I don't. I want your faction leader to stop with this ridiculous attitude. We're reasonable people, we are open for feedback, for talks. When I write feedback and point out things, I don't want one-liners or excuses about hurt egos. I want to get rid of this craptalking and want this to be dealt inRP with. We have been open for any kinds of roleplay so far when it was about the Oracles, and you know that, Zyl. The Vagrants have always reacted within their reasonable patterns of behavior, and one snarky, insubordinating Oracle got shot once. K'hara never talked with the Vagrants (inRP, to clarify). All we got so far were group invitations. Like, we had more inRP conversations with nomad indies and Aoi and Wilde. With K'hara, literally only one, which was Reena, who joined the Vagrants.
(03-22-2017, 09:11 AM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: I don't. I want your faction leader to stop with this ridiculous attitude. We're reasonable people, we are open for feedback, for talks. When I write feedback and point out things, I don't want one-liners or excuses about hurt egos. I want to get rid of this craptalking and want this to be dealt inRP with. We have been open for any kinds of roleplay so far when it was about the Oracles, and you know that, Zyl. The Vagrants have always reacted within their reasonable patterns of behavior, and one snarky, insubordinating Oracle got shot once. K'hara never talked with the Vagrants (inRP, to clarify). All we got so far were group invitations. Like, we had more inRP conversations with nomad indies and Aoi and Wilde. With K'hara, literally only one, which was Reena, who joined the Vagrants.
Seriously. We're open for talks. You know that.
How interested would you be in "talks" when you can't trust anything said? How is it I'm supposed to capitulate to something that i can't trust?
This isnt a game or open for discussion. I meant it Im through.
I guess then you are incapable of leading your two factions, if you aren't even able to talk with other people to constructively sort things out.
I stick with it: Green room, if you need it. Just poke Spazzy, Spider or anyone else, they already have my Skype and we can talk things out. This isn't however a thing about trust but about responsibility, because you can easily better than that. The least thing you can do is stop craptalking us, because we have high standards on roleplay and communication. You know that. If I would write things to be mean, you'd notice it. Especially you.
Though, I should mention that Commune views Vagrants, K'Hara and indie Nomads same. That's how they work, that's their lore, to follow Nomads and aid them where ever it is requested for them.
Commune is aware of differences between the said parties, the mind shares. That's due to Hussaini, who is infected but that happened on Samarra, before Samarran Raiders even stepped into rest of Sirius and got to Outcasts. The Nomads around Samarra were of different mindshare as well and thus, Hussaini is not capable of communicating with either of those parties in that manner. I don't know when it comes to indies? Do they communicate between them on some indie universal mindshare that could be "heard" by these, developed Nomads?
In any way, we cannot separate them. We do consider them same so if one of those groups say to us that we're not allowed to be in Nomad home systems, we will comply. Though, we'd like to reconsider this because Commune does always defend Nomad home systems against "intruders", except Oracles and/or known infected agents or associates that are acknowledged by Nomads.
We had iniciative to do RP with Vagrants about special artefact that would give Hussaini ability to communicate with Vagrants and their mindshare (i don't know if fully, or limited). Perhaps, it would be good to do same with K'Hara, if Huggie's up for it.
There are 3 notable figures in Commune however, and I'd like to justify it:
Jared Nomak is Samarran, and he's religious fanatic. Even with the facts that came to him on their own, that showed him there are no gods, he still somewhere believes in opposite. Though, when it comes to opinion that they are not gods, he's still grateful for what Nomads initially did to Samarra. They ended that bloddy "civil war" on a planet that didn't had enough resources for everyone but, they managed to unite the people with few chosen "prophets" or, leaders of groups and fractions that were created.
This is what Nomak seeks with Commune. To shape Sirius in a manner that Nomads did to Samarrans.
There's Bassam Hussaini. We consider him a true evolved individual, when it comes to infectees. His body and incubus did merge into one, and mutated the body in certain way like, skeleton that protects better the internals including incubus and so on. There's no typical two individuals and feel of euphoria if "he agrees". That period ended long time ago on Samarra, as Hussaini was actualy saved from slavery as that. True Hussaini is no more, it's the incubus that lives life of a human, but some of Hussaini's character has remained. It's representation of a Nomad from Samarra era, that has same goals as those Nomads had for Samarra. It thinks of it as Samarran, it reffers to it as that and feels like a part of Commune, not as an agent to keep humans on tight leash and control them.
There's Dave Synk. Leader of long gone groupation of Order, called Cerberus. Their goals were similar to Commune's, to shape Sirius and find solution for Nomads and humans to live in coexistence. Though, he's more of technology guy, he both trusts Nomads but in same time is afraid of them using humans anyway. He strives to develop solutions for Commune in order so we could achieve our goals easier, that includes helping Nomads anywhere but as well, does develop countermeasures if Nomads, when and if our task or vision will be complete, they decide to take us out. Who knows?
Dave Synk has implants from the Cerberus days that are spreading trough his body but, they cause a lot of issues. Body tries constantly to deny them as a outer body. He as well, lost his wife or girlfriend in I believe K'vosh system, or was that just the story Synk told Nomak inRP that was actualy set up hallucination in which Synk believes. He as well strives to find her.
When it comes to implants, they give him very limited ability to communicate with any Nomad, but recently (he never really used them before for this) he managed to communicate with infected LSF agent that was linked above.
Rest of Commune, are individuals that either seek shelter, brotherhood or are believing in Nomads as gods or spitis, and as well are on quest to contribute to "Great Work" that means, to shape Sirius in a way so Nomads and humans could live in coexistence. As Commune has it's own goals aside of following Nomads, like to develop themselves and establish themselves in Sirius, others do simply back up the faction in terms of gathering income and claiming bounties and as well, fighting those that we should fight.
If they do show their wish to accompany either Hussaini or Synk, as they have their specific cells, they are assigned to either of them. Synk's is responsible for R&D while Hussaini's is all about affairs, diplomacy and spreading our agenda trough Sirius. New recruits are automatically assigned to Nomak's cell, that is mainly fighting force that pushes the faction onwards.
edit: When it comes to Oracles, we are suspicious about them and what they do, we're not sure exactly. I mean, inRP. There were few events when we captured a proof of possible Oracle- Auxesian cooperation and recently, we were accompanied by Wiliam Gaster or former Oracle|Laguna, who told us more on this matter. Will be in MD soon, so you will be able to see. But, for beginning:
I am still waiting for some sort of turning point for you, regarding this PM I sent you and was only answered with this. It seems like you completely block anyone who is calling you out on the bad attitude you perpetuate, as evidenced by you using the same words when addressing Sombra's point earlier.
This is a problem because it breeds dissent and is not healthy or helpful in any way towards the server environment. I tried talking to you before on Skype, and I was removed. I tried PMing you, and I was one-lined. I write this here, and it will be dismissed. However, I do dearly hope that you realize that this is not cool. You are not sticking it to the man, the evil Foxglove who is taking away your job. All I would really like is a healthy dialogue between us two, but apparently, even the greenroom treatment did not help.
So what does that leave me with? Just another person who feels wrong by me simply existing, apparently. There is no way for me to change anything on your stance, because you've apparently already demonized me to the point where even talking is a cardinal sin. Can we please return to a normal tone of voice?
I am still waiting for some sort of turning point for you
On what planet would i have to care what your personally waiting on me to do? The hubris is amazing.
It seems like you completely block anyone who is calling you out on the bad attitude you perpetuate, as evidenced by you using the same words when addressing Sombra's point earlier.
Somba and you make astounding leaps in judgement and expect anyone you engage in to cater to your whims like their some sorta universal constant.
I dont deal with you because of the trust issue which is predicated with personal history and the only ones throwing it in the air and making a huge fuss is you. So keep it up and it'll keep cycling the same way if you leave it alone it'll stop.
But dont misconstrue it as I treat everyone this way. not everyone acts like you did not everyone did what you did and not everyone mobs the guy they dont like in public cause they dont do or act as YOU prescribe them to. Grow the fuck up.
This is self evident you're the only yiddish cup in what I normally have cordial relations. Hell milos thinks i betrayed him and he didn't go out if his way to make it personal in this feedback thread. he gave feedback you folks are decided doing something much more immature and you dont even see it.
This is a problem because it breeds dissent and is not healthy or helpful in any way towards the server environment. I tried talking to you before on Skype, and I was removed. I tried PMing you, and I was one-lined. I write this here, and it will be dismissed. However, I do dearly hope that you realize that this is not cool. You are not sticking it to the man, the evil Foxglove who is taking away your job. All I would really like is a healthy dialogue between us two, but apparently, even the greenroom treatment did not help.
So what does that leave me with? Just another person who feels wrong by me simply existing, apparently. There is no way for me to change anything on your stance, because you've apparently already demonized me to the point where even talking is a cardinal sin. Can we please return to a normal tone of voice?
Are you for real? This is between us. onlyone projecting it outward is you. Clean yourself up.
also you dont need to recount the whole dramatic series of events unless you just wanting to air the laundry out for all to see. you did it like some pissed off ex girlfriend. i'm sorry you feel bad for the shit your reaped upon yourself in regards to me but all you gotta stress out about is bothering me.. ME period. I have not told anyone else to vilify or hate you I support everyone coming to their own conclusions.
At the end of the day FG this only affects me and you our respective members could rp with each other all day and it'll be cordial but you just have to keep being paranoid and sticking it out for the worlds to see. That's fine if that's how you get off but one thing is self evident.
This is just between me and you. it doesn't hurt the community and I go out of my way to make it thus. I can be through with you I can make that decision make no mistake either.. You really dont have the much impact on me.
It is sad that you think this way. Our "whims" are merely the desire to engage with you like the human being capable of dignity that you are, but apprently, it is undesired in turn. Criticism does not equal bullying. Just so you know.
Huggie, you made this a thing the moment you uploaded a two hour long video about how wrong the officialdom of the Vagrants is.
What I expect from you is showing your ability to increase the quality of K'hara to a point it once was, half a year ago, before it was more of a meme. And I expect from you that you use your ability to talk - like, in the video, you actually pointed out your issues, even when they were based on you not really having read the Vagrant Lore Write-up. You can talk things out. If not with Foxglove, then rather with me, because I am not Foxglove, but a person on my own. I don't know why you think I am oh-so super judgemental. I pointed things out that could easily be fixed by doing exactly what you once said you would do: Using your firm hand. Instead, even after all the things I wrote in the K'hara Feedback Thread and in your own feedback thread (the one that is invisible now but still linked in your signature), you pull off other funny moves like flatrate faction recruitment, or allying with the devil. (About the latter I couldn't really care less, to be honest, but it left an unhealthy taste in many people's mouths when they read about it.) You demand common sense? Start with it yourself.
Foxglove is a reasonable person. I am. You are. Let's talk your issues out. The way it looks to this point, it is an ego problem with an unhealthy addition of paranoia and ill-will. Projecting things outward, as you said, started usually from your side. You made snarky comments about the Vagrants here. And then your two hours of "No Vagrants, please" which was informative but was anything else than pristine. And you wonder why we have to voice ourselves here in public? You blocked Foxglove on Skype and responded with a one-liner to him. The latter you did with me as well in the Feedback Threads.
Grow up yourself. Either show constructive behavior or show once more you're rather driving down the road into the abyss. The choice is yours, Huggie. If I was you, I'd swallow my pride and do the right thing.
I have had great RP with a lot of Oracle members over the past few weeks. Even with certain inRP circumstances in place (such as RPing in an Order| ship when the ID would state I should have been shooting) the RP has been very good, even if I could not keep up with it all the time.
Keep it up guys. Bring me a copy of the Oracle Weekly newspaper if you happen to fly past one of my ships (or squishy nom things).