How does one get stuff for indie nomads? Nomad space is incredibly confusing xD. Right now I'm mostly curious about nomad cloaks. I tried buying one from Altair but I don't have the right ID apparently (need to be in K'hara or something?). Also, what can I use as indie nommie from Altair? I've seen a lot of hybrid stuff there.
Nomad official faction has a cloak that requires no batteries and is infinite.
Indie Nomads have to use Nomad cloak batteries and their cloak is apperantly finite as far as I know.
You've probably need to buy the correct cloak from a different nomad base.
t. someone who's never flew nomads but likes to post in flood
(02-22-2017, 03:04 PM)etaphreven Wrote: The one on Altair uses batteries. And what do you mean it's finite? The cloak item expires or are you talking about the batteries being finite?
(02-22-2017, 04:21 PM)etaphreven Wrote: Ah, well yes. I wasn't even aware permacloaks existed until half an hour ago xD. Any idea what the drain rate is? Like 1 per second or more?
Not sure, but its pretty fast. Not something you can use to stay invisible for long, more like a surprise or escape tool.
Well that's odd. As far as I know the ID should be able to buy the first two cloaks without problems. Go try Dur-Shurrikun instead if Altair doesn't allow you to. As for the cloak drain, I remember it being the same as its human equivalents. Albeit, nomad cloaks are separated slightly differently. (Also the cloaks are the exact same, no matter the base afaik. Unless their names are different. K'Hara ID serves as the infinite cloak fuel for the faction iirc.)
Lesser Cloak, snub only. About 4/sec
Greater Cloak, gunboat & cruiser. About 2/sec
Superior Cloak, Marduk/battleship. This one doesn't even matter because the indie ID doesn't allow you to go that far.
Those values are just out of my head, and not 100% certain. Anyone else who knows something here which isn't true, corrections are welcome as always.
(02-22-2017, 09:49 PM)Syf Wrote: Well that's odd. As far as I know the ID should be able to buy the first two cloaks without problems. Go try Dur-Shurrikun instead if Altair doesn't allow you to. As for the cloak drain, I remember it being the same as its human equivalents. Albeit, nomad cloaks are separated slightly differently. (Also the cloaks are the exact same, no matter the base afaik. Unless their names are different. K'Hara ID serves as the infinite cloak fuel for the faction iirc.)
Lesser Cloak, snub only. About 4/sec
Greater Cloak, gunboat & cruiser. About 2/sec
Superior Cloak, Marduk/battleship. This one doesn't even matter because the indie ID doesn't allow you to go that far.
Those values are just out of my head, and not 100% certain. Anyone else who knows something here which isn't true, corrections are welcome as always.
I can dock on Durr? I went there and it just said dock denied so I assumed I need something special.
I just tested it to be absolutely sure, and yes you should be able to dock to Dur without anything "special". Just a nomad restart and a normal nomad ship was all I did.
Can someone knowledgeable double check the permissions by restarting an indie and poking around? I might have messed something up while adding permissions for the regular ID to buy the cruiser and the additional cruiser turrets.
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here: