let me introduce myself, Enma of the Loyola family, Сhevalier of the White Cross of Malta. Maybe using the private channel for this is no too polite, but you will see that it will be beneficial for both of us. I will make a first turn and offer something to you. This is an information that you can use or not to use, if you will use it wisely, it will likely improve your position withint the Armed Forces. One of the legal bases in Omegas is apparently now a gray are, as I saw Corsair transport have freely unload a shipment of artifacts there. I will leave the data about down below, feel free to use this data on your discretion.
I've heard you have a realistic worldview and won't lose a good opportunities. I have a lot of projects and a lot of information to share. I need a clever people to work with in Bretonia and I'm sure that you have enough of influence to help me out in some points. That's pretty much it, so... Do you see some potential in our partnership and what can you offer?
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
To: Enma Loyola, Planet Soledad, Omicron-80
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF
Ms Loyola,
I have received and read your message sent to my office today. Although the information that you have provided could potentially be useful, some things that you have also included rise some questions. Namely, your ship's armament is undeniably alien, and as it seems, the engine is as well. The wake of ships equipped with similar has often left the behaviour of the local high-ranking officials drastically changed, which was followed by conflict which could have easily been prevented by a compromise. Furthermore, you have approached me in full privacy, as you claim.
I am content with how I currently behave. What can assure me that we are discussing with utmost honesty and sincerity?
As for my equipment, of course origin of it, for you, as the military specialist is quite obvious. There can think that you know who I am either, I don't actually know if your considering is right. I don't actually know how open-minded you are and if you are ready to give up part of prejudices. You know for sure that nowadays Sirius information is turning into a superweapon. It's always good to exchange one when it brings a benefit to both sides.
You might think of me as the diplomatic worker. This wording is not quite accurate, but it reflects the most of my tasks here, in Bretonia. What I propose is to maintain a contact and have a little chats. I fully understand all nicety of this situation, and I don't want you to be possibly arrested for treason because of it. But I think I don't have to explain that every risk is rewarding?
With the best wishes,
- Enma of the Loyola famiglia.
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
To: Enma Loyola, Planet Soledad, Omicron-80
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF
Ms Loyola,
Excuse me if this seems unrelated to the subject, but it might be more important than it appears. How much do you think a Derelict Nomad Artifact is worth, in Sirius credits?
Active artifact you say? I cannot tell anything about the price until me or one of my people will be able to see it. Don't get me wrong, but price really depends on what this artifact exactly is. I can tell that I've seen a lot of people claiming that they have an active artifacts, but when I checked it, it appeared that they were mistaken. There is a lot of artifacts all across the Sirius, but they are useless. Fools are collecting them and still believe that those things have a some sort of power. Of course we want them back still, it's our property and it should not be stolen.
If you want to return potentially active artifact voluntarily and expecting a reward, then your calculations are right. But once again, I need to see that artifact first, because we can talk about the actual price.
With the best wishes,
- Enma of the Loyola famiglia.
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
To: Enma Loyola, Planet Soledad, Omicron-80
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF
Ms Loyola,
I will show you the artifact, but I would firstly like to make some inquiries, if you do not mind. All the photographs were done by you, except the second one, which is showing the cargo. Only one contact is missing there, and that is Sapphire Raven of Auxesia. Do you work with Raven or Auxesia? Contradicting this, the contact named Likho, which is sharing the same frequency as her, is hostile to you. Can you explain this? Do you know for whom does Likho work? And finally, why are you even bothering to inform me, and privately so, of a mere docking rights violation? Did you, by any case, know anything of what I had in possession already?
Once these obscurities are clearer, I will send a message to Phoenix Base. If everything is accomplished without drastic changes to my behaviour or a sudden and illogical outbreak of war, you will get to see the artifact, and hopefully buy it. Excuse me for my conservatism regarding Nomad related matters, it is only my duty.
It's not that easy to explain. I do believe that Auxesia itself is trying to hunt me down, I've even heard about the quite cheap reward of 10 millions for my head. With Raven it's a bit different, because despite the fact that we happened to be foes now, our relations are quite complicated. Sir, I'm not quite sure if you want to dive into the pages of my biography right now. Let's just put it in a way that me and Raven would rather genocide all Corsairs together, than fight each other. I hope this is clear.
I don't have any information about the vessel called Likho, if I will learn something about it, I will let you know. Speaking of my motivation, I do believe that artifact trade needs to stop. I also was thinking that it can be a good beginning of our partnership. As I can see, I wasn't wrong in the end. And your last question, let's say I would not call you in specific without a reason.
For now I have one question, where and when we can meet so I can see it?
With the best wishes,
- Enma of the Loyola famiglia.
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
To: Enma Loyola, Planet Soledad, Omicron-80
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF
Ms Loyola,
I will let you, milady, choose the date and time that suit you best. As an admiral, I have the privilege of arranging my own schedule according to what is at hand. I will only choose the place, as I can obviously and unfortunately not visit Omicron-80: the Baxter Anomaly in the C5 sector of Omega-3.
Message Class: Textual
Encryption: Very High
To: Enma Loyola, Planet Soledad, Omicron-80
From: Admiral Sir George Richard Hall, BAF
Ms Loyola,
Although what I said about the time stands, I would like to change the place, if you do not mind. I invite you to my quarters aboard the HMS Norfolk in Cambridge. If you agree, identify yourself as an envoy of the National Council once you have docked, and I will come down the docking bay immediately to lead you to my quarters. There is nothing major that has caused my change of mind, merely courtesy and, as the artifact is already in my quarters, practicality. Of course, it would be good to inform me about the time before you arrive, so I can arrange my schedule.
There won't be a problem to pretend a National Council's emissary. Be sure I can play that role more than naturally. While you concerned with your own security I'm being worried about my own. Of crouse you will pay a high price if you will try to do something unreasonable, but I wonder what you can bring as my safety guarantee?
Speaking of the time, tomorrow, 22:00 by Sirius Main Time. You know the callsign of my ship, please make sure that I will get a closed hangar for one ship. I don't want people to stay close to it.
With the best wishes,
- Enma of the Loyola famiglia.