and the older gen debs/adv debs are used by everyone, having been salvaged, and rebuild on a mass scale by junkers (or zzoners, since junker product restricts xenos)? :mellow:
' Wrote:I own a total of 2 shieldbusters (which proves that they are NOT needed to win.. Some people seem to think they are..:dry:) and they are on a rarely-used ship, so I don't know.. Plus I've never used Debbies (don't like the projectile speed.) I own 2 Tizzys and an Inferno, so shutness.
On a ship with 7 hardpoints they are not really needed yes.. especially when you have the best lvl 9 guns (both 4.00 and 3.03) in the game.
On a ship with 4 harpoints it's something else.
Also how often do you pirate in a single fighter? Never I believe... taking down a 100k shield without any shieldbuster (and with non-outcasts weapons) is close to impossible.
Quote:Would you guys like it if I make a balanced set of weaps for each group, based off of the currently existing Del Cids and Debbies? I'll be making changes to Debbies where required, and then making a new Lane Hacker buster. They will all be balanced towards having almost the same damage per energy usage, with different projectile speeds, and the energy usages will be what makes them different. I'll also rebalance the Colada, since all it does is take up a level 10 slot and doesn't produce the amount of damage its energy usage says it should..
As I said I think it's completely unecessary...
I also beg to differ and say that Colada is just fine as it is.. it's very easy to make it uber. Even now bomber with 4 Coladas is a bit uber against other bombers.. not to mention GBs.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
And actually I do pirate often in a VHF Mjolner.. My GC pirate. I use my bomber more, but I also use my VHF occasionally.
Oh, and I wasn't planning on upgrading the Colada's damage, but downgrading its energy usage.. It uses 280 energy compared to Tizona's 145, but only does 200 more damage. I was thinking of lowering energy usage to around 200.
I would say Junkers and Zoners, as some dont have contact with Junkers while they have contact with Zoners and vice versa. Case in point with the Xenos.
I think I would just prefer the suggestion by Frozen and be done with it. I would also support Dab's (omg...) decision if he wants to rebalance the Colada's energy usage (actually, I'd be quite happy as it was a point of contest at the beginning of this mod version too), but only if the Outcasts agree with such a change aswell. If the first move needs to be made towards harmonizing, I might as well make the first step, however small it may be.
im one for the pirate alternative and a bit of a ungimping on the corsair's ones... maybe FINALLY ADD IN A DAMNED GRAPHIC TO IT!!!:P
nah seriously make a pirate one the mod needs alot more new weapons anyway and a semi unique pirate shield buster would be a nice addition.... along with some other unique guns that this mod badly needs just my opinion
' Wrote:Frozen, I WILL be editing the existing Debbies..
And actually I do pirate often in a VHF Mjolner.. My GC pirate. I use my bomber more, but I also use my VHF occasionally.
Oh, and I wasn't planning on upgrading the Colada's damage, but downgrading its energy usage.. It uses 280 energy compared to Tizona's 145, but only does 200 more damage. I was thinking of lowering energy usage to around 200.
This might be good, but it may be bad too... and I'm not saying this to gain an advantage, but I'm saying it because the SCRA's dreaded Red Wing will be able to cause even more damage with such a boost.
and why does that matter? seriously i might be a outcast but i dont openly try and get the opposite side to be completely crap just to win....... i think they should get a graphic so they look a bit better and aint so much of a disadvantage to the corsairs, not everyone wants to gain the advantage in a fight just to win...........
Adv deb and below should have a pirate equivalent. Imp Debilitator, no. Only the Corsairs have an equivalent to that.
The Lane Hackers however should use the Imp Debilitators, no matter how inefficient they are, as we produce them... No need to get Zoner/Junker trash when you can use Lane Hacker stamped products.