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Hold up. There was a thread earlier this morning posted when I saw it explode, but the post said the base was restored because of the whole jumphole plugin fiddling with it, or something like that.
Thanks for informing me, but it seems that you are a trouble maker by the way
First you inform me but in a sarcastic, trouble making and rude way
You make an edit and screenshot the deleted post which was made because of several incidents happening + the disappearance of the base without notifying me fast enough. So you are trying your best to cause some kind of miss understanding and bait me into a trouble?
what kind of kids you are @"Omicega" ?
Don't you get bored of being a dirty person ?
If don't know how to help someone with a nice way, then take a look at how @"Auzari" informed me and how my reaction + reply were.
It can be a good reference for now.
I hope you become a mature person one day ... cheers
Honestly, I am more concerned about the description of the base, since I am not completely certain whether or not it was changed to this before or after I restored it. Either way, you are welcome.
Closing thread.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: