Just that... the Rhino freighter, always switch OFF the shield when jettisonning cargo. It should not.
This is a vanilla ship feature, not a bug.
Well... in vanilla, all ships deactivate the shield for jettison something, right now, i think this is the unique one to do so. All other freighters remain shields ON, why this dangerous feature? Its really annoying when you preparing loots and NPCs damaging your hull hehehe. Thas why I consider it a Bug. Even the Sunburst, surveyor, Hegmon, Kamome... all miner ships remain it ON, no sense this one must turn it OFF for no reason.
Just that... the Rhino freighter, always switch OFF the shield when jettisonning cargo. It should not.
This is a vanilla ship feature, not a bug.
Well... in vanilla, all ships deactivate the shield for jettison something, right now, i think this is the unique one to do so. All other freighters remain shields ON, why this dangerous feature? Its really annoying when you preparing loots and NPCs damaging your hull hehehe. Thas why I consider it a Bug. Even the Sunburst, surveyor, Hegmon, Kamome... all miner ships remain it ON, no sense this one must turn it OFF for no reason.
That's because those ships aren't flyable in Vanilla. Ships like the Rhino, Sabre, Guardian, Manta, etc. All of them de-activate their shields to jettison, as they're just buffed versions of vanilla ships.
(01-18-2017, 05:08 PM)Finnugor Wrote: Hallo and a good evening
I installed Discovery and started playing. I saved the game but next time there wasn't any saved games:
After i realised that there are no savegame folder that all. It disapaerd even in the vanilla installation
Any help?
OK no help that all.....its a pitty beacause i liked the game.....ok than delete it
You cant save SINGLE player game in Discovery mode , while MULTI player is auto saved .
You can use commands to have everything you want easy :
-for money : cash ( for example , type : 900000000 , will give you 900 M ) ,
-to be transfered in certain system : System , ( example , type : system Picardy will transfer you there ) ,
-to go to some base/planet : Base ( example , type : base Erie will transfer you there ) ,
-rep fix : Rep , ( example , rep = 1 will make you full green to all faction , type faction name for specific rep ) ,
-all maps explored : show ,
- etc , for in game list of all command type : help .
If you want to play Original Freelancer and save game , then Install Freelancer on different folder than Discovery
The powercore changes aren't in just yet, expect them to be implemented during a separate time during the weekend. Or a bit earlier.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
Can the Nomads get an equivalent of that Maxim Chaingun? We didn't have an actual torpedo launcher to begin with, so it's be nice to at least have a copy of the human weapon.