Can you stop scanning my cargo bay like I am some kind of civilian? I'm a VA in the Navy I can carry all 4000 Xeno Relics anywhere I want.
Stop trying to dock with a gate 50km away.
Stop shooting Newark.
stop disrupting the tradelane when you are allied to me.
Don't scan me when cloaked. It ruins the immersion.
stop flying repair ships that dont have repair tools.
stop stealing my loot
mostly dont steal my loot. You once stole my LAZURITE and I had to dispatch the ship
Hi. So, i've been coming in this system calld New York. I were coming from Pensyvlania or smth, nvm lol. So I come hard in Badlands and then Rogue NPCs spawn right in front of me and I was like "lol why", but they were like "drop or ddead" but I'm tough so no. And then the Outcasts came in stortas and bombarded my cruiser and I was like "guys u no sport wtf". Actually they were Lane Hackers, lol sori I fckd up (enlgish my not language first lol).
Anyway, after the Xenos came, I've lost the transport of my and then I cried. I am still sad, somteim i cry. My friend Michael came to me and touched me and I smile somtimes. But that's not important, I love hif but not as gay friend lol, he is a good one. Actually he's not Michael, let's call him Stevie (cuz Michael is his real name, i fckd up again, am no good). So Stevie came again and then I saw.
Aand then I was mad I told him "Stev im barking up with you u lying pis of crap" and he was like "plz no, i luv u". I cried again cuz I luv him but as not my gay friand and stuff u know, so we craid and then it's all good now. we are happy.
So the NPCs from Royal Navy were not cool man. THat's not how yu do a good sport man. Respectu other peoples flyung man.
Rudimentary creatures of blood and flesh, you touch my mind, fumbling in ignorance, incapable of understanding. - Sovereign