Just curious as to where the server community and the admin team would stand on a player flying around in a camera ship while streaming various RP interactions, or even possible say.. a tour of the system of Discovery Freelancer?
Well i did do some streaming earlier.. got a camera ship and started flying about and then thought "hmm what if i get into trouble or get someone else into trouble" so i came here to ask the question lol and on a side note i have not published the replay video as of yet... wanted to be sure things were okay first.
(03-10-2017, 05:54 AM)Sola Virtus Invicta Wrote: I would like to see more vids of the server. I've been binge watching Sindroms's vids for a month now. Would be nice to see up to date content.
I have literally watched everyone of Spazzy's Freelancer vids.
admins can set up a ship for you that can use the $chase command so you don't have to fly where the interactions are and missed them out because of the flight time
People want to believe that God has a plan for them.
They don't wanna believe that anyone else does..