I wanted to thank your organization for responding to our distress call in the Taus against those Destroyers. The Kebechet might be tough, but we aren't invincible, and had help not arrived, we wouldn't have held out much longer. You're the second group outside of the Order to aid us while we're out in the field, and I'm very grateful people like you still exist in Sirius. But that isn't the only reason I'm contacting you. From this point on, what I ask is off the record and of a personal nature.
Twenty-four hours ago, the Kebechet encountered an unusual AP-Manufacturing vessel in the hands of an organization which the Order sees as aggressive terrorists. This organization is known as Auxesia. Every detail I've been given and everything I've heard about them states they aren't to be trusted, but that vessel saved mine and my crews lives. Not once, but twice from hostile warships in Omicron Delta, and questions have sprung up in my mind, asking if these people are as evil as the Order would have us believe.
My first officer would be fuming if he heard I've been pursuing this matter, but this is something I can't let go. It irks me that I might be getting manipulated, and that I don't know who is trying to pull the strings. One minute they're nuking an obnoxious Osiris, the next they're protecting convoys to the Freeport after the Core attacked. It just doesn't add up to me, and relying on newswires and subjective word of my own comrades isn't giving me a lot of insight.
The Guild is glad that we could assist you against the threat. Everybody that the Outcast attack with their large battlegroups must be a friend of the IMG. It's good to hear from you, so I assume that the damage inflicted was not that bad.
About Auxesia, all we do know is that they offer reliable and affordable escort services, and that we like to rely on these services quite a lot. Other than that, we do not try to get involved into anything else than our direct diplomacy, so we do not keep in detail data on people we sometimes work with.
Yours sincerely,
Jack Henderson
IMG Operations
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