Earlier today I received word about multiple pirates operating in Kepler, so I decided to take the LSFC-Baychimo for a search-and-purge operation. No sooner did I enter Kepler, than I found my first target, an Outcast gunship flying under the name of MadMax. We engaged said cardi-sniffer, and proceeded to destroy it fairly simply. Subsequently a Rogue gunboat also joined the attack against my ship, and then another bandit a few minutes later.
The reason I am writing to you, however, is that during this time a Kusari Armed Forces fighter by the name of HanSeth decided to insert himself into the conflict, stating that Liberty had no authority in this area, and then joined the engagement against my ship. At no point during the conflict did he engage any of the pirate vessels, but instead kept his guns on my cruiser for the entire combat operation.
I present to you the following footage, for your viewing enjoyment. As you can see, HanSeth (the green ship) was shooting at me several times in the engagement.
Here is a save of the Navmap charts during the engagement. As you can tell, we were on the Liberty side of the Freeport, well within Liberty's zone.
Here is a scan of his ID papers
And here is a chat log of the encounter
The facts are clear: (1) he attempted to discourage my engagement, (2) he did not attack the pirate vessels, (3) he did attack my vessel. It might be arguable that (2) was because he knew he was out of the Kusari zone, however that is in conflict with (3) where he did make an attack outside the zone. As such, the only remaining explanation that I can see is that he is in cahoots with the pirates. This is a serious charge, so I wish to present the evidence clearly, and allow you to investigate as you see fit.
I do not wish this incident to create any ill will between us, so I am willing to leave it in your able hands. Please let me know if you need any more data.
Xuan Hung of the Kusari Naval Forces here.
We apologize for a bit later reply, we have had quite some issues on our hands recently, although I am not authorized to start any investigation in this matter by myself, rest assured I have forwarded this message to my superiors and someone will take proper action as it should.
Xuan Hung out, sayonnara.