COMM ID:Freeport 7, then 11. TARGET ID: Tal Underscore Ravis ENCRYPTION:Yep, it's there. PRIORITY:Not really important, but you are reading it so its kinda stupid to stop.
initializing image feed...
no image feed available... [--------------------------------------------------------------]
Me too.
I'll see you in Bastille. I'm on patrol there for the next four or five years while my game thinks it's up to date but isn't.
Saphire Raven
Rhienland Military
Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defense Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
But honestly I don't get the joke as inRP logic the Marquis are fighting the Gallic Crown and not Sirius.
Finn's taking a stab at the heart of the enemy in the fastest way possible to defeat them! They'ed never expect a suicide strike in the heart of the dominion.. er... I mean Gallia.
@Chrono just finished watching the whole of Star Trek Deep Space Nine~