Now. To address those who keep saying "Why not play a human?" I do role play as several, Ilo Takao, Jean du Frobeige, Miki, and Jenson Volengos. The mentality I have with those characters is not the same driving force that I have with my main characters. I've discussed this with several people on this subject and they saw how and why I roleplay as non human main characters. For me a human character's potential is already drawn out. They're limits are predetermined the moment I think about it when I try to implement them. It ruins the entire aspect I have in character creation. For me when I look at a human and a non human, it's like looking at a box. For a human, I see the box in plain, I know how to react to it by how it looks right off the bat. For a non human, one person I asked this question said he was afraid, said he would be fearful because it is alien, and it would affect his judgement in trust. Its like looking at a box with a blindfold on. You don't truly know if its actually a box.
Now. I ask this question to people who say in response to my retconning and why not just go full human. Would you want to role play ANY of your characters if you had to rectonn years of work you put into them? I did not have to do such, but I did to try and make it even a touch more believable to and for the community. There have been far worse immersion breaking actions in Discovery, and there have been characters that are near the level that mine are that NO ONE argues upon. Name me anyone here who has had to retconn years of work for the community? I don't think there is anyone here aside from me.
For those who say I am simply importing a fetish. Show me one time I've done such to the community? There isn't. We have people who probably do worse things with tentacles and Nomads. All I'm saying on that.
Quote:We have. We don't want furries. Deal with it or leave it be. Our suspension of disbelief does not go that far, and if yours does, fine, go and play your furries elsewhere. Sorry to be so harsh in that regard, but this is turning ridiculous.
We have people who roleplay with anime characters, video game characters, robotics, klingons, people of the blue man group. At what point will it take for people to be satisfied with the community on terms of believability if you restrict one thing after the next? It wont. People do SRP's for ships in circumstances that should not be possible. Where is the utmost rage to such a fevor some people have shown on this topic, when it comes to those? I could call it a hypocrisy or a double standard.
Toris. I appreciate you wanting to help but hold back and talk to me first please.
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Throughout Discovery's history, people have always put lots and lots of respectable effort into writing certain things that, later, get determined to no longer fit community standards in some way or another. The responses to the problem this poses (that it sucks to have your work invalidated) are threefold.
The first response is to adapt the non-fitting parts of the lore until they do fit, sometimes with a couple hidden and non-canonical references to the way things used to be thrown in for those who were around for earlier iterations of the concept to appreciate and nostalgize over -- this is what's happened with the Hellfire Legion, for example. The second response is to bite the bullet and drop the roleplay altogether, either letting others insert small references (as in the first example) or simply retconning it out of existence -- this is what's happened with characters written to have telekinetic powers that were critical to their backstory and the like. The third response is to refuse to accept the way thimgs are and ragequit the community, either deleting all material relared to the roleplay or just letting it awkwardly hang in Limbo forever, because clearly everyone else is the problem, right?
Bret, as much as I'm sorry to say it, your characters being particularly old does not make them special to anyone but you and does not exempt you from having to choose one of the above three options. Toris, pleaae note that your incessant whinging is not only incredibly immature, but sets a basd precedent that discourages the community from comingto a consensus on something. There is no debate. Nobody cares. It sucks. Deal with it. Stop making these threads, pick one of the three options just like anyone who's ever been in your position has, and go play something that actually fits this community's current standards.
(02-01-2017, 07:30 PM)Petitioner Wrote: -- this is what's happened with characters written to have telekinetic powers that were critical to their backstory and the like.
I'm sorry to hijack the discussion, but could you clarify this part further? Is this in the context of humans only or were telekinetic abilities retconned from infested/hybrid characters as well? Asking because it's relevant to my main character.
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(02-01-2017, 07:13 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: We have people who roleplay with anime characters, video game characters, robotics, klingons, people of the blue man group. At what point will it take for people to be satisfied with the community on terms of believability if you restrict one thing after the next? It wont. People do SRP's for ships in circumstances that should not be possible. Where is the utmost rage to such a fevor some people have shown on this topic, when it comes to those? I could call it a hypocrisy or a double standard.
Depicting a character is usually hard to find the desirable image, but, if they're actually RPing as it, it's kinda importing.
Also there's nothing wrong with using video game characters as the portrayal (humans), or robots. Robots - unlike furries - are actually canon. Not just Gammu ones either. Fullout anime is eh - but it's an art style choice.
(02-01-2017, 07:30 PM)Petitioner Wrote: -- this is what's happened with characters written to have telekinetic powers that were critical to their backstory and the like.
I'm sorry to hijack the discussion, but could you clarify this part further? Is this in the context of humans only or were telekinetic abilities retconned from infested/hybrid characters as well? Asking because it's relevant to my main character.
It's usually frowned upon to have some kind of mental ability. It was never really emphasized on in infected characters much from what I could tell, but so long as it's backed by existing lore and fits the universe, there shouldn't be an issue.
It should also be mentioned that there was mention of psychics in the Sigmas in vanilla. It isn't a common thing and they're not overpowered mind wielders, and it'd be a safe assumption that using those kind of abilities have drawbacks, such as strain, physical effects, headaches or even addictions. It'd also be wise to focus a key portion of that development around honing and training one's character to use such.
(02-01-2017, 06:22 PM)Sinh Wrote: What I, presonally, can't get over with is the fact that hard work of this wonderful guy had been ruined after the seven years - which is a lot of time.
Then perhaps you should realize that one's work is not guaranteed to remain in perpetuity regardless of time and effort put into. Things come and go. Many stories preceded and their results, their consequences had already vanished from the context of the mod, just like many factions of the old. Just like I don't expect the work I did here to remain the way it was, in fact it already had changed into something else.
(02-01-2017, 07:30 PM)Petitioner Wrote: -- this is what's happened with characters written to have telekinetic powers that were critical to their backstory and the like.
I'm sorry to hijack the discussion, but could you clarify this part further? Is this in the context of humans only or were telekinetic abilities retconned from infested/hybrid characters as well? Asking because it's relevant to my main character.
It's usually frowned upon to have some kind of mental ability. It was never really emphasized on in infected characters much from what I could tell, but so long as it's backed by existing lore and fits the universe, there shouldn't be an issue.
It should also be mentioned that there was mention of psychics in the Sigmas in vanilla. It isn't a common thing and they're not overpowered mind wielders, and it'd be a safe assumption that using those kind of abilities have drawbacks, such as strain, physical effects, headaches or even addictions. It'd also be wise to focus a key portion of that development around honing and training one's character to use such.
Right. I was implementing it along those lines. It's not something that's a central theme for the character, rather an infrequent plot device. And yeah, the use of those abilities is very taxing for him, and as such they almost only manifest during extreme fight-or-flight reactions or angry outbursts.
You are correct to an extent on things in looking at the options some people have, and I'm not wanting to be special cause of how old my characters are. I couldn't care if they were 100 years old. That's not the point to it.
"The first response is to adapt the non-fitting parts of the lore until they do fit"
-That's what I'm trying to to in the slightest bit. Did you read the backstory revision I placed if I may ask? Do you think it has even the slightest bit of chance for people to think. "Yeah. I can believe that."
"The second response is to bite the bullet and drop the roleplay altogether, either letting others insert small references (as in the first example) or simply retconning it out of existence"
-I've been trying my hardest not to do that for the past few years but I guess its my nature to be rebellious in the face of creativity being destroyed for others.
"The third response is to refuse to accept the way things are and ragequit the community,"
-Thanks for the offer but there are people who I enjoy making a good adventure with. It wouldn't help to fix the situation either way.
And with all due respect mate, you are wrong. There are people who do care, but they wont speak up due to the fact the moment they do, they will be targetted and shunned regardless of what they've done for the community.
(02-01-2017, 07:37 PM)Auzari Wrote: Depicting a character is usually hard to find the desirable image, but, if they're actually RPing as it, it's kinda importing.
Also there's nothing wrong with using video game characters as the portrayal (humans), or robots. Robots - unlike furries - are actually canon. Not just Gammu ones either. Fullout anime is eh - but it's an art style choice.
Let me put my reply in how I see what can lead more onto such.
"These robots in the courtroom are breaking my immersion! BAN IT!"
"I can't roleplay with someone looking like Hakuoro from Utawarerumono! BAN IT!"
Do you see the angle I'm getting at with this?
And yes, I can agree that even with my characters it can be an art style choice in a sense.
(02-01-2017, 07:46 PM)Treewyrm Wrote:
(02-01-2017, 06:22 PM)Sinh Wrote: What I, presonally, can't get over with is the fact that hard work of this wonderful guy had been ruined after the seven years - which is a lot of time.
Then perhaps you should realize that one's work is not guaranteed to remain in perpetuity regardless of time and effort put into. Things come and go. Many stories preceded and their results, their consequences had already vanished from the context of the mod, just like many factions of the old. Just like I don't expect the work I did here to remain the way it was, in fact it already had changed into something else.
Then with all due respect Treewyrm. Why even try to make a story if you know people will forget it or mold it into something else?
Off topic: Wheres our new Trade Lanes and Gates? :U
(02-01-2017, 07:57 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: "These robots in the courtroom are breaking my immersion! BAN IT!"
Except robots are part of Vanilla and Discovery lore.
(02-01-2017, 07:57 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: "I can't roleplay with someone looking like Hakuoro from Utawarerumono! BAN IT!"
That's an art style choice, not putting the actual characters in the game with whatever the heck kind of powers or what-not from some weird sounding anime.
(02-01-2017, 07:57 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: "This guy can use telekinetic powers! HE'S BREAKING ALL MY FEELINGS AND IMMERSION!!! BAAAANNN IIITTTT!"
Psychics are also part of vanilla and Discovery lore. The only alien species in the Sector its self is a telepathic, parasitic ethereal-based life form that occupies other beings and crystalline husks.
(02-01-2017, 07:57 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote: Do you see the angle I'm getting at with this?
No, because you're grasping at straws.
Please refer to this post and the following quote:
(01-30-2017, 07:11 PM)Petitioner Wrote: Please, for the love of god, stop introducing new species into Discovery. I'm begging you, and anyone else with similar ideas, to please just write your own sci-fi story about these sorts of things which are totally alien (haha) to the setting of Freelancer and instead make use of the dozens of awesome yet under-appreciated groups we already have in the game that desperately need much more love, or at least make something new using already-extant resources, like FL-ER or Auxesia did. Please, just no more species, thanks.
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(02-01-2017, 07:57 PM)SMI-Great.Fox Wrote:
(02-01-2017, 07:37 PM)Auzari Wrote: Depicting a character is usually hard to find the desirable image, but, if they're actually RPing as it, it's kinda importing.
Also there's nothing wrong with using video game characters as the portrayal (humans), or robots. Robots - unlike furries - are actually canon. Not just Gammu ones either. Fullout anime is eh - but it's an art style choice.
Let me put my reply in how I see what can lead more onto such.
"These robots in the courtroom are breaking my immersion! BAN IT!"
"I can't roleplay with someone looking like Hakuoro from Utawarerumono! BAN IT!"
Do you see the angle I'm getting at with this?
And yes, I can agree that even with my characters it can be an art style choice in a sense.
What? That was a war mech, a giant oversized robot or something along the lines of it. It forced its way in. Courts of high regard concerning factions usually have armed forces on site (!) - which was disregarded.
Yes, I kind of find using anime characters as cringy, but if they're named like an anime and act like it, it's importing and completely disinteresting. Keep anime junk out.
-Telekinetic powers
Shouldn't be overused - especially like as an anime-esque character. Always kept at a minimum and not the main focus of a character. It's powergaming to an extent and just mary-sue'ish - if it's used constantly. Unless there's actually history behind it or massive drawbacks. If everyone does it, it kind of defeats the purpose of being an extremely rare trait.