Gunboats can have anti-cap roles via mounting on cerbs, where they can be ruthlessly effective and Cruisers can have anti-snub roles, via mounting of razors and solaris.
(04-14-2015, 10:05 AM)Lythrilux Wrote: Gunboats can have anti-cap roles via mounting on cerbs, where they can be ruthlessly effective and Cruisers can have anti-snub roles, via mounting of razors and solaris.
These are both true, but is also not the norm and is harder to pull off. This is a general guideline for new players to understand the different ship classes and understand what their main reason for existing is. This is a guide used to simplify things, no need to add in every secondary detail.
I understand the cruise speeds are off. I'm waiting to get the correct speeds for the next update.
Little status update: The ship-class guide is nearly finished. The new megathread is up and is slowly being filled out by @Snoopy and myself. I saw some people jumped onboard and wanted to help, which is great! As it stands now we have to fish around for the information through programs and ingame or talk to devs to completely understand how things work. Every little bit helps us, and in turn helps the community. Thanks for the feedback so far and the input from so many of you. It's wonderful to see how helpful many of you can be.
After finalizing the current projects, what guide or tutorial would you like to see made/updated? What do you think would be the most useful? As it stands I'm going to work on an updated installation guide to help people get the game and mod installed and hopefully fix any problems they may encounter on the way. Snoopy is working on updating and editing the older tutorials and sorting those out. If you think something else is more important, please tell us!
Updated formatting and content for the Discovery Mining Guide. Essentially the old Mining Guide v.4 with new information, a new coat of paint, and fixed values for the new version. Credit to @AeternusDoleo and @Snoopy for the original, @jammi and @Karst for the values.
Updated formatting and content for Tutorial: CODENAME locations (originally "4.87 - List of every Codename & Location | Validated with the latest patch!"). Credit to @Rebirth as original thread creator and @Wellingtons for rechecking locations.