I tried Minor, Major, Delta, Mu and Tohoku but none-neither nomad nor Wilde NPCs drop any remains. I get gunboat remains from Gunboat classes but never anything from fighters.
Courier's engine exhaust is still positioned too far behind the actual engines. The Courier's engine exhaust is positioned too far behind the actual engines when using gallic CNOS civlian engines and bretonian PTE ones. Any other engine type seems fine.
==================== Type: Effect Bug: Patch partially fixed engine position ====================
I appreciate the attention to the visual bug given how its otherwise irrelevant, and thank the devs for taking the time to fix it, but the top two engines remain out of place while the one on the bottom is corrected. Photos taken just now: http://imgur.com/a/I9V0Xhttp://imgur.com/a/sbblN
Edit: After some fiddling, I found only certain engines produce this issue. Engines I found producing include: CNORx Clone Engine (Partial, bottom engine in position, top two seem detached) CETa Civie engine
==================== Type: Infocard Bug: /restart GaNavy makes the old Solar Engineering infocard appear titled "Commonwealth of Liberty" ====================
(10-20-2016, 01:36 PM)Ramke Wrote: ==================== Type: Infocard Bug: /restart GaNavy makes the old Solar Engineering infocard appear titled "Commonwealth of Liberty" ====================
In the Torfaen Mining Field (Poole), displays infocard for xeno relic field in the malvada instead of something about fluorine and/or mollys, checked both in online nav-map and in-game