Hello, as some of you know, i'm starting photography in disco, Not that i'm good in it or anything
I like taking almost everything i do in game so i figured i'd give something to hold onto when disco is at it's end. so i've kept a memory bank by taking different locations of screenshots ( currently around liberty so far due to activity)
Just a little side note, the ship i'll be using is named Photography.flier and i have no intention to spoil any kind of roleplay or disrupting anything. i plan to keep it perfectly neutral and non-metagaming. the only screenshots i take will not involve tag names or any roleplay texts, as if it was just a normal background. ( i felt saying this was neccesary as my first impression on trial made something think i was gathering evidence, no i wasn't. last thing i need to panic about is sanctions)
Edit: You're free to have a talk with me if you wish while i'm flying around, but keep it to pms. Movement is not neccesary because i can normally manage the angle myself if one is sitting still or not jerking violently.
if you dare take my pictures without credit. i'll hunt you down. You can use them, which is fine. but give credit. You know who you are.
Now that that's out of the way, here are some of my best screenshots
Feel free to send me feedback, always looking for more suggestions.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: https://discoverygc.com/forums/showthrea...pid2306502
The thing with snubs is that you really need to be really close to one to get a nice picture of it. Otherwise you only see some lights and a few dots of a snub. In general I'd adjust your ENB-series to make the game 10-20% brighter, so you have automatically a bit more contrast which helps to define shapes. And try to make one ship in the focus. The focus shouldn't be the shots, as they are literally just shots. The ships however are detailed models. Also, since Freelancer doesn't have a realistic shading engine, I'd try to make sure the ships aren't overlapping each other. Like on the last picture, where it's hard to see where the Cupholder ends and the Overlord begins.