This event is a test. A gamble. We will be monitoring the behavior of players and groups - official and unofficial alike to see if such events will happen in the future. Any abuse or exploit will not be tolerated. We are giving you a rare chance of RP here - whether you get more of them is up to you at this point.
Today at 18:00 UST two simultaneous reports of extraordinary energy readings came in from scientific instrument buoys located in the Sigma 19 and Colorado systems. The first investigation was performed by independent scientific vessels nearby and soon the confirmation of a spatial anomaly, aka, Jump-Hole was made by the crew of ''GYE-Sunbringer'' in the Sigma 19 system.
The commander of the ship in question also decided to put their own safety on the line for the sake of research and, despite the well-known warnings of the Ageira Corporation, entered the anomaly.
It seems as though the connection is deemed ''safe enough'' for ships to use. The next transmission from the science vessel was made in the Colorado system. The next set of tests were done on the integrity of the connection and it seems as though the anomaly itself is rather unstable. If the information from previous such anomalies matches up, then we are looking at a connection that will collapse in around a day or so.
We are very sorry we cannot offer you any more information. The area in Sigma 19 has been seeing very oddly high Outcast activity before the event occurred. We do not know if this is connected. This is a direct transmission to the Libertonians as well as the groups operating in Sigma 19.
We are now uploading the information we have so far.
Jumphole Anomalies SIGMAS - LIBERTY
This is a new kind of event, which is half-created by the player / group of players who obtain a certain kind of event commodity - the Jumphole Generator. A very rare item (In an upcoming list of items) which will give the players the ability to activate them in the location of their choosing to create a small event. This is a combat and trade event that requires no additional plugin boosts or custom trade commodities, as creating a short-time connection between far away systems makes a shortcut for traders regardless of commodity.
However, the tradeoff is that it is also a bottleneck for both lawfuls, unlawfuls and those in between.
This means that while traders might try to take advantage of the run, the unlawfuls are free to stop them, lawfuls are free to stop them from stopping them and quasi lawfuls are allowed to stop whoever their ID allows.
/adminmode on FOR THE DURATION OF THIS EVENT AND ONLY FOR THE DURATION OF IT, any ID that has these two systems in their respective ZOI tabs may operate in the connected system and enforce the lines of their respective IDs AT THEIR OWN RISK (In terms of RP consequences). Keep in mind that roleplay consequences will be counted for. This is also a rare chance for IDs that never meet to do so.
For Example:
The Xeno ID may enter Sigma 19 and treat non-libertonian IDs as combat targets.
Corsair IDs may enter Colorado and pirate / engage lawfuls.
Liberty Navy ID / LPI ID can engage hostiles in Sigma 19 and escort traders within that system.
Junker IDs will be allowed to treat Colorado as an extension of the Sigmas in regards to piracy.
Please keep in mind that the rules for this event might change as necessary.
Please also keep in mind that temporary jumpholes do not have the "jump cooldown" mechanic as normal jumpholes and gates do. Any player who is reported for abusing game mechanics to evade roleplay consequences will be slapped hard.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Links to roleplay regarding the activation of the item were added.
Any questions regarding the limitations and don't-do's can be done in this thread.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
Yes. For now.
I suggest nobody does anything to make us start adding restrictions though, so play nice.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
The jumphole ''drift'' has been fixed. Happy powertrading. And getting killed by xenos.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: