Ile-de-France Livraison Recrutement / Recruitment
Welcome to the Ile-De-France Shipping Recruitment Page.
Ile-de-France Shipping S.A. is the premier shipping and delivery corporation within Gallia. We’re always on the lookout for those willing and able to contribute their dedication and time towards the betterment of our company and of Gallia as a whole.
If a fruitful career as a member of the strongest shipping organization in Gallia interests you, we encourage you to follow our recruitment process, detailed below:
[color=#FFFFFF][align=justify][font=Tahoma] [b][size=x-large][font=Lucida Sans Unicode][color=#2b2d54]Application for employment[/color][/font][/size][/b][hrc]#2b2d54[/hrc]
[color=#2b2d54][b]Name[/b]:[/color] *text here*
[color=#2b2d54][b]Date of Birth[/b]:[/color] *text here*
[color=#2b2d54][b]Place of Birth[/b]:[/color] *text here*
[color=#2b2d54][b]Skills and Qualifications[/b]:[/color] *text here*
[color=#2b2d54][b]Biographical Information[/b]:[/color] *text here*
Name: Pierre Francisco Date of Birth: 07/10/800 Place of Birth: New Paris Skills and Qualifications: Advanced Transport Licenses, works well with others, great social skills Motivation behind choosing IDF: I wanted to work with best in Gallia and I believe working with IDF will bring great things. Mark the department you are seeking employment in: IDF Logistics and Trade: [X] IDF Escort and Security: []
Biographical Information:
Bonjour my name is Pierre Francisco I was born and raised on Planet New Paris where I worked with my family running a small freighter business set only for businesses on New Paris. After shutting down the business and my parents retiring I was with out work. I have my advanced transport license and can fly vessels up to 5k cargo capacity. I believe I can be a great asset to the company by being well organized and by setting goals to set my self for a successful career path. Working with others is a must have skill for me. Being able to work with others only strengthens a relationship for the company and for yourself. Please consider me for being a Captain of IDF and to serve the crown.
Your Skype username: PM me
Have you ever received a sanction during your time on Discovery?: None
Do you agree that your conduct must be considerate of others at all times, in and out of character?: Of course its just a game right?
Do you have enough money to afford your own transport and/or fighter?: No
Name: Jean Denante Date of Birth: 31.07.698 Place of Birth: Planet Orleans Skills and Qualifications: Navy education, Advanced Command and Logistics training, experience commanding crew on multiple Navy vessels. Motivation behind choosing IDF: My time commanding warships is over. I messed up once, causing huge losses. I gladly took the offer to retire I received right after. Staying on that ship wouldn't have been good for either me or my crew. I'm still good at organisation and logistics. So I am thinking to put that to good use. There's still half a lifetime to work.
Since I am used to the Navy I will let the IDF decide where they'd need me. To command a combat vessel or a transport. Mark the department you are seeking employment in: IDF Logistics and Trade: [x]
either IDF Escort and Security: [x]
Biographical Information:
Born on Planet Orleans and enlisted with the Navy at 17. A mistake that was later uncovered but only held to his advantage to be a patriot that wanted to serve Gallia as soon as he could. He climbed up the rank structure, not fast but steady. And soon he was commander of a small battlegroup. Sadly the fleet encountered heavy losses causing retirement.
Your Skype username: Handled already
Have you ever received a sanction during your time on Discovery?: One
Do you agree that your conduct must be considerate of others at all times, in and out of character?: Of course
Do you have enough money to afford your own transport and/or fighter?: Handled already
FROM: Everett Fontaine, Vice président, Ile-de-France Livraison.
SUBJECT: Application for Employment.
TO: Jean Denante.
Monsieur Denante,
It is most unfortunate to hear that our great Navy has lost its need for your services. However, IDF will have use of your talents and through our business you can continue to serve in an admirable capacity. It might not compare, monsieur, but it will get you back on your feet.
Experienced quartermaster, administrator and adventurer with a keen knowledge of Sirian affairs. Keen knowledge of the Sirian Zoner movement with experience of running grey market Cargo past the Bretonian military.
Motivation behind choosing IDF:
The bastard Royal Navy wouldn't take me and I need money for the court battle!
Mark the department you are seeking employment in:
The Royal Navy, but they're idiots!
IDF Logistics and Trade
Biographical Information:
Your Skype username:
Have you ever received a sanction during your time on Discovery?:
Do you agree that your conduct must be considerate of others at all times, in and out of character?:
Do you have enough money to afford your own transport and/or fighter?:
I do now. :3
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I. Personal Information
Achille Augusta Nadeau is a chequered man. Born into the kingdom’s mercentile middle-class, Nadeau was born into money, but not into aristocracy. It appears he spent most of his formative years away from the the centre of the Crown’s control, near the Normand border wall. The lack of familial history before the first Gallic War and the recursion of the name “Nadeau” within the colonisation of the Normandy verge strongly implies that the Nadeau’s descend from a Normand family - although the level of familial removal from the separatists remains ambiguous. What is known is that Achille’s step-uncle languishes in Fleury Mergois on a cross-border smuggling charge, rendering Achille himself only two relations removed from a separatist watchlist.
Achille himself had a mostly law-abiding childhood. Educated in Burgundy, Achille was strongly influenced by the push-pull of the Gallic border words in his youth - the constant threat of brigandry and the intrigues of the Marquis, the near martial law of the GRN, became facts of everyday life for the teenage Nadeau. Academically minded since youth, Achille made it his founding goal to lecture at New Paris, and for much of his early twenties cheated and bartered his way through two separate criminal law and vector physics majors (although it remains unclear if he actually finished the degrees), supplementing the minimal support of his relatives by redoctoring the cargo manifests of small time EFL contractors to minimise import tax - taking independent plastic shipments and filing them as a single, larger shipment to minimise overall tax loss, retagging the containers with their correct units once the shipments had been offloaded at the warehouses. Achille was arrested twice for fraud, but successfully claimed innocence of the illegality of his work, narrowly avoiding prison. Lumped with a two hundred thousand credit fine and no method of repaying it, Achille enlisted in Gallic royal naval college, despite being older than most of its other participants. Initially back-classed for his record, recalcitrance and generally anarchic attitude, Achille exhibited significant psychological fortitude despite failing the physical training repeatedly (and perhaps, deliberately), landing himself a comfortable, if unimpressively ranked, desk job overseeing squadron requisitions within Anjou. Achille showed unusual efficacy in his job, with wings designated to him appearing to suffer a near zero percent component decay rate even during training sorties - a figure that had his superiors impressed until spectator algorithms flagged Achille’s performance as mathematically unsound. When asked to explain his performance in before tribunal, Achille elaborated that his job mandated noting the depleting of parts per ship within Anjou. Achille, knowingly pedantic, had written that the majority of the part losses occurred instead within Touraine, the GRN’s official long-range training system, and had been accumulating in-going components and using them to replace damaged parts replaced in Touraine without noting the damage on official reports. Rather than have him thrown in a military prison, Achille’s shrewdness was seen as wasted in the rear line fleet and he was retrained as a signal intelligence analyst within the Office of Naval Intelligence, based on planet Marne, designated to decode liberalist comms traffic within the industrial backwater, embedded undercover as the proprietor of a chain of private pay-for-service gentleman’s societies, linked to the underground body modification scene, monitoring wealthy patrons for suspicious medical and surgical requests, such as appearance modifications whilst providing an in-road into their finances. Achille was largely successful, his profession permitting him to mix his mercentile upbringing, tendency towards the underhanded and love of the crown into a unified profession. Achille himself started to accrue significant personal assets, most of which he immediately squandered in IDF shipping shares, personal property and luxurious living. A lover of the arts and historical artistry, Achille invested significant portions of his wealth into the tentative Sirian collectables trade, obtaining a quiet stash of Bretonian personal effects imported on the sly by Junker profiteers. Achille, in part because of his Separatist connections, became fascinated with the potential wonders of the worlds beyond the mines. Well aware that his interest was treasonous, Achille used his connections with Marne’s liberal cabals to obtain pan-simian artefacts, including literature. Achille claims to have possessed the first copy of the Golden Chrysanthemum in Bloom ever imported into Gallic space, opened the first page, found its contents dissatisfactory to his worldview, and torched the item, although with his extreme reputation for braggadocio the truth of the narrative is in doubt.
Achille’s extreme self-fascination and lack of a moral compass eventually caused him to lose all intrest in his efforts. Marne may have offered adventure but it tendered little more, and after turning in all of his contacts within the Junker smuggling rings as leverage over to the ONI, Achille resigned from the service - but his fascination with the alien never abandoned him. Displeasured by the prospect of being caught amidst a revolution, Achille headed as far to the cosmic south as he could, settling into the Monte Carlo pleasure scene with nothing but his retirement money. Indulging himself in the body modification scene he had once operated, Achille temporarily experimented with NOX during a reading of the Sol poet Oscar Wilde’s ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’. Achille reacted poorly to the drug, becoming so un-lucid he began to imagine himself as reincarnation of the playwright, empathising with the author’s need as a social and biological renegade within a deeply aristocratic society to excel. Achille, ever gaudy, re-invented himself as a Monte Carlo socialite, living off the remains of his trade investments and gambling what assets he did have. This state of ill-sobriety continued until the outbreak of the Second Gallic War.
The exact circumstances of Achille’s meeting with Robert du’Autoine remain unclear, but the two appear to have met over a gambling match for the acquisition of a small transport company, the Gallic Borderworld’s Trading League, from d’Autoine. The victor remains unclear (Achille claims it was him, Robert claims the company was never his to gamble in the first place and he was only in the game to make a quick mark), but the pair became so impressed by the chicanery of the other, both parties shared the proceeds. Seeing Achille as a confidence trickster after his own heart, Robert employed Achille as his number two The history of the League remains ambiguous until two years after the council’s breach of the Reunion minefield, at which point the League, fascinated by the potential of the Sirian import market, illegally exfiltrated the Gallic realm and adapted themselves to the Zoner way of life, seeing their tradition of adventurism in the absence of government well in keeping with their own beliefs. Renaming themselves “the Commonwealth” (an internal joke suggested by Achille, who noted that the only unifying factor between the Gauls and the Sirians was that all wished to be commonly wealthy), the Commonwealth became notable as the first major movement of Gallic civilians outside of the council and the GRN into Sirius proper, beginning formal trade relations with the rest of the sector long before EFL and IDF had developed trade networks to Rheinland and Kusari.
Taking up residence in Freeport 10 with the sanction of the COF, who, straining to preserve Zoner neutrality under the pressure of the war between the Colonial Republic and the GRN, welcomed the presence of non-hostile Gallic civilians, Achille rapidly began to refurbish the station to the liking of a Gallic outpost, restructuring the Freeport’s biomes to a replication of Monte Carlo’s own . Rapidly the station became a pivotal trading hub between the world of the Royals and the less salubrious denzins of the Omicrons, becoming a magnet for independent research organisations. Finding most of its profiteering in R’n’D, the outpost became a focus site for off-the-books blue sky research programs . It’s suspected that Achille himself has dabbled in the Maltese trading market, although never to the violation of Gallic law. In process, Achille appears to have cultivated a singular distrust of the IMG, finding their neutrality between the king and the Council to be evidential of a lack of principles, believing that a true servant of the King would pick a position. Irked by miners of Tau 23, Achille appears to have abused his position on the Confederation of Freeports to permit anti-IMG pirates basing rights on his station, although nothing has been confirmed.
Achille appears to have become increasingly recalcitrant and anti-social during his duration as administrator of the Commonwealth, investing in Omicron expeditions and other blue-skies distractions. The Gaul’s use of NOX never abandoned him, however, and may be the cause of his social decay . Achille’s interactions with the world became reduced to interaction with his inner circle and his exercises at dominion over his home away from home, reconstructing the Freeport as a bastion of Gallicisation upon the maltese border . As the citizenry swelled, Achille began to expand the Commonwealth from its Gallic origins to pan-sirian fraternity mirroring more closely the Zoner whole - if only with great reluctance . During this period, Achille, ever the lover of the unknown, briefly flirted with both the infestation and the Gammu intelligence , , , but appears to have predominantly rejected them, mostly from an internal fear of raising the ire of the overwatch. Despite his disappearances, Achille appears to have remained a loyal enough citizen of the crown, frequently revisiting his homeland throughout the duration of his exile, although the nature of his visits have occasionally proved less than salubrious.
Despite his blood crime, Achille remains a diligent loyalist, professing loyalty to the crown even in situations where it would be inopportune or dangerous to do so, floridly displaying Gallic identification-friend-or-foe markers on any and every ship he operates. . Socially, Achille is a monarchist and a keen believer in the aristocracy, convinced that poor “idiots” do not have the mental fortitude to preserve their own interests in aggregate. Economically, he is a libertarian, having personally benefited from a lack of police oversight.
Achille’s actions for the last two years remain undisclosed. It is possible Achille simply tired of his administration, with even the unlimited freedom of the Zoner community too little for him. The Achille of later years has proven less sober than even his older self, and his attempts to find steady employment as both a volunteer in the Royal Navy reserves and EFL indicate that his financial resources are steadily running away from him. Presently residing on Marseille, Achille has been leading a life of boredom and leisure.
Sonder. I have suffered a dose of sonder. It has smacked me in the mouth and abandoned me wondering how the bloody hell I got these asymmetric teeth?
Let me the principle of Sonder to you; sonder is the emotional state of realising every other four limbed carbon based water bag around you is just as emotively complex as yourself.
This is cancerous. This is murder.
I am tired of playing d'artagnan only to have the cannonball descend ignominiously on my bonce in the third book. I have served myself long enough for one lifetime - and what has it won me but wanton regret? A retirement, dipping my toes in a saline see till the sharks bite them off?
I have seen a many wondrous works of both man and unman. Dyson spheres, pulsars. Dark matter fields, hyper-gates. Aliens that wear the skin of men and men who wear the skin of aliens. Sentient machines and men who behave as machines. I have seen them all and I am tired. I am bored. I am, beyond all else, skint.
And I see the council laying into my beloved Kingdom. So I left my saline sea, recruitment officer. I abandoned my tuxedo, practiced my goose-step, and marched off to risk my life over nothing. I have given nothing for everything. It is time to repay my debts.
Achille has collaborated with ONI several times during his administration of Freeport 10, often trading information on the internal affairs of the TAZ in return for political leniency. He is known to have ties with embedded ONI agents and was an acquaintance of the previous grand Marshall.
Short biography:
Gallic civilian-turned-adventurer-turned-merchant-turned-Zoner, Achille is a competent administrator, negotiator and spy. He is moderately technically adept due to his extensive tertiary education, but can only be considered a jack-of-all-trades. Achille’s flying ability is indeterminate - he prefers to talk others into killing themselves rather than get stuck in himself, but a life in the Gallic and Sirian border worlds have taught him at least the rudiments of how to defend himself in space. Achille has rear line experience in the ONI, conn
Achille is a rogue but he is not inherently crooked - just self-interested and arrogant. He is a passionate social climber with a tendency towards disdain rather than violence. Nonetheless, he is a fierce patriot with significant, if rear-line, military experience, and naturally exploitative. His connections with important Sirian representatives (Angela Corino, Michal Golanski, Tara snow, Finn McCool amongst others) grant him an expansive worldview - although limited by his narrow-minded nature. Once a Zoner himself, Achille maintains an intense disdain for fellow Zoners and Junkers especially - indeed, anybody who follows the same principles as himself, viewing them as either competitors or sparring partners. Achille’s decision to participate in the war may be an attempt to recompense the crown for the years he has lived skirting its authority - or it may merely be another abortive scheme. Achille is extremely intelligent, but psychopathic. He has no discernible empathy for humanity outside of himself. However, he is extremely competent at coercing others to his worldview and extremely competent at obtaining information from others - an ability he has occasionally used antagonistically by impersonating GRN operatives during the siege of Leeds. Achille is known to have a soft-spot for Bretonians and Bretonian culture, but no love for their government, a distinctly xenophobic attitude towards Kusarians and a phillia for Rheinlanders. Achille is gay, but appears uninterested in pursuing permanent relationships and mostly uses sex as a tool to disarm opponents. As an ex-Zoner, Achille has a wide range of Border and Edge worlds technologies at his disposal, but he rarely uses them of his own volition. Achille might be harbouring nomad artefacts from his Omicron expeditions, but if he is, he’s keeping them close to his chest.
- Shrewd.
- Genius intelligence.
- Likes to impress.
- Patriot.
- Worldly and extremely experienced with Sirians.
- Older, and thus more astute, than most Gallic pilots.
- Has a comprehensive awareness of nearly all Sirian current affairs.
- Politically minded.
- Social climber.
- No moral direction.
- Comprehensive knowledge of Liberty and Bretonian space, mindset and culture.
- Has experience of Royal Navy life.
- Dandy.
- Dislikes any lack of authority.
- Will start intrigues and confidence tricks for their own sake.
- Moderate pilot, but not terrific.
- Feels belittled by his lack of aristocratic lineage.
- Rabidly loathes poor people.
- Doesn’t like being a grunt and won’t initially respond well to being tossed in with the grunts.
- Considers Kusarians to be lazy surrender monkeys. [/b]
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
Name: Adolphe Renoir Date of Birth: Exact date unknown Place of Birth: Planet Orleans Skills and Qualifications: Tolerance, enjoying long hauls and trips, ability to solve problems. Motivation behind choosing IDF: Trans-Sirius trading. Profit oriented overall attitude and being part of a huge company. Mark the department you are seeking employment in: IDF Logistics and Trade: [X] IDF Escort and Security: []
Biographical Information:
First son of a miner generation. Both of my parents have been employees of GMS. Born into a family of miners, I have accompanied to my father on some of his trips. The older I got, the longer the distances we travelled together became. I have seen most of Gallia at quite a young age and by the time I was 20, I could navigate our ship into the Tau-23 and back. However I always had the feeling that I want more and this is why I would like to get accepted to a company that may have business ties outside of Gallia as well. It has been hard for my parents to accept this decision. I feel myself ready to handle the tasks I am given in the future and to explore new business opportunities for the Crown.
Your Skype username: pm me /not frequent skype user/
Have you ever received a sanction during your time on Discovery?: Once in Kusari space.
Do you agree that your conduct must be considerate of others at all times, in and out of character?: Yes
Do you have enough money to afford your own transport and/or fighter?: Yes
Name: Valérian De Lacroix Date of Birth:
17.04.799 A.S Place of Birth:
Planet Lyon, Lyonnais System Skills and Qualifications:
-Hand to Hand combat,
-Spaceship Engineering, namely engines and weapons systems,
-Decent computer skills.
Motivation behind choosing IDF:
Desire to support our mighty nation in the only way I can by providing the necessary supplies it needs to continue on its conquest. Also, hoping to get opportunity to have insight into modern ship structure, as well as opportunity to leave planet Lyonis which is currently in dire situation due to big unemployment rate. Mark the department you are seeking employment in: IDF Logistics and Trade: [x] IDF Escort and Security: []
Biographical Information:
Bonjour madame et monsieurs.
My name is Valérian De Lacroix. I was born and raised on planet Lyon in Lyonnais system. Its a remote planet on edge of our territory, quiet and peaceful place. Lyon is primarily place of agriculture and hunting, never could cope in into such place, but I did like its peace. I didn't see myself as farmer, its a dull job more than it is hard one and working with highly advanced equipment always had my interest.
Anyway, soon as I got old enough, I rolled into pilot academy, specialized into engineering. Engines and weapon systems especially attracted my curiosity. Later I got in touch with bigger ships, oh boy, sound of those big engines, its a music to my ears, I love working with big guys, although their vulnerability to attacks from more organized groups can be a drawback. But they have enough space to throw an occasional disco party, who doesn't love good music from the old days, right?.