i have a civilian little base who need to be supplied, these last times, i can't supply it myself!
what the base need? Reinforced alloy it's payed 850Sc/1 unit it's buyable at FP in tau29
......................................... Kiushu rice...............................900.....................................................................
..........................................water.........................................200..........................................at planet toulouse
if you supply Cabane, do it by example, 3750 of each commodities, like i said, it's a little base, i think that 1 run of each is sufficient. For the reinforced alloy, all runs you can make. the base has the money to pay you!
the job could be interesting for young pilots, or freelancers. the way is fast and almost *secure*.
council laws must be respected, InterspaceCommerce ID is allowed, but only indie. with it, you can fly a 5000 by example it's more interesting for money!
if you are intercepted by council authority, stay calm they do their job, just say them that you supply the civilian installation!
if you have any question more, put it here, i will answer
You have been banned from the server for cheating, trying to get people to supply your base during this time is a poor idea.
The verdict of your appeal will be posted soon. Until then, please refrain from participating in game-related matters.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502