//OORP post: today we saw 2 ships terminator and skynet allaince ship in zone 21, before we could destroy them they jumped into Zone 21 from alaska, when there they had a LOT of nomads so we asked them to drop them and pay the 5 mil fine for a liscense, skynet dropeed them but never paid anything so we shot him, then terminator dropeed everything but also didnt pay , but he said he didnt have 5 mil,which was hard to believe. I tried to dcontact him but at the last moment he responded when i told everyone to shoot him because he was' infected'. So we shot him down for being in zone 21 and alaska. when he died he said he was going to report us because he did what we told but we destroyed him, butt the penal code said we Destroy anyone regardless because he was in alaska, So what i am saying is if we did the right thing
Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Commodore John Talon
To: All liberty forces
Now that we have our laws set in "stone", I hope you all can do well to uphold and follow them.
Ending transmission..
ooRP: As for you Shad, you did well, but, never ever warn anyone in Alaska except those with clearance, for others, kill on sight. In zone 21 give one warning, if they don't leave immediately, kill them too. No tolerance and no second chances with that.
[Incoming Transmission]
[From: Leo Goodman
To: Liberty Lawfuls]
[Begin Message]
Subject: Penal Code Clarification
Sir, how are we to distinguish those who are carrying contraband and those that are dealing them? Also, are these the fines we are now to be using? Before, we were instructed a fine of 2,000,000 credits if less than 2000 units, and 4,000,000 if more than 2000 units.
Well, big surprise gents. It was a busy day, as always, in New York. Today we've managed to rid ourselves of a Rogue Gunboat by the name of "Bloodsail" who ran a crash landing onto Pittsburg, and Jayde.Wolff who fled out of Liberty.
More importantly, my patience is growing thin with our Northern counterparts. Their lack of concern for the safety of the citizens of Colorado is disturbing. They'd rather sit on their comms and slander the hard work of the Southern Alliance, while we rid their systems of Rogues.
In fact, their presence was non-existent, to the point that we even declined their help. It's always good to see a Rogue at the Colorado Gate, and no NC around to handle the problem.
Finally, they're awful loose with what they say. Luckily, my technicians were able to scramble this transmission before it made its way to an unsecure channel.
I would hope that the [SA] High Command would relay my message of concern DIRECTLY to the Libertonian government. We cannot let this lackadaisical attitude towards our service continue! Either these NC lackeys need to shape up, or get a new job!
With the Most Urgent Regards,
Commander James Farley
***End Transmission***
//OOC: Great RPers Maverick and Jester are. Was most enjoyable bickering with them tonight.
[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Ensign Stephanie Malaign]
[To: Liberty High Command]
Subject: After Action Report
Well, today I decided to get out my Bomber and go for a run.
I found no action or Situation, so I switched into my fighter and went to Connecticut to train with Leo Goodman and Copeland.
After they both left, I picked up a Call for back up By SA recruit Rick Gunner, about a Hacker near The Liberty Rogue Huegonaut
I proceeded to engage the Slipstream, Callsign '|-|arbringer', and the fight was over in 3 paralyzer missiles and 5 sidewinders, which with I hit him when he dropped a nuclear mine, resulting in his sudden destruction
After this, I proceeded to switch to my Bomber, and I proceeded to Houston, Texas System, To stop ongoing traders and incoming traders
After stopping Purple_Fox, he agreed to land and sell his goods on Houston.
There was a Merc, with an Outcast Inferno mounted, in an Ageira , so I asked him where he got it, and he said that he had salvaged it from an outcast he had killed.
Deeming that this was not an acceptable excuse, and that Lt. Edgar Mayfield advised me to get rid of him, (To tell him to leave, not frag him), I told him too leave liberty space immediatly, with which he complied.
After this, I saw another mercenary, callsign 'Merc_Kollon', with nomad weapons mounted.
After asking to see his ID, and him saying he doesn't have one, I said we would have to forcefully remove them.
He opened fire, so me and Alex Walker, another Recruit, proceeded to defend ourselves.
I finished the fight within the minute with my Mini Razor and my Supernova, even though he had blown off my 4 Debilitators. He thought that he had been destroyed by his own torpedo, but that is not true, my Supernova Canon destroyed him.
[Wellington] Claim explanation for what happen today.
Today i just finish to equip my new shiny havok bomber,when i was cruising in New york system ,i see on my long range scanner the =LSF= and the [SA] seems in trouble in a Classified area i cant name here so i proceed to the zone-21 and meet a [SA] officer [SA]Dave Elliston,i offer him my support,first he say no and demand me to turn back,what i do immediatly.
But 2 second after he send me a mesage on private comms and tell me the [SA] high command autorize me to provide support,so i jump into A classified area i cant name here, once there i see the [SA]LNS-Juneau and [SA]Vincent Bonacci and get detroyed in 10 second whitout warning.
Is that what i deserve for risk my life for provide support to the [SA]?
NOW,I claim explanation and reparation for this evenement.
[Wellington] always be a good ally ,but this evenement will not help our diplomatic relation
Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Commodore John Talon
To: Dave Elliston and SA forces
Recruit Dave Elliston, you have made several grave mistakes these past few days, lying to officers about getting permissions for things from other officers, pretending to be an officer of the high command, letting someone into Zone 21 by saying high command authorized them when we did not. I'm afraid I have no choice but to say that sir you are hereby decommissioned from the Navy. You will no longer be an SA member, also, you are to be detained until further notice in the brig on the battleship Missouri. You will also pay a fine for impersonating an officer of the high command.
Ending transmission..
ooRP: Dave, as I said you're kicked from the SA, delete your SA char, and you will pay the fine from your battleship if you still want it alive, considering it shares the same name as your SA for some odd reason and we have not allowed such a thing, also, lying numerous times to get yourself out of such things is a very bad choice.
I never lied !
Today in minefield i saw wellington comming, i ordered him to stop because i wanted to report this to other members.
Someone who was fighted with others in that mission (i can't remember his name) told me : "Let him come to alaska"
I thinked that he was invited to help with he's bomber and 2 seconds after i sayd him that he's cleared to pass.
Attack on Order home:
No-one told me that this is restricted for me i just followed other members because i was in these missions multiple times.
And about dreadnought:
Before i buyed it i asked Greg-LaCroix about permission and asked if i can set the same name.
he answered that i can set it but without [SA] prefix.
This is not a message to approve myself because i will be decomission anyway but i wanted just to tell how it was.
P.S> So anyway it was a pleasure to work with you guys. I didn't thinked that all will end like this. I just followed orders at my best.
Special thx to:
I can't remember his name but second char is gunboat "Luna"
Incoming transmission..
Comm ID: Commodore John Talon
To: SA and LSF
I'd like to commend all SA and LSF forces that participated in our joint actions today, it was a great day for Liberty and many pirates and..other noteworthy individuals, fell before the law.
Ending transmission..
ooRP: About you Dave, our faction post states that you can only be within Liberty for one, second about the Wellington incident, everyone I talked to so far said that your order was "Destroy him" and not "Let him in". And about dreadnought, well, first you said it was LaCroix, then I have a screenshot of you saying it was LaBrie, and now LaCroix again, i'm having difficulties believing in this when the facts change every time you talk to a different person.