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DATE: 08|02|824 A.S.
Recently, I visited the Core of the Eidolon to check out the systems, and well. ERIDIAN seems to be healthy, happy and well - or uh, metaphorically speaking. They're don't have emotions. But they do have some soul. Anyway, uh, all healthy. The stealth armor that we requested from IRG has been operating perfectly. It got dented a little, but nothing we can't repair with the help of our friends.
Friends, hm... Such a rare commodity in this tiny sector.
I've noticed that these... Bretonian Cell Agents have been infiltrating the ranks of the Bretonian forces more and more lately, and worst of all, I think they're secretly trying to force the people of Bretonia against me. That, or - well - I don't know. I feel betrayed. I ran back to my roots, outside of Auxo protocol, just to make sure my things are safe. I'm going to go hide them. For the sake of security, and in favour of me being able to get fresh air away from Hunt, I took four Eidolon Guardians with me.
Speaking about the topic of friendship, Glass is able to walk again, due to the successful operation on his limbs after Maria finally moved when I told her to take care of him. I suppose there's one bright thing of this month so far.
On my first day of distancing myself from Hunt, I carefully observed the Omega-Nine fiasco, and nearing the end of this pathetic clash, I found my results to be repetitive. Corsairs are Cretins, and they have some kind of delusional culture where they think they have honor, but truly have no capability of fighting with elegance. At least I got strategic data about their ships.
I want to get about seeing my personal vessel upgraded, it's inconvenient that my abilities are... hindered, per say. I want to strike fear and love into the hearts of the people. I want to show the universe our technical elegance. Technology is an art, in which I must show people its beauty. It's just unfortunate that other projects seem to take priority, including Project Revenant. I wanted to see if I could get the armor and the energy systems of the Eidolon Wraith replicated for the vessel, but oh well, another time. I need to find willing collaborators, or better yet - designers. Perhaps one of the biggest issues I have concerning this is privacy...
But well, I'm happy here in this little home retreat on Cambridge on my minor break. My things weren't touched, I'm glad for that at least. What is wrong with me lately?
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DATE: 12|02|824 A.S.
It's been quiet lately, which is more or less nice. Well, quietness is subjective. I lost it again when I was out of the mindlink a week ago, and had a stabbing contest with Hunt. I don't think he realised it was me, though. I disguised myself, watching everyone's daily lives, like a nature show. He wanted to force me into doing things, but I disagree, then we just... kind of clashed. It was fun.
Beyond that mess, the only other matter of interest is when I taught the Acolytes some basic training with the blade. Weird kids, they hawk you in such a weird manner.
But alas, I feel more at peace, now that my meditation seasons have restarted. I just wish I had the time to do it more often. I still have yet to begin planning for my Bird of Passage's upgrade, eh. Certainly feels wrong to have that canister of Azurite sitting around, untouched.
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DATE: 22|02|824 A.S.
Lately, I had to travel to Ataraxia, on official duty. Khan. Bloody Khan. They're going rogue. Going against our very way. I simply cannot trust 'her' anymore - I cannot trust the puppetmaster that is Di'Ataru. Me and... Leviathan, have decided that we'll need to dissect her memory, and take out the important bits.
I find it ironic what they say about Wichita, it seems that people /really/ do come here to die. Scouting and scavenge teams have reported they've found /even more/ recently crashed remains on the planet and some underwater stations, another legion wreckage, an unknown derelict research facility - most likely Libertonian, and another reminder of the NTF, truly saddening that these organisations fell. Although, when I returned to the Zeta section of the station, the tech specialists note their worry about the increasing presence of hostile vessels in the sector, back at the labs, they've analysed the times our spatial patrols have ran into them, noting that their sensors have picked up yet another patrol in the sector, twice after the last patrol encounter. I wonder what they're interested in? Maybe they're there to kiss the gate. Who knows. Whatever it is, they're not getting it.
Nevertheless, I've called in for heavy escort duties to the planet for the secure prisoner transfer. I really don't want us to mess up the situation with Khan. Let us hope the operation succeeds.
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DATE: 23|02|824 A.S.
The host of Nesrin Khan's simulation, Di'Ataru, was compliant to the proposal of removing knowledge of the Lightrider and the Dawnbreaker by Leviathan's request, and were shortly transferred to the ship after being put to sleep for the operation. The operation will approximately take two days, but once it's done, they're free to go, out of our hair.
Scavenger team just reported to me as soon as I returned back to the Eidolon Wraith to take care of a few issues, just another day. The team noted that they ran into Xenos on the surface who were acting in a really odd manner around one of the salvage sites of the crashed Space Miner, up in the northern territories. Thankfully, the team attempted communications, but seemed to fail, having to back off from them.
Let us hope it goes well, but as far as I'm concerned, Ataraxia is safe.
DATE: 26|02|824 A.S.
The operation was successful, the facility is reinforced with more troops in the garrison, securely locked down for the time being. I assigned the Science Division labs to work on the new line of generation of exosuits and to set up a virtual AI network to prepare for the upcoming transhumanist arm's formation. As for the Eidolon, we moved back to Inverness for the time being. Let us hope we can make progress in time for the genesises celebrations. Now to figure out who can deliver the supplies...
DATE: 06|03|824 A.S.
A riveting find as I had to cancel our survey on the Dark Matter Clouds in Kepler, to my interest that I find that the Order ordered /five/ Ingennus powercells for their usage. It was noted that the Ingennus vessel was lacking an escort, thus, I escorted the IRG vessel cloaked throughout the entire way, a true test of our abilities on the Wraith.
IFF scramblers were initiated, keeping distance within our veiled device to observe the scenario. It was noted a lesser Nomad had opened fire within Omicron Minor, but was swiftly dealt with. Entering Omicron Mu, we began to eavesdrop within distance. Of course, they didn't say much beyond noting their security was increased, neither were there many Order vessels present. It's possible they were deployed elsewhere, as I noted to the Doctor when he made his unplanned visit.
Quote:[05.03.2017 21:31:27] Order|Draven.Dunn: That is it. Open fire.
[05.03.2017 21:31:29] IRG|Sanctuary: J: Go.
[05.03.2017 21:31:50] Death: Elatus suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[05.03.2017 21:32:02] Order|Draven.Dunn: Lets go.
[05.03.2017 21:32:07] IRG|Sanctuary: J: Right.
[05.03.2017 21:33:46] Order|Draven.Dunn: CV-Spectre, this is Recruit Draven Dunn. I am escorting IRG vessel into our space.
[05.03.2017 21:33:52] Order|CV-Spectre: IRG vessel Sanctuary, hold and submit to scan.
[05.03.2017 21:34:20] Order|CV-Spectre: Now that is something I had not seen before...
[05.03.2017 21:34:57] IRG|Sanctuary: J: I have the cells that were ordered; Delivery location was set at Sicca Shipyard.
[05.03.2017 21:35:42] Order|CV-Spectre: You will be escorted up to Akabat, where we will take upon the delivery ourselves. Tightened security measures.
[05.03.2017 21:35:49] Order|Draven.Dunn: Lets move.
[05.03.2017 21:35:57] Order|CV-Spectre: Proceed with caution.
[05.03.2017 21:36:03] Order|Draven.Dunn: Roger that.
[05.03.2017 21:36:10] IRG|Sanctuary: J: And who is commanding the Spectre at the moment?
[05.03.2017 21:36:45] Order|CV-Spectre: Commanding officer Capella currently holds the bridge.
[05.03.2017 21:37:32] Order|CV-Spectre: You are speaking to Spectre's tactical comms.
[05.03.2017 21:37:58] IRG|Sanctuary: J: Understood, just needed to ensure that these were delivered safely.
[05.03.2017 21:38:19] Death: VoidTracker was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[05.03.2017 21:38:38] Order|CV-Spectre: Sanctuary Command. You will relieve the equipment for further transport into restricted area.
[05.03.2017 21:38:57] Order|CV-Spectre: Thank you for co-operation. It will reach its destination as intended.
[05.03.2017 21:39:07] Order|CV-Spectre: We will notify the R&D without delay.
[05.03.2017 21:39:20] IRG|Sanctuary: J: Hope it does what you need.
[05.03.2017 21:39:35] Order|CV-Spectre: Engaging cloaking device.
[05.03.2017 21:39:55] Order|Draven.Dunn: I will escort the IRG out.
--Omicron Minor--
[05.03.2017 21:43:04] Order|Draven.Dunn: Hmmm.....
[05.03.2017 21:43:10] IRG|Sanctuary: J: Something bothering you?
[05.03.2017 21:43:30] Order|Draven.Dunn: My scanner jumped up for a second.
[05.03.2017 21:43:41] Order|Draven.Dunn: I don' think its anything big.
[05.03.2017 21:43:44] IRG|Sanctuary: J: I wouldn't worry about it.
[05.03.2017 21:43:53] Order|Draven.Dunn: Anyways. The Cells have reached their destination.
[05.03.2017 21:44:07] IRG|Sanctuary: J: Good, I'll make the receipt to show them delivered.
[05.03.2017 21:45:27] Order|Draven.Dunn: All systems show green. And a nomad patrol...
[05.03.2017 21:45:29] Order|Draven.Dunn: Oh well.
[05.03.2017 21:45:34] IRG|Sanctuary: J: As per usual.
[05.03.2017 21:45:51] IRG|Sanctuary: J: Thanks for the escort, we'll be departing.
Naturally, we remained cloaked to keep the Doctor's cover. Although, at one point during the return, our systems stuttered slightly due to the prolonged time that we were cloaked.
It should be noted that the cargo was originally slated for delivery at Sicca Shipyard, most likely in Omicron Epsilon, it being visible that the Spectre cloaked away and immediately engaged cruise engines towards said system. After this small exchange, we returned home.
I had some small talk with the Doctor on the way back, recently learning that his mother has passed away, or at least their brain degraded. He seemed lonely, slightly without hope, as he notes he's unable to have a family. I invited him for tea onboard our ship whenever he finds the time to, as he had a new job, being the head of Ingennus now and having to make several trips to the Omicrons. He's still a friend to me and I hope he's able to come over for a talk.
But for now, the Eidolon is letting the systems cool down, I really need to figure out how we can find the resources to upgrade the energy capacitors, the Azurite Generators seem to be making more than the ship's able to 'consume' - causing a slight overflow, as diagnostics appear to be showing. Who knows. It's just unfortunate that time and manpower is a limited factor nowadays.
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DATE: 21|03|824 A.S.
Everything has been absolutely perfect.
The first few Azurite shipments successfully arrived, reports are being steadily created, the Scientific Division had a breakthrough on one of the Azurite experiments, a 404 Operative commissioned us to analyse a warship - which appears to be going with a smooth pace, the workers on Auge have their first assignment ever, and most of all... The Tea Party went better than expected, and gained us a new bunch of helping hands.
Maybe I overprepared a little bit for the guests, I did technically ordered some of our own cooks to prepare goodies for about fifteen people. Whoops. At least Doctor Hausenberg and his friends have some goodies for their flight. We spoke about the projects, the Tau-117 and Omega-58 incident, shared a little few mutual distastes - to which we actually angered Doctor James too much and he smashed my glass, argh... Oh well. Poor guy, he has a lot more of responsibilities since the change of role in Ingenuus.
Hmm... What else happened? Oh! Right. The Oracle that was interested in us, he's awfully persistant on getting us to do the weapon deal, and now is attempting to find a way to open up diplomacy with the Nomads. Admittedly, I mostly did it for self-amusement, to see if it was even possible or how desperate this young one truly is. Even if we did supposedly 'went through' with it and if it failed, we'd still have a gain, which would be learning more about their psyche, building up a psychological profile.
I did tell him that I strictly believe that they'll end up harming us due to their biological enslavement, and that I would rather free them from this encoded imperative, to allow them to be a species of their own, rather than a faulty program that traps them into a false sense of instinct, to destroy. Are the Solomon K'Hara a conscious being? Or are they an autonomated animal with the ability to manipulate? What even determines sentience? Are they truly their own species or a weapon of a fallen species? A slave without their masters or a key?
But these are questions for later. I can finally relax and embrace the enkindling comfort of my home with my precious. For now. Sirius is a place of harmony and chaos, it's always best to enjoy the small blissful moments of peace while you still can.
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DATE: 4|04|824 A.S.
"What? What's going on? Why is the reactor on lockdown?"
"A compromise was detected, the drones have been sent out to contain it and to analyse for further mishaps. The Reactor was leaking out intensive energy."
"Did the locals pick it up?"
"Not yet. Workers will approximately seal it in 23 minutes."
Clawing her fingers on to her quickly patched wound, she briefly squeezes it like an orange, expecting the juice to come out. Only irritation was found, as they had been in fights previous before the incident.
"Twenty-six injured have been reported to Medbay and received transfer orders to board the orbital shuttle. Roughly sixty-three breaches have been contained within the last ten hours. Nanites have been applied to the breach. "
Raven was seen strutting around in a circle, lost in thought about the situation, their mind being pressured by the enigmatic presence of the energy that wormed in their brain. Worry would soon engulf them, did Azurite Gas escape? Is this going to interfere with the plans of finding home? Are the Bretonians going to find out? Will the Order use this as an opportunity to strike? Will the materials come in time? Are the damages permanent? Will the lingering voices disappear?
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DATE: 22|04|824 A.S.
I took up Steiner's recommendation and took one of these... vacationses? Me, Hunt, Inge and Lennox departed to that Spa and Cruise Liner outside, erhh... The Lava world in Vespucci. It was pretty normal, quiet, too quiet. The interior design was elegant, clean, sleak, quite posh. The same could be said for the furniture and the workers. After signing in, we went straight for dinner, and met some unexpected guests... Enfield and Zeal. They were here to take a break from their mountains of paperwork and wanted to be as far as possible from Rheinland, which is why they decided to come to the heart of Legion space, where no one would expect it. I suppose? I don't know, it still seems too suspicious for me.
After finishing dinner, Noah seemed to shuttle off as he desired to disappear into retirement, leaving Inge alone here, which was peculiar at first. She followed him later on in the night. After that... we... eh, did the usual boring noise. Had a massage, relaxed, swam, whatever. The weekend dragged on too slow. I've never been so bored in my life, why do people relax and take holidays? Waste of my time. The only nice part was the soft plump bed and the food. Very annoying that I had to pretend that I had fun, simply because Hunt wanted to celebrate our friendship.
I'm just glad to be back home and working. I need to develop his path to follow his destiny of being my protege, but worries over the new network rework is dominating my time.
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DATE: 18|06|824 A.S.
Temporary solutions found, medication to restrain the overemotional reaction within place. It's working, for now. I think. Yesterday felt like a dream, unreal, almost forgot I went to New York.
Now I have to travel to the Omicrons to open up new avenues. In the meanwhile, a new person of opportunity was discovered, her name was Karin Walker, a simple trader, born within the Sigmas.
Plans will have to move forward. I'll try to seek out Harbinger, but it seems their kind has made an incursion into New London. The process of understanding must begin now, not after Elgin. Gah, the pain remains within my mind, like heavy sand.
Must persevere. Backups are in place incase of everything going south. Aria, I hope you do well and learn from my mistakes.